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Everything posted by Petrow

  1. @Groove is this a suggestion topic or topic to show how "cool" you are. I've had such conversation with mongs like you before that think cs and m4 is nothing but bug and luck. Educate yourself more and stop thinking you're something or someone. It's a game from 2004 so everything is buggy if you ask me.
  2. Just gotta say that sniper was still a very usable and valuable weapon even before hs got added so refrain from being stupid please.
  3. I expect using headshots to be limited
  4. @Moley Unbalanced af compared to other weapons
  5. @Bodo420 I have already stated the issue releated to it, sniper was already a ''skilled'' valuable and usable weapon before adding HS. Sniper is now being used 75% of the cases this poll is to add some kind of variety when it comes to using different weapons other than sniper :D
  6. As everybody knows, Sniper is the most valuable and usable weapon in the turf wars currently, people dont really use other weapons. Why don't you remove headshots from every turf war and put it like before only on 1 city or in county cities. Sniper was already very very strong weapon before adding headshots to it in every turf zone. Also sniper's range is 300 metres which is very very powerful itself, makes it much superior to any other weapon. I understand that some people might find it very fun, buttt... it is not really balanced
  7. delete pls, it got bugged
  8. Make blips and names visible in the whole map when you are in an unnoficial organization. Just like it is in official groups gangs, squads etc..
  9. @kockata Not servers fault, we need to get different internet providers. Its our fault.
  10. @Bartman should've suggested a cop tazer buff instead :joy: :joy:
  11. EVENT NUMBER 140 Event type: Knock me off the NRG LWS member: Alex Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Elegant, Krasava and gave the 3rd guy 500k cuz i didnt quite see who won (HellomyfriendL9 that was his name) Event description: I will be driving around and they simply using a vehicle need to knock me down, the ones that do it during the event win it. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/a7l5dsb
  12. 18+ https://streamable.com/3rldai
  13. EVENT NUMBER 139 Event type: Kill the LWS LWS member: Legend Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Smurf Event description: Basicly they should kill the LWS(obviously), butttt we made it a little more challenging and interesting. The LWS could shoot the participants back to protect himself. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QX0mtI2
  14. EVENT NUMBER 138 Event type: Hide and seek LWS member Corn Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): sanyok Event description: The participant will basicly need to hide and avoid my shots, last one to stay alive wins. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Q6EGQEl
  15. @Tut-Greco I am not quite sure on how to use this website and where to go, how to report etc.. if you could report it using the video provided above I would be very thankful.
  16. I have recently saw this and I wanted to report it as it is pretty annoying, I saw other people complaining about it but no one reported it. So basicly when someone crouches it bugs. You can clearly see what exactly happens below. https://streamable.com/6vwubx
  17. Happy birthday men
  18. EVENT NUMBER 137 Event type: King of the tower LWS member Yoko Prize: 10.000.000$ Winner(s): @flora @Dizzy Event description: It is basicly a deathmatch event in which you need to kill everybody that you see except your partner(obviously). Teams of 2 were allowed, however you could also play on your own. We let the people have fun and deathmatch for 45 minutes. After that we closed the top of the tower and the last team alived there won the entire event. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kk3ZbyT
  19. EVENT NUMBER 136 Event type: Fast, Brave and Accurate LWS member @Marko Prize: 3.000.000$ Winner(s): @Rick Event description: It is basicly a one on one deagle. You will need to walk to the deagle that is placed a few metres away from you, pick it up and kill the oponnent that has to do the same thing. It is a cowboy edition so they dont need to run after they have picked the deagle and they also fight eachother on a straight line as shown in the screenshots below. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2rIaEQj
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