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Everything posted by Petrow

  1. I suggest that you allow players that are part of criminal gangs participate in bank robs whenever they wish to. That will make the BRs far more competitive and interesting for both cops and criminals.
  2. @blizzard said in [CHANGE] BR Starting - Minimum Requirements - Part 2: Honestly I'd argue it would also be a good idea to allow gang members to participate in BRs as cops, just like they are allowed for SR and JB, at the very least with a truly dead cop side it would make the BR scene far more competitive +1, Let any gang members participate as cops in an ongoing BR. That would put more pressure and atmosphere within the bank robbery. Not to mention that the numbers would be fairly equal and it would be far more fun. I suggest removing this as a rule and letting gang members attend BRs whenever they wish to do so.
  3. Address: LS antique store Account name: lucya Last seen: 18th september 2021 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KkGxbFh
  4. Actual meme of a gang
  5. @Henry Fix problem dumb fuck?
  6. Display Name: Petrow Username: presko99 Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/100699-donation-petrow-amount-2000-gbp/ Total number of Donation Points: 20
  7. Address: Closed Applestore Account name: Falcoli Last seen: 4th August 2021 Screenshots:
  8. Starting bid: 5m Property icon: ::: ::: Distance from bank to the property ::: :::
  9. Address: Stripclub Of Ghost Town Account name: fener1907 Last seen: 21st July 2021 Screenshots:
  10. Not to mention the cops who spawn as trainees and attend the brs as such so that the doors open slower cause of the low cop count, absolute mess
  11. The cops who log out or respawn during the regroup wont get punished ofc
  12. Account name: presko99*
  13. Address: Undercover Brothel Corp Account name: zapzzz Last seen: 17th June 2021 Screenshots:
  14. EVENT NUMBER 154 Event type: Fallout LMS LWS member: Colobria Prize: $3.000.000 Winner(s): Latino Event description: It is basicly all vs all and you gotta fight the rest as well as you have to run around. The LWS will be removing objects around you so you have to be carefull not to fall.
  15. EVENT NUMBER 153 Event type: AvD LWS member: Xpooks Prize: 5.500.000$ Winner(s): Bodo's team(420) Event description: The event is basicly divided into 2 teams, 1 of which is attacking and the other one obviously deffending. Attackers have x amount of time to take down the deffenders team before the LWS allows the deffenders to attack the attackers so that the event doesn't get delayed. Obviously the team that gets defeated loses ::: :::
  16. EVENT NUMBER 152 Event type: Team deathmatch LWS member: MrSolrac Prize: 9.000.000$ Winner(s): Brother and Burako (the 3rd left) Event description: This is a team of 3 event where everybody has to kill the rest and survive at the same time in order to win the event price. All guns are allowed ::: :::
  17. @bodo420 said in Turf War Suggestion: It would be really hard to balance , like imagine 1 gang member turfing with about 15-20 helper . he can turf whole the map solo then , I like the idea actually but pretty sure it's hard to apply Well, its not really hard to balance, I don't understand the problem in your example also. Only the members of the 2 gangs, the turf owner and the attacking gang could decrease/add about 7 points to the turf bar everytime a kill would be made on each other. Helping criminals wouldn't get this kill % bonus if they scored a kill on one of either from the two parties, to make the influence of the turf owner and the attacker gang slightly higher when it comes to attacking/defending the zone. Also this would balance the quantity>quality issue in wars, for example even if a turf owning gang that is outnumbered by an attacking gang manages to get many more kills on the opposing party the zone will still eventually fall to the attacker in this example, that has higher numbers, even with the higher death count of the attacking gang members, as quantity is way more impactful on the turf % bar than kills/deaths. The % would still raise or drop in the current way, only in addition kills would grant a bonus.
  18. Hello there! I have recently spoke to a lot of people that take part in turf wars quite often so I come here with the following idea: The % bar to be influenced by 7 everytime either the attacker or defender got a kill on each other. I do understand and know from experience how painful it is fighting gangs and helpers that are pretty much useless but they are there just to distract you and outnumber you. However preventing your own helpers and allies from helping you in the turf zone doesn't make sense in my opinion. The above suggestion would seal the deal in some way.
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