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Everything posted by Petrow

  1. `Pooks if ur getting emotional that easy I suggest you visit psychologist soon
  2. I remember turfing for 7+ hours and it was fun as fuck back in the days, now its full of philosophers, but in practice they do not know much
  3. I suggest you spend some more hours on shooting cuz you dont seem to know much haha
  4. full of bugs hah, no offence but that is words that come out of a person that knows fuck all about combat shotgun m4 and how they both work josh is right and thats the main reason im making this topic, I for example have 10 ping and i eat everything when im being shot for people with 200+ping mainly latinos it takes 1-2 seconds for them to start taking damage sometimes they dont even take dmg also headshot is a coinflip bullshit cuz it doesnt all the time reflect if thats how i can say it
  5. Not about me hitting or not, Its a suggestion vote and go away, thanks
  6. Note: People good only with sniper will vote No cuz they cant handle another gun ;)
  7. Road Trip, 5th of April 2020 ::: :::
  8. GhostTown 1v1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9TuHaLL_9Q&feature=youtu.be
  9. 2v1 GhostTown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I50ME-IE40w
  10. No happy birthday to you, BYEEE
  11. Personal Information: -In-Game Name: Petrow -Login Name: presko99 -Real Name: Preslav -Age: 16 -Where you from: Bulgaria In-game Information: -Rate your English skills from 1 to 10: 8,5 -Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1 to 10: 7 -How long are you playing SAES: around 5 years already -Previous organisation(s): SAFP, CripZ, ThC, UE, LWS, NavM and curently part of HS -Have you ever been banned? (If yes, mention why): I have been banned twice once for multiaccounting and once for hosting rigged scam event Explain Following: -Explain what Deathmatching means: Deathmatching means damaging, killing someone without a reason -Explain what Roleplay means: Roleplay is trying to act as if it was in real life Additional Questions: -Why should we recruit you?: I think I am a very active friendly and mature guy. Also I have the ability to listen to orders and do as I am told which is a very big + in my opinion. -What you can offer to Horrific Reapers MC?: I could pretty much help with any kind of activity as I am a very active individual at the moment -Tell about yourself (More than 3 sentences.): My name is Preslav. I am curently 16 years old and I will turn 17 in July 22nd. I have been living in the UK for about 4 years already. The reason ''we'' by we I mean me and my family moved to the UK is because of poorness, my dad had to work in 3 different jobs at the same time but the country isnt fair and he didnt get paid as much as he should have had.
  12. Mi want to join
  13. I have to spam the binded key over 10 times for my character to finally get some action and starting doing as im telling him :D
  14. Should it be removed or no? In my opinion it should because it is pretty annoying and I literally see no point in it whatsoever. Lets see what yall think
  15. boxing(lagxing) is useless laggers win all the time + there is a glitch that appears and one of the 2 boxers that for example are 1v1ing will get a huge advantage by this bug
  17. EVENT NUMBER 117 Event type: Last Man Standing LWS/G6 member: @Yoko_Kurama Prize: 1m Winner(s): @Rolando12 Event description: In this event type you will need to kill everyone and be the last man alive, that is how you win the event and win the price Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. Time to become fattt
  19. EVENT NUMBER 116 Event type: Boxing all vs all LWS/G6 member: @Hotfire Prize: 1m Winner(s): @mazen Event description: Everyone will fight eachother till death with fists, the one being alive at the end is the winner of the event Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. EVENT NUMBER 115 Event type: Drag Race LWS/G6 member: @Hotfire Prize: 1m Winner(s): @Spicey Event description: The participants will race each other in a straight line, first one to finish wins Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. EVENT NUMBER 114 Event type: Chicken Shooter LWS/G6 member: @Hotfire Prize: 1m Winner(s): @raafet Event description: The participants need to run and survive from the bullets coming into them, last one to do so wins Screenshots: ::: :::
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