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Everything posted by Petrow

  1. @Vennelle so wipe everything? I mean that is for SAES to decide .
  2. @Vennelle Maybe gang properties should stay? Only normal player's belongings should get wiped?
  3. Just gonna state the fact that by doing this SAES will get rid of money whores and the gameplay will be more enjoyable
  4. This was suggested like two years ago by bone and It still isn't decided so I wanted to make another topic about the same thing just to wake people up and see if that is going to happen. Basicly what Economy reset is that everyone is going to get his full account wiped which includes (cars, properties, bank account, weapons etc.) And when everyone begins from 0 the eceonomy should be fixed and by fixed I mean everything costs less but you also earn less. So without further ado lets see what you guys think... ONCE AGAIN
  5. polat dont bid here, you never offer money in game u want property exchange, 98 here
  6. Nickname: Petrow Username: presko99 Age: 16 Country: Bulgaria but currently living in the UK(Wales) Languages spoken: Bulgarian and English (pretty fluently) From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 8.5 How long have you been playing on SAES: 4 years+ In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins is the oldest gang that is located in a big ship in San Fiero. They are professionals when it comes to selling best quality weapons in a fair price all around SA. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): The Company- I just got fed up from the retardness of some of the members and left. SAFP- Kicked due to the ban mentioned below, which was the multiaccounting one. CripZ-Had some problems with the leader and not only with him. UE-I was kicked for responding to the bullies in the mainchat. Navy Malistrip- I quit because there was injustice towards me and some of the members. I do not want to go into details because that will cause fights which I am definitely not looking for. I could explain in game more detailed, if needed. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: I was banned once for multiaccounting but the fault wasn't really mine because I could barely speak English so I couldn't explain the admin that I made another account because I forgot my main account's password which led me to a ban. And I was banned one more time for hosting rigged events as LWS in order to pay out my debts that I owned to a friend but I didn't really think of the consequences that might possibly happen, I was a kid back then but everyone learns from his mistakes. So I am pretty sure I will stay clean and mature for the rest of my SAES career Name 3 Bankrob rules: A gang is allowed to do maximum of three bank robs per day. Members of the gang who are robbing the bank can kill any player inside the bank. Switching to a gang to help another gang cracking during a bankrob is not allowed at all. Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: At first I should not tell the police about the bankrob, also I can not steal their bankrob by trying to crack the first safe on my own. Name 3 Turf rules: Dont spawn in a property that is inside the turf zone. Toggling turf war off to avoid headshots is strictly forbidden. If I am killed inside the turf zone whilist I am actively participating is not counted as a deathmatch. What is Roleplay?: Roleplay is trying to act as if it is real life. What is Deathmatching?: Killing or damaging people for no reason. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: As a very experienced player I would go to his gang HQ(if he has one of course) and tell the HQ that what he did is not right so that he can speak to him and teach him what to do next time. If he is gangless I would go and speak to him directly and explain him that what he did is not right so that in future he plays by the rules. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Move on Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: I have a lot of friends in the gang. I would be very happy If I have the oppurtunity to play with them and have fun together. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): My name is Preslav I am currently 16 years old and I was born in July 22nd 2003 year. I like spending my spare time playing SAES:RPG and having fun. I also go to the gym, listen to some music and hang out with friends. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I would like to also share you some of my time spent with the AA members: ::: :::
  8. @zaza said in Show us yourself V3: @Petrow said in Show us yourself V3: BALD KID thats the face when rikki scammed you 100m that's the face when I realised that his leader wasn't even bothered that his member scams
  10. @Tokyo prove them wrong
  12. Address: Cannabis Shop Ls Account name: kmkm567 Last seen: 2nd February 2020
  13. hbd
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