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Everything posted by Petrow

  1. you were wondering what a LWS scammer looks like? HUH {MIDDLE ONE} NOKIA QUALITY
  2. ops, sorry 10m then
  3. @DROT I have zero clue about scripting as well, however I do not think it is my job or other player's job(non admin) to create new things for the server. It is entirely up to the current admins/developers to provide us with good gameplay conditions as it was in the past. Anyways If I knew how to script I would be glad to help you guys out especially with this subject. Unfortunately I am clueless.
  4. SAES indeed needs some variety in order to keep the current players alive. From personal experience I'm sure most players are bored from the current lifestyle of SAES:RPG. Storey robery, Vip, bank roberrie, that's what it is like everyday. And here the common denominator is the ones that regularly play on the server and/or have played for years. I saw that there are some pending [unsolved suggestions] since like a year or two. But not much attention is paid into some of the suggestions that actually look cool and players agree to be added in the server. There is no one that can tell me that he is happy with the current gameplay of SAES:RPG
  5. bulgaro asian girl
  6. buyout price is 100m, if anyone is ready to pay it now I can sell
  7. its an auction the one that bids the most gets it
  8. I need offers, if you have 1 bring it over and I will think
  9. Starting bid : 2m Property-
  10. happy birthday ali baba
  11. 1 icon big property Usable base Near SR Good location Gui ::: ::: Exterior ::: ::: The building itself ::: :::
  12. I forgot to also mention that this is a 1 icon property which is a big +
  13. GUI ::: ::: EXTERIOIR ::: :::
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