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Everything posted by Rasta

  1. Another property on sale Huge Car Park in LS 20 away from jail taxi driver spawn 200 vehicle capacity ATM, Gas Station, disk Price: 100.000.000$
  2. @SweetGSF Property already sold mate. Gz!
  3. @MoonLord023 Property sold. Gz mate!
  4. @MarwinL1 LS Business has been sold to MarwinL. GZ for the prop bud!
  5. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever?: 30 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: It's the first time Why do you need this change?: Squad purposes Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/post/112650 Links to your previous donation changes requests: N/A ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: I want to remove the wrap from my shamal Location: Las Venturas Airport ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Police LV at Las Venturas Police Department Vehicle 2: Police LV at Los Santos Police Department
  6. (Not trying to challenge SAHA, just here to help) Do you need a person to find a buyer for your properties? Do you need a property in any place around San Andreas? You came to the right topic then This topic will be used to help anyone that needs to sell or buy a property, what do you need to do? Well that's easy, you just need to follow the instructions and let me take care of the rest. You will need to leave a comment with the follow details for the property you want to sell or a property you might need. 1. Properties to sell ### **Property to sell** Property owner(ingame name): Property adress: City/County: Price range: Any details you want to add: Screenshots: 2. Properties to buy ### **Property to buy** Ingame name: City/County: Price range: Any details you want to add: I'm here just to try to help anyone that needs these services. Leave a comment if you have a property to sell or if you need to find the right property for yourself or even for Gangs, Squads or Groups. Archive: (This will be used to post every property that will be for sale. If you are interested in one of them contact me or the owner directly) 1. Huge Car Park at Los Santos by Illusion 2. 12k income business at LS by Siirtuga
  7. Involved SAI members: Luke.Hobbs Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) Rookie Other involved people: Jimmy.Ophealen @Fluid Date, time and duration of activity: ~20 minutes Activity type: RP Patrol Activity Details: Luke and Jimmy left San Andreas Interceptors Headquarters around 6:50 pm on a state wide patrol. During this patrol they were able to catch some criminals that didn't want to stop their car and have a "conversation" with these 2 officers. The last suspect they were chasing realised that he didn't had any possibility of getting away so he decided to stop. Jimmy did his job on interrogating him on this traffic stop and in the end it all worked fine. Time to go off duty for now! Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MrB1IBE
  8. Involved SAI members: Luke.Hobbs Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) Rookie Other involved people: Jimmy.Ophealen @Fluid Date, time and duration of activity: ~20 minutes Activity type: RP Patrol Activity Details: Luke and Jimmy headed out on a patrol when suddenly they came across a trucker that was speeding, he didn't cooperate with us so we were able to neutralize him. The rest of our shift was quite peacefull, without any criminal activity. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JxdZdvU
  9. Involved SAI members: Luke Hobbs (Rasta) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID): Rookie Date, time and duration of activity: 01/12/2019 15 minutes Activity type: State wide patrol Activity Details: Rookie Luke.Hobbs started a state wide patrol around San Andreas. Everything looked normal and there wasn't any criminal activity so Luke decided to go off of duty. San Andreas looks fine without criminal activity and Luke will be there to contribute for that! Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/H9WLh4W
  10. A lot better this way! Good job pal :D
  11. @Markus The security system is a completely different thing but i agree with you on that point as well
  12. @Crash I didnt see that sorry :D
  13. I'm here to suggest something like this we have in M pannel for properties: Having a similar pannel for people to post their cars on sale would be a nice way of making easier for people to sell and buy cars from another player. This could also prevent the massive chat advertising about people selling cars Leave a vote if you agree or do not agree and leave a comment with any usefull information
  14. Topic updated according to the new way of checking properties putted up on sale (You can find this on point 5.)
  15. Point 7 about house hoarding added after a suggestion and the help of @Crash
  16. Point 5 added to help on a good auction topic creation
  17. Point 4. added after a suggestion made by @JohnnyEnglish :D
  18. Any suggestion is welcomed guys! Leave here any point i might have missed
  19. ~[This topic will be used to give some tips to new players on how to find a good property or business.]~(blue) 1. Property/Businesses location A good property location can be an easy way for you to spawn near important points on the map such as: Near any bank: This will help you arrive faster to a bank robbery on the city/county that you own the property. Will help you on stopping bank robberies if you play as a cop and will also help you to arrive at the time of earning money as a criminal on the bank robbery; Close to Jail: This can be useful for you to spawn as a cop or criminal near the jail to participate in a jailbreak. Cops have the police warden trainee spawn but if in the future you get in a gang or squad you will be able to spawn there as well, giving you an easier and faster way of getting there; Near Store Robberies: This spot will help you on both sides as well. As Cop you will be able to keep spawning on the property to try to clear the store robbery from criminals. As Criminal, you will be able to get there faster after dying or even when the Store Robbery starts. You won't be able to find properties around these 3 places easy and they will not be cheap as well. 2. Important points around your property/business You must pay attention to any useful spot around your property: Disks will always be good due to not all properties will have car spawn. (Remember that a business doesn't have car spawn) Having a disk near in this case will help you spawn a car faster. This is the most important one! Las Venturas Cross: This one is also important in my opinion. Having a property close to this place will let you arrive fast at any spot on the map due to the highway. (This property can be cheaper because of not being as useful as the above) 3. Always pay attention to the income and outcome of your business! This point applies to businesses ~[Income]~(lime) can be a good way of you getting some money every day. The money you will get at the end of each day is calculated by doing ~[income]~(lime)-~[outcome]~(red) value for each property/business you have; A business with a high ~[income]~(lime) can be sold for a good price in auctions on even ingame in case you find someone that wants to buy it. (In my opinion, a business with more than 6.000/7.000$ of income will already be a good business to sell on an adjusted price) 4. How to hunt good properties and businesses? Well this will be a lot easier than you think SAES has a command called /seen. This will let you know when was the last time that a player was online. You will have to type on chat /seen <nickname> and this bar will show: A player is considered inactive when he hasn't logged in for a full month. This inactive status does not include any SAES clan members. You can check a full list here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members With the points above, you will be able to see every owner of properties last login and there is where the hunting starts. Try to find any good property or business you like and you think that will get you money and then just prepare to post an inactive request at 00:00 of the day that the guy turns inactive. Everyone will try to take the best properties there is so try to be fast! Inactive property request format can be found here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4936/request-format If you win the inactive property request then you just need to create an auction to earn some money or keep the property for yourself. Fast and an easy way of you getting some money! 5. New way of checking properties for sale SAES has provided a new way of checking properties that players putted on sale This script has been added recently and will help you checking properties on sale, their prices, owners and location as well. This will be a lot easier to find properties and to try to negociate them by talking with the owner. This panel has been placed on M function>Properties on sale 6. How to create an appellative auction topic? I'll point some points to help you create a good topic for an auction. Always be specific on the value you want to sell the property. Leave a starting bid and a buyout price. Create an auction according to SAHA rules. You can check the rules here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/373/usage-of-this-forum Familiarize yourself with the forums tools. That will help you post Screenshots and format your text to create a great auction. Always appoint the good points of buying the property you put in the auction. Use points 1 and 2 to help you on this one. 7. House hoarding. This can help you get some properties but also can make you lose them. House hoarding means that if a player logs in once a month to prevent the inactive requests for their properties you can communicate that with SAHA if you feel interested in the property. SAHA will open an investigation to determine if the property can be requested or not. The point above applies to you as well. Logging in once a month to prevent the inactive requests will make you lose the properties you own. You will also be able to request inactive properties. You can check the conditions of this request on the San Andreas Housing Agency topic. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/374/requesting-inactive-properties I hope that this topic can help players to have a little bit more knowledge about properties and businesses and good spots to have one. (Leave any useful comment below and thank you for reading)
  20. That 10 cop rule seems good for me, but could be fixed by adding something to lock the br to the number of cops spawned when the br is started so it prevents any cop to spawn civilian.
  21. Rasta


    TBD was doing such a good job Cya around bud
  22. Most of the properties that cops own near banks were criminals that sold those properties to them so you should have thought about that before selling them. Sniping or arresting people outside will only prevent cops from stopping the real BR that is inside the bank and happens on a safe room. If people keep outside dming cops when they arrived its simply stupid because if we snipe you, you will only come back after respawning and keep dming cops. Once again theres is no kill arrest outside the bank so it makes no sense people being outside dming But to be honest this will always be the same. Criminals trying to buff their spawn and cops trying to buff their aswell so its a stupid discussion. At least try to make the best decisions for our community and not only for one side.
  23. @KARIM at jail and during a br you have a thing called "kill arrest" but outside you dont have that. Since br and jailbreak are inside an interior, it should only be allowed to kill cops/criminals (talking in both ways) inside the respective interior to make sense. Not saying not to kills cops outside if they try to arrest you or cops killing criminals if they try to kill you but it makes more sense having a fair way for each side
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