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Everything posted by Rasta

  1. I'm selling a business near 5 seconds away from SF bank Income: 4,080$ Starting bid: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lnq1CzA
  2. Adress: Cockring Shop Market Value: 510.000$ Owner: seri123 Last seen: 20 april 2019
  3. ~[Event number 4#]~(green) ~[Event type:]~(green) Race to MC ~[LWS:]~(green) @Kowalski ~[Date:]~(green) 15-05-2019 ~[Prize:]~(green) 1.000.000$ ~[Winner:]~(green) @Duff ~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/1GjjngE
  4. ~[Hang-around n#3]~(green) ~[TMH Members Involved:]~(green) @ferthis, @TaJ, @Tapi and @Final324 ~[Duration of Hang:]~(green) Ferthis 10 minutes, Taj and Tapi for 1 hour, Final for 30 minutes ~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/gHPiXuK
  5. Personal Information Ingame name: Rasta Account name: elrastaman17 Age: 20 Native language: Portuguese. Additional languages: English and spanish Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 8. I have been active seen i started playing, I'm only offline on the weekend, during the day. Skill evaluation English language (0/10): 9, I think i can understand and communicate well, if i have some doubts I'll just ask or search for the meaning. Roleplaying skill (0/10): 5, I'm looking for a RP group, or in this case an organization. With this i want to improve my RP skills and of course, help you guys! Driving skill (0/10): 7, I'm not the best driver, i need to improve my driving skills. Most of the times i cant drive because I'm having fps drop. Strengths: One of my strengths is that I'm allways ready to learn more and more and most of all I'm a good listener. I respect everyone and make sure everyone has fun. Weaknesses: I would say the unexperience on some points because I only play on SAES for like 2 months. Background Previous organizations you associated with: I have never been on an organization. Criminal history: I'm a member of Arms Assasins, never been in any other gang. Current organizations: None. Personality Why do you want to join Global Trust? First of all, I want to join the Global Trust because I'm looking for people to do RP so I can improve my RP skills too and have fun with other people. I believe the organization will teach me a lot about RP and about SAES too. It's a good way to learn more about the community we have. Also, I think that the Global Trust will have a great future in SAES, will be a good organization to manage the economy things. I hope I meet the requirements to join the Global Trust community! Yours sincerely, Rasta
  6. Adress: Tio - Illuminati Market value: 4.500.000$ Owner: xfrozen Last seen: 15 April 2019 https://imgur.com/a/1z7EG59
  7. Im selling a business in LS with 4k income 30 secs away to jail and ls bank Starting bid 1.500.000$ https://imgur.com/a/0ZEle0j
  8. already sold this ingame, close pls
  9. ~[Hang-around n#2]~(green) ~[TMH Members Involved:]~(green) @ferthis and @TaJ ~[Duration of Hang:]~(green) ~[Ferthis 20 minutes, Taj 40 minutes]~(black) ~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/B6YI65z
  10. Starting bid lowered to 1.000.000$
  11. ~[Event number 3#]~(green) ~[Event type:]~(green) ~[1v1 Sniper]~(black) ~[LWS:]~(green) @Yoko_Kurama ~[Date:]~(green) ~[13-05-2019]~(black) ~[Prize:]~(green) ~[1.000.000$]~(black) ~[Winner:]~(green) @nicky ~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/XhPgzM7
  12. ~[Hang-around n#1]~(green) ~[TMH Members Involved:]~(green) @ferthis ~[Duration of Hang:]~(green) ~[30 minutes]~(black) ~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/OH9XD4Y
  13. I'm sellling a property near jail. starting bid is 1.250.000$ http://prntscr.com/no67tx http://prntscr.com/no680w http://prntscr.com/no68dh
  14. Adress: Maddie Is Here Kate And Gerry Joke Shop Value: 400k Owner: mosa2000 last seen: 12 april 2019 http://prntscr.com/no61eg http://prntscr.com/no61ky
  15. ~[ Event number 2#]~(green) ~[Event Type:]~(green) ~[Infernus Race]~(black) ~[LWS:]~(green) @Kowalski ~[Date:]~(green) ~[13-05-2019]~(black) ~[Prize:]~(green) ~[1.000.000$]~(black) ~[ Winner:]~(green) @BusterMcBadass ~[ Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/kJgvziC
  16. ~[Event number 1#]~(green) ~[Event Type:]~(green) ~[Cheetah Race]~(black) ~[G6:]~(green) @A7md ~[Date:]~(green) ~[12-05-2019]~(black) ~[Prize:]~(green) ~[1.000.000 $]~(black) ~[Winner:]~(green) @MarksMan ~[Screenshots:]~(green) https://imgur.com/a/z43RCJu
  17. Mechanic RP: Repairing Vehicles at Las Venturas Cross Members involved: @SAFP-Carl Date: 10-05-2019 (for about 30-45 minutes) Total vehicles repaired: 64 Screenshots: http://imgbox.com/g/y4ktXev9iQ http://imgbox.com/g/cn0S0fi9lI https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2333/the-motor-heads-tmh-media-archive/1159 Special thanks to TMH Carl for helping me with screenshots (every time i took a SS i timed out) RP story: Me and Carl were talking about mechanic things such as cars, wheels, prices, etc. A lot of costumers started to come to us to repair their vehicles and refuel. We ended on repairing vehicles of some street racers that were having some fun. A lot of work to two mechanics working for the same cause, making people trust The Motor Head mechanics!!
  18. Mechanic RP: Cleaning the filter of the customers car. Members Involved: @TaJ Date: 09-05-2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OdAuvqe
  19. Forget my bid pls
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