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Everything posted by Rasta

  1. @Siper_ said in Where is Ape: I almost requested his props.... You cant request LVX mens sorry
  2. Get well soon mate! Remember that you will always have a community here to help you
  3. Mate simply post the hidden link of the post that you created on imgur, its easier. Do it like " Screenshots: (imgur link) "
  4. Activity number #3 Acitivity type: Helping a CC impounder as mechanic CC members: @Gal Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vVn5npg
  5. @Majima nice bid mate, that's equal to 100M right? Great one!
  6. Activity number #2 Acitivity type: Helping a CC impounder as mechanic CC members: @Gal Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nPaX8bD
  7. Starting bid: 10.000.000$ Buyout price: 80.000.000$ Minimum bid increase: 5.000.000$
  8. can be lock pls
  9. Activity number #1 Acitivity type: Helping a CC impounder as mechanic CC members: @Velona & @Pazoo Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zchNAeZ
  10. This topic will be used for me to post my activities with Cuban Cars members!
  11. Mansion in Los Santos for sale (if you have an offer around the buyout price you can pm me so we can discuss it) Starting bid: 25.000.000$ Buyout Price: 100.000.000$ Minimum bid increase: 2.500.000$ Good space for donation vehicles Great location to reach Los Santos bank in less then 30 seconds Enjoy biding!
  12. Your ingame username: ElRastaMan17 Your ingame alias: [AA*]Rasta Your year of birth: 1998 Your gender: Male Nationality: Portuguese Country of residence: Portugal How long you have been playing SAES: I've started playing on SAES 1 year ago (on april 2019) Qualities you can offer: I can offer all SAES players my help and knowledge about the server and help our community grow. I would like to be able to help saes players more than I can right now and this could be the perfect opportunity for me to help everyone with what I can. I am very focused in everything I do. Your weaknesses: I think my worst weakness is my english at some points (gramatically) but I think I can communicate well and understand a conversation. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): I would like to apply for a SAHA position. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes I do. Reason for application: As I said above, I would like to help every player that needs help in housing affairs. Also I am very interested in housing agencies and I could offer my help on that way. Server Memberships: I'm currently a member of Arms Assassins, raceTech and The Motor Heads. Additional information: My name is Daniel and I'm 21 years old. I'm from Portugal and I can speak 3 languages (portuguese, english and spanish). SAES has been a good way of spending my free time and making some good friends. During my playtime, I like to help new players understand a little bit more about our community and I like to chill around the map speaking with people. I would like to add 2 links for topics I've made on forums to help players about some housing affairs. ::: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13732/looking-to-sell-buy-a-property-click-here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13347/tutorial-how-to-get-a-good-property-business ::: Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: N/A Previous (legitimate) bans: N/A Do you eat pork: Yes I do. I hope I meet every requirement. Thanks for reading this. Rasta
  13. Why not simply add the rule: "Cops must not ram arrest criminals" Makes no sense when cops destroy your car and on the top of that they ram you, giving 0 chances for criminals to fight
  14. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 30gbp When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Never I think. Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10736/donation-elrastaman17-amount-30-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: N/A Part II: What I Want to be Removed N/A Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal at LV AP (shamal already there, just want to add the Versace wrap) Username: ElRastaMan17 Vehicle 2: Super GT at 14 Dutch Faggots Close (Las Venturas) with Sticker1 wrap. Username: ElRastaMan17
  15. Rasta


    nub jaimy
  16. Adress: 14 Dutch Faggots Close Owner: MoonLord023 Last Seen: 24 December 2019 Market Value: 2500$
  17. Ingame name: Rasta Account name: ElRastaMan17 G/S/C Membership: N/A Why would you like to join our party?: Well I would like to help your party succeding in every single way. SAES needs to be changed and your party seems the right one to do those changes. In the end it should be V4C!
  18. Corona fucking everything up
  19. @Canelas bye
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