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Everything posted by Rasta

  1. @RadiO where do you see that? Of course criminals stay outside protecting... But since glue and more things got removed/fixed, why dont we fix this aswell to make it look more realistic? Also why dont gangs get good too at cracking so you dont give cops time to stop the br?
  2. Stupid seeing people outside the bank when the br is inside. Since br is inside it should count as deathmatch and of course you are there not owning any money. But yeah lets all plan a bank rob irl and stay outside camping waiting for police forces to come
  3. Adress: 9 Dutch Faggots Close Owner: chepani Last seen: 28th June 2019 market value: 25000$
  4. HBD JE <3 As gift SAES should give you CS JE FTW
  5. Sorry for not answering, my donation is more to help SAES than to get rewards. Keep your good work and development so our community can get bigger everyday! Thanks for the good work SAES members! :D
  6. This is an automated post TXN ID: 4F5433411T1353913 Donation: 30.00 GBP Requested rewards: Shamal with standard wrap (the one called Hacker) at LV airport (if possible) locked to ElRastaMan17, pedrinho and bulgur
  7. 1 meter is enough for you?
  8. Rasta


    Should i kill myself or should i suicide?
  9. Event type: Knock me off my nrg G6: @Bartman Prize: 3 rounds, 500k each Winners:
  10. This suggestion is mostly to prevent people that have the idea of abusing markers to enter and leave buildings that could lead to avoid arrest by abusing that. Also not all markers should have cooldown in my opinion. For example: Base markers In my opinion, markers that should have cooldown: Banks Prison Parachute practise place in BC airport Leave your opinion and suggestions!
  11. Making pbrs a little bit more hard i agree but gang brs are great right now because you need to have team of crackers and a team of defenders. Pbr cracking system should not be automatic, there should be an enigma or something like a cracking system to make it harder
  12. It would make sense if the criminal only goes to the hospital if he gets killed. Jailbreak looks more like a massive shooting than literally cops trying to arrest criminals again
  13. Maybe because people like to play criminal more than cop
  15. As nicus said above, it would just cause a massive afk to the server, not to talk about how useless that information is
  16. That would just make people that create new gangs as op as the others, sorry but its a no from me
  17. I refuse to see my kangaroo leaving
  18. suggestion deleted
  19. bumping so people that didnt notice this suggestion can vote Enjoy voting!
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