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Everything posted by Piercee

  1. nice dick btw nullX
  2. I mean I like the suggestions but amino acid is a capsule that speeds up the fat burning, it's used in cutting Protein just increases the amount of muscle growth and is literally a source for most of your energy in your body, more protein is more muscle growth Mass fusion is just a weight gainer adrenaline makes more sense with it just boosting you What about a preworkout instead of one of the three mentioned above? It actually gives you a rush, so much shit mixed with an OD on caffeine boosts performance and reduces muscle strain during workouts, if you take too much at once you'll feel tingly and burning because your body can't regulate all the shit flowing in so you start having a sort of bloodrush in your head. Idk I'll try n give more ideas on this later, I use most of the stuff you wrote down in your thread on a daily basis lmao
  3. fun fact, the largest dick is owned by a white guy
  4. @Ntruder said in SAES DICKSIZE POLL: Apparently, people vote on what s(he)'s current age is. epic meme bro my age isnt even on the poll then LUL
  5. after voting i figured out, is it limp or hard size? grower gang rise up
  6. after todays poll OMEGALUL
  7. @Howlze said in Post your music here!: @Piercee Top five things to avoid in life: Aids, cancer, your taste in music, choking on horse cum and having a kid with the same intellectual compatibility as Filex Idk bro metal is pretty based music Its chill as fuck
  8. @Howlze https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84Ru-BnBL74
  9. @Joe said in Adjust country rifle damage: Bringing realism into the balance of guns doesn't make sense to me, guns should be balanced so they're all viable and have different gameplay options. If we're talking realism we would have to heavily adjust the way weapons work at the moment. For instance - why isn't any gun a one shot to the head? Because that would be ridiculous. Balacing guns around realism is stupid. If you're using gameplay as an example, in 99% of the shit you play a sniper rifle will always be better than a regular rifle, so unless so they make up for it by increasing the rate of fire on semi-automatic rifles whilst usually making a sniper slower due to it being bolt action. But yeah, gonna have to edit gta sa game values for that.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLA0qGqp7OQ
  11. @Bartman it depends on the type though, a hunting rifle would have a high chance of being 7.62. Put a 32x zoom scope on it and its a sniper but stays the same caliber :D.
  12. @Brophy it's the current year, you gotta be prepared for your daughter to be a guy
  13. Refueling gas stations all over SA + Refinery With the help of @Bartman refueling and @Kowalski refilling the refinery. Before: https://i.imgur.com/0GL5kD0.jpg After: https://i.imgur.com/kJ3brI3.jpg
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BQB6_njeA4
  15. @Bartman old SoA and zzenoms military :D
  16. @Estinoge said in House Robery: isn't that SR and HR thing basically the same thing? HRs were always on the floor in a big circle, no climbing. It was a way different kind of pushing for cops and defending for criminals, it felt more intense to me. It wasn't just rushing to climb up on a roof, plus I preferred the locations much more. So many people used to come to them that sometimes not even everyone would fit in the circle, it really showed how many people found it more intense.
  17. @Gengar said in Cops/Criminals imbalance opinion: @Piercee I don't know about that. As I said, I don't play Arma, so I probably made wrong assumption on Altis Life (haven't even heard about it before it was mentioned on this topic). I still think you can't compare Grand Theft Auto and Arma, but I definitely need to do some investigation to know thing, or two about Arma and Altis if we are going to discuss that. That a side, SAES definitely has a lot of room to improve some aspects of gameplay on all 3 sides. But I don't believe any new script, or improvement to police side would transfer hard core criminal orientated players to police side. That's just the nature of people who are playing GTA. We all come here to escape from real life for one reason, or another and we all come here to do things we can't, or shouldn't do in real life. Well aye, I played Arma 3 initially for the RPG servers and the RP it provided, I played criminal in gangs most of my life on Altis Life, the same as I did on MTA. Purely because I enjoy it more. Funnily enough I've played that for 4 years or so and ended up in the same gang as Joshbond at some point, yes he played a criminal on Altis Life too. Tbh there's an even more close to San Andreas look on Arma 3, and it's called city life. Should look into that too so you get a bit of an idea, there's been medics and mech factions on most of my servers along with a global police, military too often. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EQMxyM3exGzNKwhYfBFAeWHaLYAGTr2LX2mA1Es6eMg/edit?usp=sharing I don't know if you're interested but this is a faction I wrote out a few years ago. I'm trying to refind the entire police force I wrote out for another server but I can't find it quickly. But yeah overall less people are interested in legal sides, often police. That's also because alot of people spend most of their life abiding the law and being good citizens, on a game they can have the guilty pleasure of being a criminal and earning money off of illegal actions. Which I understand, I've been in AA since 2012 so I can obviously relate to that.
  18. @Gengar Altis Life is RPG though, it has script based civilian jobs, criminal jobs including bankrobberies, store robberies, growing drugs, processing drugs, selling it to a NPC which usually leads to conflict between factions. It's pretty much cops vs robbers with civilian stuff inbetween just like SAES.
  19. Jailbreak #242 OB Members: Me, @Beckham OB Helpers: @SWT @ZaBaLiTo @Disaster @Pazoo @jougou @lazar Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wSkeYXp
  20. Jailbreak #240 OB Members: Myself, @hRL @koko OB Helpers: @Andrew03 @SWT @Disaster @Pump @UrBan @Rocket @Petrow Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/d1W2VT9
  21. yes i live in forest kinda
  22. Jailbreak #236 OB Members: Piercee @Yoko_Kurama @Exile @Spinkes @VinnyBL OB Helpers: Too many mens Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JI80RjC
  23. Type of activity: Refueling Gas Stations Before: https://i.imgur.com/v14g92f.png After: https://i.imgur.com/zjXRp9L.png https://i.imgur.com/yTSdN2D.png forgot to take a proper screen at the end but I refuelled the entirety of LS.
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