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Everything posted by Piercee

  1. imagine taking anything he says serious, he's next level shitposting to tilt people and it's working KEK
  2. mfw you're hating on my paganism in this post, nice opression
  3. What's bad about this is that the cop side will die even more so less ppl to kill, rip
  4. idk gave away 250m years ago, prop buying and reselling is pointless at the end of the day cause there's nothing to spend it on There's no money sink so the economy just feels worthless, even if there were a bunch of things added to spend the money on it would be good too, but there's simply nothing being added
  5. @Kowalski said in hi guys, my name is Andrea!: @Piercee seems like you need to go on a date We already did, he was very nice to me
  6. im a cute bulgarian/korean gamer, you may know me because I have led a group before retiring
  7. Refilling the refinery (11/03/2020) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YVybuIq
  8. Refilling the refinery Before: ::: ::: After: ::: :::
  9. Refilling random stations Before: ::: ::: After: ::: :::
  10. Address: A Cunt Lives Here Account name: floppy52 Last seen: 1st February, 2020 Screenshots:
  11. "maikati deba tup gaden komardjiq bokluk budesht narkoman i alkoholik
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