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Everything posted by Piercee

  1. @Adistar West Side Gangsters :(((
  2. @yuriko said in House Robery: I dont know what is hr... Never exp it and i love the current sr so -1 Why do you post on it then? Honestly, you're taking something as a new player and completely dismissing the fact of how good it was simply because you never experienced it yourself. Quite a dense way of thinking.
  3. Most blocked person on discord
  4. The Owl roleplaying guide to not get sent back to the application stage LUL
  5. Jailbreak#321 OB Members: @Douglass @PerroLoco @Kybali0n @Gonza, me OB Helpers: @MaRoO Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Vt8w8zv
  6. Greetings SAES! We have recently come up with an idea to make a Sub-Community for SAES that is totally based off of Racing, Drifting and cars in general. We present to you, the TeriyakiBoyZ! Originating from East Asia, Japan. The country where drift races are more than just races, and shown as a sign of dominance and skill that is rewarded with pure profit. The love for cars taken to the next level. Markus and Piercee have both seen their share of drifts and decided to take it more globally at this point, trying to revive the prevous active drifting scene of San Andreas, hoping to make older and newer people both interested to revive the heart and soul of car related fun. DISCLAIMER: It is not a gang nor a group, it's just a little community where we could discuss drifting, speed, cars and so on. We will plan car meets, road trips, car shows which are presented by us and the prize is from us too. This is nothing serious, we just want to have some fun together. The main place where we get stuff started is our discord so joining that would be the smartest move!: https://discord.gg/a4qcbDT To become one of us, a TeriyakiBoy means access to start your own events around San Andreas and exclusive payouts for your vehicles. Showing interest in-game is the only way.
  7. Activity: Refueling the refinery Screenshot(s): ::: Went from 30 till this https://i.imgur.com/xouyZ9f.png :::
  8. Jailbreak #315 OB Members: Me, @Disaster OB Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yDhCZoG
  9. 1312 aspirant : DD
  10. Refueling the refinery Before: ::: ::: After: ::: :::
  11. Refueling gas stations with @Bartman @thestyle Before & After: ::: https://i.imgur.com/N8ufW0z.png https://i.imgur.com/gFIm5xj.png :::
  12. do you remember 2013 and us trolling on source? god i want them days back get well gamer
  13. 18-8-2019 dead gang btw
  14. Refueling the refinery Before: Didn't get to take a screen but was 0 Will try n full it up to 100% later After: ::: :::
  15. @UnderJapan said in Autorun: @VinnyBL ~[Rockstar Reversed the run from shift to space because Win7 and older versions back in the days had a thing called ''Sticky Keys''. Do ya'll remember when pressing shift too many times made a message pop up about Sticky Keys. It made a sound and a message came up and most of the times people got moved to desktop because of the pop-up.]~(#999155) ~[https://www.techrepublic.com/blog/windows-and-office/quick-tip-disable-the-sticky-and-filter-keys-in-windows/]~(red) ~[- This is how it looked.]~(#999155) Edit: in 2004-2009, There wasn't an possibilty to disable the ''sticky keys'' And when windows 7 came in 2009 people were able to disable it but Rockstar left the sprint on the spacebar because everyone was already used to it. You could always disable them lmao, I remember since I had to do it in 2006 when playing Maplestory and my abilities kept on opening the window everytime till I got fed up.
  16. ^[ Important Passengers] I looked towards this day for about a week now, I got told a week ago that I had the upcoming mission to transport an important person who needed a quick air-taxi to his destination so he could attend a political debate. It all got organised with security agencies and I had a few of them confirm very specific details. The idea was to not really tell me as much besides dropping the target off a location that would get given to me on the moment of the flight starting. All I had to do was let his security guide him into my plane before confirming some information before take-off, and I was ready to go right after. ::: ::: I started taking off once I confirmed everything on the plane, flying off as normal and relaxed as possible, even if the stakes were a bit higher this time. I didn't really focus on much besides my flying though, I thought that was the best way to deal with a situation like this. ::: ::: Once I kept flying higher and was in global airspace I got told quite quickly after that I had to drop the passenger off at the LS Airport. I agreed and started heading towards the airfield, it not being very far from my location I was at in Red County anyways. ::: ::: I kept heading closer and closer, preparing my landing, staying relaxed even with armed people behind me. It wasn't much of a big deal though, I've flown bigger planes before. ::: ::: I landed quite relaxed, easing it to the ground nicely before getting myself to a stop, starting it up again to get to the drop off point as soon and smoothly as possible. Right after I turned the engines off and let the men guide the passenger out, walking him into the nearby building. ::: :::
  17. Activity: Refueling gas stations ::: Before: After: :::
  18. It started as a regular day, I was enjoying my cup of coffee, relaxing around a bit waiting for another day of work. I just chilled and finished my cup of coffee before looking back at the time and my schedule, writting down on a white board nearby. i got up off my feet, looked at the times and delivery places more carefully before sighing for a moment. Afterwards I went over towards the ALT Hangar, I close to my usual plane. Checking up on it a bit to make sure everything was correct and proper. That's the most important thing, safety above all. Afterwards I just hopped in my plane and took a look at the systems, pretty much planning auto-pilot systems for my first destination. ::: ::: I made sure everything was correct and when it was I made my way to the landing strip, driving my plane to the best position possible so I could have the perfect take-off. ::: ::: I started with taking off the plane, doing some manual steering to get the plane as proper up as possible so I wouldn't have to worry about the system doing anything bad, even if the chances were slim. Take-offs are usually better done with some manual help. Once I was up in the air I just flew a regular pattern, trying to stay atleast a bit high up in the air, my destination was Los Santos. ::: ::: I just mostly flew on with the auto-pilot, just keeping an eye on my systems and just making sure everything kept running correctly. There was no issue, just another day of a cargo flight. Eventually I got closer to Los Santos and I made sure to communicate with the airport, it was a very quick and smooth conversation and I got permission to land quite quickly. I got told on which strip to land and I just obeyed, preparing for a landing. ::: ::: The landing went on smooth and I put in some manual effort to made sure it was going fully correctly, nothing bumped and I just ended up on the concrete smoothly, being glad everytime I land properly. ::: ::: As soon as I got properly on the ground I moved the plane to the docking bay, putting it next to a bridge there so the personnel can easily get into the plane to unload it. Everything went fine with no bumps or issues at all. I was satisfied with myself again after the shipment being deliver so well. ::: ::: The employees loaded it out as I went for my usual smoke break, just relaxing a bit after having to focus so much on the entire flight, it's always good to unwind.
  19. Jailbreak #262 OB Members: Piercee OB Helpers: @Pump @Noisyboy @ZaBaLiTo @Disaster @TaffyC @magiic @Pazoo @Avengr Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ok9R8Mh
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