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Everything posted by Piercee

  1. wox men :(
  2. :(
  3. :( some I haven't seen in years, some moved on from MTA, some just moved on in life and vanished and some just pass by every once in a while. share any people you miss in this thread, I've got a fair few more to think about.
  4. wow epic gifs bro totally cool
  5. ill be on tomorrow around 11:00 my time till 14:15, then later on probably in the evening at 22:00+, can pm me on the forums with the time u can be on
  6. My brother originally got banned for multi-accounting and heli DM back in 2010-2011, eventually he became SWAT,DE, even a SAES clan member and later on TT HQ along with CLO lmao. He changed and learnt the proper mechanics and dynamics of the server, don't forget that you too were at some point new to the game, being a snob about it is exactly what divided alot of the MTA community, if somoene wants to change they will. If someone doesn't change even after giving the opportunity, then yes. I agree, there's not much hope for a person like that.
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