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Everything posted by Silence

  1. u nede tO be peyshient wtih hte apel forum Document Accounting Appeal Ban About Your
  2. I'm not interested in what goes on in our CC while I'm offline. It does not concern me. I don't see why we would need this?
  3. To answer your question about vanilla radios: It doesn't work. The person who made the current radio system either forgot, or purposefully removed the default radio streams. Its poorly made. Right now there is no way to listen to default GTA:SA radios. I have actually scripted a new radio system that includes all the default/vanilla radio stations and have the current custom radio streams and about 30 new custom radio streams in it. All in the mousescroll. I am simply waiting for it to be approved and hopefully it might get implemented at some point. So lets see what happens.
  4. SWAT Activity 14.10.2018 ::: :::
  5. Could easily be made. Running on bones idea too. You could bring back houserobs at different locations (normal houses etc.) and pick a random one. You have an array/list of all the possible robbing places, different sized circles. The script for the SR, timer and money output is already made. You'd have an unique ID for each houserob. Generate a random number every 'x' minutes after a houserob/storerob has ended. From 0 to the size of the array with all the houserobs -> select the random number and start a new houserob/storerob at that ID. Let it play out infinitely. Once again, nothing difficult to script. I could make it myself. But past episodes with a certain someone has lost my motivation. You need to contact nanobob. If he doesn't agree on the idea, it won't get in.
  6. @kain said in So I made a script for SAES..: As you can see, the first guideline states that the entire HQ team is responsible for deciding which conceptual things get added to the server and not specifically NanoBob so in no way can he decline anything based on its conceptual details. @kain said in So I made a script for SAES..: As I said in the above post, you can contact any dev and get them to give it a preliminary look over if you don't feel 100% to contact NanoBob straight away but in the end it'll always get the final check over by him. ?
  7. Thanks for your input Kain, really useful stuff as always. I'm happy to hear that it doesn't have to go through Bob at the very end, and that there are other ways to get a script in. However contacting Brophy or Tombaa won't help. I have two questions before we can lock this topic. I am fully alright with taking constructive criticism. However it wasn't a minor adjustment he was asking for. Don't twist the topic. In my mind, and many others, functionality always comes first and over visually good looking code. A script has to be able to do what its made for. It has to be bug-free, crashproof, fast and well performing - Which mine furfills. What is the issue then? Indentation is all nice to have, it helps to read and quickly dive into scopes, but thats where it stops. If its readable and you're able to get around the code, you stop there. Once someones understanding of 'criticism' turns into telling me that 3 + 1 = 4 is the only right way and that 2 + 2 = 4 is wrong - I start to question their actual moral intention. That is not criticism Kain, and I hope you understand that. Then after I said, what I thought to be funny, was for him a knife to the throat, the individual told me that I lost my last chance. At that point, I thought thats it, the kid just blacklisted me from developing scripts for SAES. I know I am not alone in this. Some has given up. My way of doing the 'if' statement was not wrong, and Bob is fully aware of that too. If you are to continue with coding Bob and one day exit your room and work out there in the real world, you are gonna have some serious problems if you don't start to accept these things. Take that as advice, from someone older and more experienced than you. Now to the questions. Which other developers am I able to contact for final approval? I can't find any information. And are they able to push it onto the server, if approved again? Where would you categorize this script? It is not a major game changing feature, neither is it a new large addon. It is a update to a current system that people were unsatisfied with. Minor fixes seem to be the right place, so how about I clean my script up a bit one last time and post the final version to be pushed online? Thanks
  8. @blade said in So I made a script for SAES..: We have a certain structure within the Development Team. He's the supervisor for a reason and is good at what he does. There were a handful of mistakes made in your script. (I've not seen the most recent code). To answer the first quote. He apparently was not elected, and therefor is not the leader for a reason. Conversation with Ikzelf 'You guys elected him didn't you?' .'Naah he just kinda came.. because KATLA' Ikzelf who's an excellent scripter is refraining from making scripts for SAES, because of this individual. Why are you even defending him Blade? To answer the second. You should view the latest, because it is VERY different from the one you saw, I completely remade it again. Link: https://pastebin.com/VXzvXsNf NanoBob was done correcting it, and because it was close to done, he had to find something else and began going ape-shit over an if statement which in his way, would do the exact same. Right now the situation is, even if I wanted to make a completely new one, he is not going to review it. It's over. It has to be approved by him, since he has the final voice. He single handely decided that Silence is now blacklisted of making a script for SAES. Coming from someone that is working on a different server, backstabbing SAES.
  9. Hi community, and clan. I'm Silence, and I study computer science. My knowledge of programming is of decent level. I love to program, and would like to use some of my free time to program for SAES, because I love the server. I want to talk about a current problem on SAES, that disgusts me. Long time ago I made a suggestion to our radio system. Link can be found here in: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/101476-removal-of-mouse-scroll-custom-radios/ tldr: 'Its not possible to hear default GTA:SA radios in car, only custom radio streams. I suggested to make a script to hear default ones, and custom stream radios'. I got a lot of positive feedback from scripters telling me that it is a nice idea, even Blade talking about working on it. However not much came out of it, so I talked with Blade and Nanobob and got permission to start working on it myself. I was in constant conversation with NanoBob (Leading the dev team), and after some time I finished the script and made him review it. There was some things which could be changed, sure I agreed, and changes were made. Script was finalized, bug-free and ready to be put onto the server. Preview of the script: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3DubpObFWA (If you don't understand a little bit of programming this won't make much sense) Me and NanoBob got into a bit of a beef about how the script should be made. Turned into regular English, in essence, it was a beef about something like this: A boolean variable consists of 2 states - true / false. 'something = true' 'something = false' 'not something = true -> same as saying: something = false' Both does the exact same, but that didn't fit NanoBob. I made a joke and said the reason I made it like that was to annoy him. NanoBob then said that I just lost my last chance to have him review the code (No way of getting it in now, because he says so) Right now NanoBob is gatekeeping the script because of this. If it does not fit the exact way he would do it, it won't get approved. Reminds of a certain someone during world war 2. Does the exact same. Anyway lets move on. After that NanoBob went on to point out how useless my script is, and that there's no point in getting it in. NanoBob thinks that if something is not game breaking news, theres no point in adding in. I took time out of my free time to program a suggestion that was accepted. And it was not approved, by NanoBob. Let's move on to the actual topic that I would like to discuss. NanoBob is currently working on a seperate server called KATLA. I am sure many of you are aware of this. It's not a part of SAES clan any longer, so it's a completely different server. NanoBob is leading the development team. He is the gatekeeper. If something is not approved by NanoBob, it will NOT enter SAES. He said this himself. So a person that is not really working for SAES, but his own seperate server - is the same person that is leading the development team on SAES. He has the final voice. That is dictatorship. Several scripters should give their input, and together decide to approve it or not. Currently we have a new feature 2 times a year. I have the capability and potential to push in a new feature pretty much every 2 weeks. But I am not allowed to. Starting to get a sense of why SAES is lacking new features and is very dry lately? It is not because of lack of scripters. I would like to discuss the removal of NanoBob as the head of the development team, and suggest another person to be appointed. NanoBob is not even 20 years of age yet, and gets to choose what gets in or not. It should be a neutral decision, and not subjective. Blade is an excellent scripter. He could be a candidate instead, just an example. I would like to suggest that several scripters should together decide if a script should be approved or not. If you have a beef with NanoBob, you are not getting your script in. It depends on how NanoBob is feeling that day. NanoBob is immature, and abusing a very powerful role. In fact. I would like to release my script out to the open for anyone to look at it, any scripter. And tell my why this is not acceptable. Link: https://pastebin.com/VXzvXsNf I feel dissapointed. This is making me lose hope for the future of SAES.
  10. 13.08.2018
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlpsPG3FTKM
  12. Lets all move over to MySpace
  13. @ikzelf Fuck yea they should . Why not allow turfzones to become 'neutral' under police supervision (+ Payout for the whole squad). Also an added bonus (5-10%?) for arresting players inside there turf. Now that's what I call a suggestion! Official squads should be able to netrualize turf zones, how about that? Just like how a gang takes over an area, if official squads do it, it becomes a neutral color on map. Squad members would be able to turn on a /war to see turf areas on map, and while only this war is on, is able to neutralize a turf area. This would really bring competition. Criminals would be constantly turfing, and it would bring a whole new game mechanic to squad members, instead of arresting only. Also a different kind of suggestion I got: After the reset, wouldn't it be interesting for gangs to get income for turf areas they own? The more turf areas owned, the more income they get. Say if a turf zone is owned for 24 hours by a gang, their gang recieves a small amount of money for that one turf zone - you have more, you get more. So no more money per tick when turfing? It would be like a business. However, here comes the squads being able to neutralize turf zones into play. When squads neutralize a turf area, that gang will not be able to recieve money for it. They would have to gain control of it again, and maintain it for 24 hours. Another gang takes over that gangs turf, timer gets wiped, new 24 hours start. You get the idea.
  14. SWAT would like to declare gangwar against NNB
  15. Would be interesting if the farmer could grow illegal crops and get wanted! More cash, but theres risk!
  16. Type: Elimination Race Details: 1v1 race in Sultan from LV airport to DE base and back. Loser gets disqualified each round. Hosted by: Silence & Hesha Price: 20.000.000$ Winner(s): @Pozmester Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hvGygE7
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