Ted, sit down. You were using this a lot when you were SWAT now all of a sudden you leave and change your opinion. Back to the topic. Grenades and vehicles. That's why we use it. To avoid dying in a big clusterfuck of raining grenades. When you park your vehicle and wait for people to leave, this opens up a solid window of 2 seconds for the crims to throw nades and nade the patrol vehicle and explode it. Not to mention, pretty much everyone will get killed. It doesn't require skill to throw 5 nades all together and watch the firework go down. So you may say, well then park further away. No our taser is not a sniper rifle, a crim would again win that fight. We want to get as close as possible to crims. If we can't do that, then this would turn into 'who can kill who first', and you'd see another topic in a month about cops not trying to arrest anymore. Because no one in the right mind would run 200 meters to a crim to try to tase them with a taser the range of a water pistol. If eject script is going to be removed, I then suggest to remove grenade damage to vehicles. That's the only way I can see this working out.