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Everything posted by Silence

  1. when DE recently changed their gates script https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VeOlwAzXfI
  2. @Cruz said in Forgot my username somehow...: U don't even remember making an account but you want for an admin to supply u with an username? @Skullzerpai said in Forgot my username somehow...: So I don't even remember making an account for this server, but I wanna play on it. I know the email attached to the account along with the password, so what would it take to get the username back? skullzerpai you should try contacting an admin on discord server to help you out https://discordapp.com/invite/MR64u4T
  3. its not saes issue its mta issue nothing that can be solved here
  4. @Mohamed-Mostafa how is your sister doing
  5. Yes I used to log into SAES every morning when I woke up to see the time and when I had to leave to catch the train.. now I'm late for work all the time. I don't even know what day, week we're at anymore
  6. @Cruz Have you ever tried ejecting 3 people at the same time while standing still? They most often freeze mid-air and can't move for several seconds. It's bugged. Again. Nades.
  7. @Cruz Then what's the point of this? We might aswell leave the vehicle manually then. The point is to be mobile at all times and never stand still, as this opens up time for crims to shower police with grenades. We already are outnumbered 1:4.
  8. Ted, sit down. You were using this a lot when you were SWAT now all of a sudden you leave and change your opinion. Back to the topic. Grenades and vehicles. That's why we use it. To avoid dying in a big clusterfuck of raining grenades. When you park your vehicle and wait for people to leave, this opens up a solid window of 2 seconds for the crims to throw nades and nade the patrol vehicle and explode it. Not to mention, pretty much everyone will get killed. It doesn't require skill to throw 5 nades all together and watch the firework go down. So you may say, well then park further away. No our taser is not a sniper rifle, a crim would again win that fight. We want to get as close as possible to crims. If we can't do that, then this would turn into 'who can kill who first', and you'd see another topic in a month about cops not trying to arrest anymore. Because no one in the right mind would run 200 meters to a crim to try to tase them with a taser the range of a water pistol. If eject script is going to be removed, I then suggest to remove grenade damage to vehicles. That's the only way I can see this working out.
  9. nvm basically what patrol said
  10. I'm sure if I didn't see the topic I wouldn't have noticed anything different ingame
  11. Happy birthday habibi!
  12. Techniques to avoid jail time
  13. @Revonex said in Official Quote Wall:
  14. I still don't get why Houserobs were removed. You had different buildings, structures and terrain which not only made it interesting for criminals because you suddenly had to watch 360 degrees around yourself, but also for cops as we would have different ways of raiding. I remember this one houserob in LS it was in the street, literally floor level. ::: ::: Now its the same store copy pasted everywhere. Everyone stands on roof. Same strategy, different location. I know this isn't the suggestion, but more than randomizing SR, I would like the old HR system back - perhaps with some changes like adding a civilian of some sort near the house. A ped would spawn with the marker. You kill the guy owning the house, and rob his house? I'm still voting yes however
  15. Disable police spawn
  16. If only you could tag countries
  17. @Skerdi These damages are all subject to change, nothing is set. I may have exaggerated damage to show the difference. Every weapon damage can be modified. When you are shot, several parameters are thrown into a function such as the weapon that you have been shot with
  18. @Lincoln You'd be surprised how difficult it is to headshot someone moving or running. It has a small hitbox. Most of the time you hit arms, legs, and ass. Which right now does like 50% reduced damage. Also keep in mind, these damages are all subject to change, nothing is set. I exaggerated damage to show the difference Unless you guys have a trainer for getting headshots I don't see this being any easier
  19. @Brazz Hey. Thanks for your input. I can see what you're trying to say, however CLO/DE headshot is instant. One bullet to the head is a kill. It would still be special. You mention jailbreaks/bankrobs. You would still kill police faster if you have a good aim. What about cops patrolling? You would still kill them faster if you have good aim aswell. This is an attempt to bring skill into shooting
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