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Everything posted by Silence

  1. Your obsession with Mario is seriously concerning
  2. @AkyZ
  3. These gangs aren't even old they are fairly recent and new lol. Some of the old gangs here are 2nd/3rd gen anyway, like SoA, MMC and GJMC. EDIT: I think I misunderstood the topic, its only from this year ;)
  4. Ofcourse I would like to hear feedback, Velona I've updated it. It is now version 1.1. Main topic has also been updated to contain the latest video. Let me know what you guys think about it, your opinion is appreciated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adywsR8oJAc Changes in v1.1 Colision spheres instead of markers No more calculations to see if player position matches with marker position Spacing added in between buttons. Pictures are now 1:1 All transactions has been moved to server side Added background sound (ammunation commercial) Added a 10% chance to play a sound effect from the shop keeper in ammu-nation store when buying ammo
  5. Hello. Take a look at this script I made in a couple of hours, regarding a suggestion. Updated to version 1.1 ::: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adywsR8oJAc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDLCcyuLdDo ::: Suggestion link: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/20114/enable-to-put-ammo-count-in-ammunations?page=1 Let me know what you think - and I'm open to changing some parts if needed? However this is pretty much the final form that it would come in. Most of the time that I spend making this script was getting back into the MTA documentation, which game functions were relevant, and what they did, as I haven't touched it for a long time. I currently work as a programmer with .NET, mostly C# - the point being that I'm also not too experienced in what Lua as a language has to offer, so I'm sure there are parts in the code which could be made more simple? Link also updated to version 1.1 I'm gonna leave my script here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/chn70l0b609qiop/%255Bammu-nation-buy-menu%255D.zip/file
  6. S.W.A.T.: Roleplay - Surviving in the forest #1 Judging from the weather it seemed like a pretty usual day, with one little difference is that we started not in the S.W.A.T. office, but in an airplane and we were dropped off 2000 meters down and we had to parachute to old soviet abandoned buildings to find weapons and medications. The idea was simple, be the last one to survive. Officer Silence and Akyz chose to drop in Mylta in a fairly sized warehouse - however before we landed we realized that there were two other teams. The teams in this specific installation was teams of 2. Officer Silence found an SKS and quickly grapped it with a supressor and a small kevlar vest just in case. Akyz did not hesitate to grab the closest weapon to him, which happened to be an UMP. Silence and Akyz coordinated their calls and decided to go uphill to kill one team. The other team was hiding a 2 story white apartment, however, this was not an issue as they were quickly neutralized. They were looted, however did not have anything good to take. We both continued to loot Mylta and got geared up with level 3 backpacks and attached weapons, such as an M16. After leaving Mylta officer Silence and Akyz went uphill once again on a mountain this time however, as seen in the screenshot. However their luck came very short in this installation, as they went above the hill and downhill to the other side and approached the building, they were spotted by another team hiding in a gas station, and officer Akyz was shot. Officer silence quickly with instinct layed down in a prone position, however that did not show to be very helpful as officer silence was taken out by a grenade shortly after. The team was ranked 23. Which is by all means not a bad score. Participants: Silence, Akyz S.W.A.T. Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/dJGZu7L.jpg
  7. In other words patrol is a simp
  8. ooo tillykke tillykke :)
  9. @Mechul log into all ur accounts bro
  10. When you wake up early enough to see the sunrise in real life, but prefer the sunrise on SAES instead
  11. Magnus being Magnus
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