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SAES Creative
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Everything posted by Tut

  1. yes, you wrote "base" instead of "vase" when getting the /seen. archived
  2. ive seen some millionaires irl owning tigers... could add a tiger instead, how about that sir
  3. @Berker said in Dogs in Police Ranger (again): @Tut-Greco There is a bug, I spawned as police dog and tried each vehicle in the PD garage with my partner. However every freaking vehicle ejects the dog out. please report the issue at https://github.com/saesrpg
  4. the majority votes against, there's no chance we're adding this to the game. you're welcome to suggest other vehicles. #denied
  5. i'm not aware if you can glue on a blown vehicle, but if you can, you shouldn't be able to shoot from it. other than that, i support the suggestion. honestly i think it's a plus for both sides :+1:
  6. whoever decides to handle this suggestion, i made a bug report for an issue linked to /eject all. may be worth checking. https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg/issues/49
  7. you're going to see this in the (near) future. archived
  8. was added to the server a while ago, archived
  9. @kipt said in Not sure if this is a bug or not ...: It's a bug, old ass bug. this. there's probably a patch somewhere but not compatible with MTA.
  10. @Odorian said in Invisible grenades: Fix por favor https://github.com/saesrpg
  11. vehicle shaders will definitely be a feature at some point, no ETA given yet though.
  12. with the recent addition of a newer Challenger and a potentially upcoming civilian version of our police car, i'd say a few of ur wishes are granted - the 60s charger may arrive at some given time, too. archived
  13. with the patch in March allowing canines to sit in rear space of any 4door vehicle, do you still find this needed? @Matheus if yes, thank me later for the bump ;)
  14. @TheClaw if these events occur again please report it on our bug tracker, https://github.com/saesrpg
  15. hello @Hydrich , have you made any progress on the mapping that we could see?
  16. your point is somewhat invalid, Crash. it doesn't go afk or run off the scene if its handler dies, only if it remains stuck in the rear space of the cruiser. also my lifepoint addition was just something that came to mind adter reading rzzos post, not quoting your post
  17. if im not mistaken the 'unknown reason' was to prevent cbug.
  18. @Crash said in Updating PC Dog Spawn: @Rzz0 said in Updating PC Dog Spawn: so basically get stunned by a dog i cant outrun and i also cannot kill because the hitbox is broken LUL obviously no you already abuse eject, i get out of my car and im already tazed, you dont need a dog kill the handler? and the dog will be useless? maybe? you know maybe think? Nope, canine will still be protecting itself or attacking the target if its handler is down. i do say it should have a quarter life of a human tho. PC is all about rp and it'd be failrp/powergaming to keep running after a target as canine if you're shot 2 times with a shotgun. im 'retired' hunter irl and you'd drop a fox with a buckshot. canine irl also will be dropped from one or a few pistol rounds.
  19. according to bone/terry they/he(bone) already tried to explain it to you. you're better off seeking specifically bone and not anyone else. i'll close this thread for you.
  20. voila, you added the mod :)
  21. selling my large parking lot/cellar. can be mapped over as base, or used as parking lot for the sexy building in background if your gang owns both. starting bid ~[$]~(green)10.000.000. it features public vehicles and a disk
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