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SAES Creative
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Everything posted by Tut

  1. unfortunately this was already requested by another user https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11684/inactive-bc
  2. I have no clue why this vehicle in particular fails to load its texture. Anyhow in these situations use M > settings > tick disable mods and untick, it'll reload for yoyr client
  3. returning with different opinion on the server helps us improve and modernise the server rather than listening to the most active players, some of who have no need for changes and just wants to go about their lives. I would appreciate if you would leave the thread up until developers comes with a conclusion on what to do next, but it's ultimately your choice to archive. Archived on request, can be moved back if needed moved back on OP request
  4. cars needs to be balanced well. would you like the mod added back? (if yes, please make a poll)
  5. I don't recall the exact reason for the mod removal but likely due to the mod's visual and technical state. handling was OP and is the reason for it not being added again. constructive feedback regarding current vehicle handlings are welcome!
  6. in my reply I did not deny its return, merely informed you that the mod would not come with its previous custom handling and base vehicle. would you still want it added?
  7. I take that a no? also to answer your question; we're not making decisions based on community votes for everything. there are some content updates where we give community power to decide what gets added or removed, but that's not the case here. in this case it's the development team who has the final say. you have no obligation other than to suggest and try to reason with devs to get them to implement changes. I advise you get rid of this demanding attitude and profanity if you'd like any further suggestions considered. remember, everyone in SAES clan, its development team and its leadership are all volunteers. please don't take this message for granted. thank you for understanding. have a nice day.
  8. what if I tell you that it won't return with old handling, nor replace its old vehicle, would you still want it added?
  9. are you aware that you can live preview text without submitting post? @yuriko
  10. this may come in use https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet
  11. Accepted, only because it came from you! ::: kidding. git gud :::
  12. right, I'll connect today and do some testing for all motorcycles and see what I can do
  13. comparing to NRG, how fast do the 2 bikes go without tapping and with tapping? purely asking since I'm too lazy to boot up and test myself
  14. @Kybali0n said in MakeSanchezFaster: My suggestion is going to make Sanchez faster as his current speed is 180 km/h and I think he might deserve the speed of NRG-500. Does it go 180 without or with tapping? Also, no it won't be given near the same handling as NRG-500 as it isn't built for such high speeds or race track performance.
  15. Money and boat rewarded, locked to linus111560 and swe
  16. property has already been requested here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11364/inactive-ls
  17. property has already been requested here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11364/inactive-ls
  18. regarding all that bug abuse, i don't think i've seen an issue on our tracker? report bugs here if you know them :sunglasses: https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg/issues
  19. if you would please suggest additions in the right place. nevertheless, it'll be denied for reason said here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11226/new-car/3
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