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Everything posted by Bartman

  1. also suggested once to be able pay at modshop for example ~1mill/one car = this car can refuel double fuel, or 5mill+ doesent matter, you get bigger tanks for high price = fair deal & you still need to refuel cars
  2. naaah, my suggest is simply & fair @Element @Spetnazz suggest is: -trusted cops ak squad members have the "option" to write some /comand & theyr names turn out in some colouer (pink for example) = crimes knows they wont try arrest you -this cops still have ability to arrest/using guns as before incase someone dming them -this helps alot on lvX/hospitals & everywhere doing random stuff or even doing rp = crimes knows 99% this cops wont arrest you (1% is sherap & howlze) -its more like an trust thing from both sides squads & gangs & its not the jb problem at all (was just example video from licano), its more like a problem everywhere else outside of jb area. if i would record 24/7, i could show you atleast ~10 examples in ~1 week outside jb area
  3. @Element said in Script to make DM thing clear.: Well, why shouldn't he arrest you? he's doing his job after all? why would a wanted criminal come close to a police officer? It's like a Deer going to a Lion and saying "Hey", pretty sure it won't end that well, right? https://streamable.com/qo7luw just one of 1037292x examples how fkers waiting you to shoot = report or arresting u also cop coming to high wanted criminal fit your example aswell ^^ in my oponion, could make something wich only trusted cops/squads can use, like an pink name colouer = not chasing, but ability to using guns/arresting is still existent
  4. @Ikzelf said in [QUESTION] Killing unwanted criminals at SRs: @Licano said in [QUESTION] Killing unwanted criminals at SRs: Same way criminals kill cops standing in front of jail. There's enough of a latent danger. In one you'll get killed as soon as you turn around, in the other you'll get arrested as soon as you pass by the side of the cop. https://streamable.com/qo7luw & if u shoot first = report, hate this fkers in my eyes, if you have balls to stand "afk" near jail, than you have balls to get killed
  5. @Jim had my own metodh to detect, who is kanker from this name list? only joe = joe is murder : D
  6. joe
  7. +111 maybe can make ngr like bicycle, cuz bicycle is mostly ez to crash without dft flipping
  8. @Markus said in Official Quote Wall: thats why we need back minus likes : D
  9. @Markus said in [SUGGESTIONS] couple of mini suggestions: @Linkan said in [SUGGESTIONS] couple of mini suggestions: @Markus He meant if i would bribe you, the oanel automaticly opens for you. He wants smth like Drug And Arms with Press H to open Arms Dealer gui for Bribe too Am on phone so i tried to make it as short as possible, hope you understood Typing /offerbribe or having it binded isn't hard tho naah, he means if someone offerbribe you, than you get automaticly the buy pannel on your screen. & instead this, making it like sell/selldrugs where need first press h to buy stars : D some fkers doing it on purpose at hospitals savedisc & you either buy stars or run out of time cuz u cant spawn car & rip..
  10. hb ramppp : D
  11. today g6 spawn got remooved because they are "useless" for server.. my suggestion is because this situation + corona to make lws recutiming earlyer instead august, some g6 mens wich makes events would be happy if can happen @Lightning-World-Sports this suggestion is more lile a pls to lws/lws hq that some locked g6 mens could enjoy corona abit more :door:
  12. @Hassoni said in [SUGGESTION] BR paycheck area: @Draven said in [SUGGESTION] BR paycheck area: cops are giving their opinions in a suggestion that dosent concern them at all But it does concern us... having a bunch of criminals at the withdrawal area of the bank already makes it impossible to breach, imagine if they got paid for defending there. We're not involving us in this just to fuck with u whether you like it or not, some part is always going to complain about something no matter what, crims about the pay space or cops about the interior design its just the way it is we did once br with over 90 deffenders & guess what? it failed, simply because everyone blocking bullets + rambo arrest ie ez, we want as deffenders just get some reward too, thats all we want.. current systhem supports the "be a noob & get money, deffend = no money" this is just dumb. + this pay-area became a thing when kill arrest was not a thing, now kill arrest is a thing + spawning at house allowed for cops, even owning banks is allowed + vending machines & even pizzaboy dont works for crimes anymore, whilest crimeside only want an money reward for deffending, is that really to much? few months ago copside made topic that they want even more money at br & i complained about this issue, copside just said "we dont care, we want our money & crimeside need to go make theyr own suggest topic for this" & here we go... now few months later its somehow something not gonna happen?
  13. buy sultan v8 & hydraulic mens, handling are worse than police sultan, but, but its best 4-door car we have
  14. how about kill-arrest = no money for pigs, would be fair? br deffenders gets nothing, even if u go to safes you get as br deffenders ~8-16k/safe, any nubcop could do more money with ~1-2 respawns.. but this is just criminals crying because we are not able to do suggest about getting money everywhere? also to mention what an wise guy said once about this issue: @Crash said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: could we not stray away from the point of the topic itself? and stop with all the shit being tossed around If crims want the money reward lines pushed up make a suggestion like cops are doing no need to just turn the topic in to a fight of ou got this , we have this . so i did this topic (the same as here) https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15145/getting-money-everywhere-at-br/11 and??? nothing changed ofc.. now reading here daryls words how this bullshit "deffending = no money/camping at safes = money" makes sense, because all are braindead???
  15. if drugs in bagpack or disc doesent matter, thats way to much, would more like suggest remoove vending machienes from hospitals wich made alrdy an huge step backwards + making gangs sell only one thing, but i guess saes mens cant get alrdy enough drugs in real life..
  16. Bartman

    why is

    @Patrick said in why is: @Bartman said in why is: @Soul said in why is: bartman wants another forum ban ayyyyyyyy imagine getting forum banned cuz downvoting someone : D would not surprise me as you get forum banned for quoting an application these days. quoting apply?
  17. Bartman

    why is

    @Soul said in why is: bartman wants another forum ban ayyyyyyyy imagine getting forum banned cuz downvoting someone : D
  18. Bartman

    why is

    bumbito, when back dislike? : D want downvote kim/vayran & his doggos : D
  19. @Siirtuga said in Staff Recruitment: gl @Kybali0n and @Bartman @TaaviLaudur :) uuuf to lazy, imagine i have to deal with peoples shit : D
  20. @Velona said in SAES Video Archive: @Law @Terry , I guess this video of @CripZ letting @Deu fly before their BR will put an end to the discussions of the best pilot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpSz6gv61GU&feature=youtu.be german rap autotune : D
  21. @zaza also killing @Howlze in prez base :pig2:
  22. @RAMPAGE said in DM revenge in this case ........: a wise man called @Bartman said once...: aye just yesterday there was retard wich always stole picador, we dmed him at hosp till he runned : D
  23. @Benny said in S.W.A.T Decade Anniversary (10 Years) Celebrations!: Happy birthday my lovely squad, as far as I can tell this is the most amazing place I have ever spent my time on and I met a lot of people that are now my friends and I always meet new, now lets hope that SWAT will survive another decade and I will still be in this family. JewGang ftw : D
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