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Everything posted by Bartman
as the topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/17155/bringbackoldmute?_=1586344970509 have been locked with last wise words "dont do shit dont get muted" just wanted to mention why atleast partychat/pm/cc chat shouldnt be mute. last time i was muted for 1h by ubergay nanobob, was because i did very little spamm on loclachat "go interior" at br regroup, why i did the spamm? because the mass is dumb/sleeping & cant relaize that k-pannel from pigs can locate wanted criminals at regroups = ez knowing there gonna be br & little localchat spamm "interioooooooooooooor "go interioooor" always worked for the mass to relaize/wake up. but getting muted for that & not even beeing able handling br in cc chat for 1h is dumb.. no one see cc chat, why mute cc chat if it cant harm you? same goes pm/partychat, this makes absolutly 0 sense, specially when some kankers mutes you for bullshit. its just sad in my eyes that topic got so ez closed instead anyone having chance to discuss in a discussing topic, because someone pretends to know it better.. aye nanobob was outside aswell at this br tbh
S.W.A.T Decade Anniversary (10 Years) Celebrations!
Bartman replied to Element's topic in General Chat
hb mens, can never forget the nathan rage : D -
also atleast make partychat able after beeing muted : D even normal pm dont work after muted :/
@Soul said in headshot in jail: @Kain said in headshot in jail: I couldn't think of anything more cancerous tbh HLS, cough hls using ufo-warp to parashute to jail cough** https://youtu.be/IVFHyZSXKMw the suggestion is ubernoob, lets first #BringBackOldDeagle
[QUESTION] Rule 1; part 7
Bartman replied to TaaviLaudur's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
just get colt, & car-punch + colt-kill the pigs, as revange for car-punch-arrests : D ez DM : D -
Change taser to shoot once at a time
Bartman replied to Marwyn's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Elet said in Change taser to shoot once at a time: I dont post shit on forums but since there's no dislike button fuck it,just add shit back from the video where tazing=insta arrest with 1 tazer shot :DD (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6bBCZQzxvM) aye, if you go the extreme one side, how about we go back where you needed damage crimes -25hp to be able arrest with stick? atleast u had 17 tazer shoots.. if you use your brain, you know what need more skills -
Change taser to shoot once at a time
Bartman replied to Marwyn's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Joshbond said in Change taser to shoot once at a time: @Patrol @Bartman 200 crims and 50 cops is perfectly balanced, if anything a tad too many cops. There should not be the same amount of crims to cops. Never. There is a reason why in a 1v1, a cop will most likely win and taze the person they are chasing. Cops just need to work together more to achieve their goals. Cops dont need everything like us crims dont need everything.... 1 shot taze worked perfectly back in the day. You had to train as a officer to get good at using the tazer, now any silly cunt can use the tazer and arrest easy. Same as a criminal, killing a cop while being chased is not easy. Takes alot of practice and skill to be able to do that. Maybe if cops actually had training instead of just fucking around in police sultans ramming every 1-5 star person they see, cops would be better.... and be more effective. Im not insulting all cops, just saying the new generation (last 1-3 years) are not the same dedicated people like back in 2012 onwards, the present lot just want it easy.... juat like i said before, the ~2013 saes cops was was like ~1/3 & was perfect balanced (because cops respawn hosp & crimes goes jail), swat was known for best squad (& had even armor as reward a short time), because they was indeed skillfull, you needed skills & teamwork to arrest, same as u needed skills & teamwork as crimes, 1-hit arrest didnt even exist, nowdays every nubtraine can rambo an br as good as any swat.. but iam sure my comment gets shit stormed for saying how it is. from my eyes 2 shots ok, only the range need go back like it was & no 1-hit arrest. but never gonna happen, so this is all sensless. but best example is 5 O vs fbi at sf br, we all know that fbi dont use theyr brain like 5 O did & 5 O was an squad from ex gang members, wich is a shame for copside. aye & no one can tell that its perfect balanced if crimes need to regroup almost half houer to have 50+ deffenders fighting vs ~15 cops at br.. not to mention all the house/bank spawns beeing allowed nowdays for brs my biggest hope is just getting old deagle back tbh, the rest wont happen, no chance -
didnt read, but gl mens, pink panter best kid serie : D
ripperino lv br mens
Change taser to shoot once at a time
Bartman replied to Marwyn's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@AngelDust said in Change taser to shoot once at a time: @Bartman said in Change taser to shoot once at a time: But we havent cried about M4-AK-47 Equality to each other in all of this drama, why thefuck should anyone cry about ak-m4 equality? makes 0 sense mens About crying i meant no one had a conflict about that two gun's equality. thats the point, why thefuck should anyone have conflict with it? if a gang is uising m4 cuz ak is shitty, or if gang is using ak cuz both guns same? = zero difference -
@Soul said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags: @Spicey said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags: @Soul said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags: @Spicey said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags: bring back the old tags what the fuck is this new bullshit this new bullshit will get fixed, and we will stop crying about performance issues. i was never had problem with FPS drops so idc about it ;v just put it as a MOD who we can close and open it with using M>Mods You haven't been in a BR plane with 40 people then ;) or 90+ : D but its fixed now also make option m-pannel "use old/use new nametags" = all happy
Change taser to shoot once at a time
Bartman replied to Marwyn's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
But we havent cried about M4-AK-47 Equality to each other in all of this drama, why thefuck should anyone cry about ak-m4 equality? makes 0 sense mens -
Change taser to shoot once at a time
Bartman replied to Marwyn's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Patrol said in Change taser to shoot once at a time: Still bartman, 200 + criminals and even if we ever hit 50 cops, its incredibly unbalanced ik mens, need more pigs call lorch he does motivate speaks at jail to crimanls becoming pigs : D -
Change taser to shoot once at a time
Bartman replied to Marwyn's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Patrol said in Change taser to shoot once at a time: 200 + criminals on a daily basis Max 40 squad cops including trainees Result -------------> COP SIDE IS OP , OMG REMOVE IT REMOVE TASER IT SHOOTS 3 TIMES ! UNFAIR FOR CRIMS ! also ~1 week ago AA did br with ~48+ pigs on tbh, not like it makes the idea better, but pigside hits pretty offten to 50 mens : D but besides this, lets not forget that pigs respawn hosp & crimes at jail, have few screens from earlyer when pigside-crimes was 1:3 = all happy without 1hit arrest. tazer? bitch pls, no way tazer is op, 1-hit arrest is op, but whilest corona times we have enough crimes -
vote us or DM 24/7!!!
@Hassoni said in Add hydra/hunter pvps: Like @Tritosh says you wouldnt find any joy in hydra 1v1s its completely fucked. However if this gets implemented that may be incentive for hqs to fix the bugs seeing as more players would be involved, and no longer a "too much effort for too little benefit" situation @NanoBob wouldnt u agree eh real mens dont use minigun on hunter *looks on some ubernoobs using minigun against hunrer/ground people"
the downvote button disabled? no drama no fun mens
@Canelas said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: inserts same picture* TT in ~2013
-1 as crime i want enter br after it started & using nades (never doing at marker) helps me to go inside, whilest cops are still allowed using theyr house to respawn 37293939x to come to bank, crimes have only 1 chance to enter bank & we need to face 2 problems: -pigs arresting outside (some are camping there) -pigs arresting inside (alot camping after entrance) inside crimes have not rlly much chance to surviewe without getting arrest, but atleast let us our chance to surviewe outside..
@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins@Arms-Assassins @Arms-Assassins @Arma @Arms-Assassins @Teddy hows weather mens? : D
@Petrow naah, install itself for win7 is ~half houer + drivers & mta another half houer i guess. but i have fiels & shit to moove wich i wanted do even earlyer, but this motivates me to sort it finally : D
@Exile said in Whats up with the lag?: @Teller I was experiencing horrible lag with an RTX 2070 Super and an i7-8700k, it got so annoying I switched back to windows 7 (dual boot) and all my problems went away. I now experience little to no lag or latency in SAES. So when I went to play MTA i can boot up Windows 7, and for anything else I can switch back to Windows 10, just by restarting my computer. I believe it may be a mix of people's computer hardware/operating systems and server lag. this "more lag" atleast motivates me to finally install win7, wich i wanted do since i came back from inactive. can confirm this win7-10 difference: me 2010/11 same pc with 8gb less ram & worse graphic card, but win7 = constant 60fps on gta sa with atleast 100+ mods. now win10 with better graphic card + 8gm more ram = shitty fps on gta sa without any single mod. it have deffinitly to do with win10, tryed everything, even kenny tryed help me/find problem & there was noone (also idk if the new lagraise lattly have to do with win10 tbh)
ECO-TAX for Trucks and Large Vehicles
Bartman replied to Sollozzo's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
when greta hits saes uuuuf