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Everything posted by Bartman

  1. @Mega9 said in New addition to the development team!: @Bartman I'd love to put some of my words into your mouth. Ruf mich an Schatz anytime :duck:
  2. well this goes from rzzos topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15152/default-deagle?page=1 suggestion: get default deagle back, because there is no reason to keep it like a shitty gun after it cant be abused anymore... (vote clearly said yes at old topic) so whats the problem? @Brophy @Kain we did normally an suggestion & than kain said this only because one guy, wich no one knows: ***"Honestly some of you need to sort your piece of shit attitudes out, I'm purposely not gonna do it now. @Samv said in default deagle: Day 27. Some man named Zei steal my funny content. We are still waiting for fucking respond from fucking guy named kain who is doing nothing for this server. And you can blame this guy ^ "*** if looking on comments below, you can clearly see how all people hates what samv said & absolutly no one supported what he said. so my question is, why thefuck denied an suggestion just because one guy wich isnt in any group/anything & no one knows him? seriosly, dont make this kindergarden shit, no one called samv to say anything on this topic, why punishing whoole server because one guy? and if wondering why many people afterwards spammed the topic, well this suggestion is alrdy 4months old, and got denied on purpose just because one guy insulted kain wich no one likes & no one supports. ofc people gets mad & spamm the topic, every gaming comunity would act like that, doesent matter wich game. so pls, ledo this like grown up mens & not acting like we are still in kindergarden & again, we did never support samv words
  3. @Daryl said in New addition to the development team!: @Bartman said in New addition to the development team!: riperino love this lets be negative about a dev today lets complain about someone not doing your stupid suggestion in a week then we'll wonder why nobody wants to do your suggestions KEK double U jesus, take some chill pill or something if you get triggered by one fking word. & to your note, i have never complained to any suggestion not happenning in a week, same as i never complained about killarrest at brs & never did an topic about it, but you still put words in my mouth at every possible moment, you are acting like in kindergarden, maybe its time to stopp & grow up? slowly it gets annoying... and i said riperino when teddy becomes admin too, why u didnt put some words in my mouth that time too?
  4. @Turbo said in [SUGGESTION] Mark Vehicles Immune to Respawn: I got an idea, there must be a maximum range that your car shouldn't respawn while you are in the range. So I mean for example you should be in the range of 50 meters while the respawn is going on, so your vehicle shouldn't respawn. And if you are outside the range (50 meters) your vehicle is respawning. It's just an idea, if you have a better one state it. ^^ actuall best idea if this is possible but what is in my non-rp eyes more annoying, is that we have sometimes a looong time no carrespawn at all & sometimes we have 2x carrespawn in ~5mins, ik reporting on github but to lazy..
  5. Bartman

    I'm back.

    wb akyz mens : D
  6. hb mens : D
  7. @Ikzelf said in SoA VS GJMC - Meme War: this topic needs a dislike button ^^ missing here so bad, but atleast they did extra topic for theyr discount memes : D
  8. hb lamza mens : D
  9. is this an extra account for soa or someone changed his name? : D
  10. hospital is just 500 dollar mens, you provoke? so you deverse DM
  11. @DROT said in [SUGGESTION] Marker abuse / Jail system: @Bartman said in [SUGGESTION] Marker abuse / Jail system: we can test ::: ::: almost never using this marker, but the one marker at helipad no arrest protection, or iam nub & mooved : D
  12. @Linkan said in House Robery: @Bartman said in House Robery: @Linkan said in House Robery: @DyamDouglas said in House Robery: @Linkan That's exactly what they're trying to change If so, i dont want to see old system. I prefeer something new who would not include a store roof. Perhaps somewhat inside an store with a few entrances. Should ofc be equally for cops/crims difference with old hr was that circle was alot bigger, using ground + roof & the cops vs crimes alot more fun cuz you dont stay like a nub on 4x4m roof Well. Old was alot bigger. Which was cool. But i would preefer something new between current and old one insteadf we are goin to change it the thing is the old hr would alrdy be new enough in my eyes & ez to reuse it without the need to mapp anything. scroll up to bones video how good hr was, depends on location & crimes/pigs it could make more fun than an br already. if just old hr comes back, than we can still think about something new, just need get ridd of the 4x4m roof standing like an idiot
  13. @DROT said in [SUGGESTION] Marker abuse / Jail system: @Bartman said in [SUGGESTION] Marker abuse / Jail system: also small note, crimes dont have any marker protection, we can get instantly arrested at marker with black dildo or getting tazed That is not correct. Perhaps it take you personally more time to load the interior than the protection lasts, but it is there. we can test later if want, you get arrested before the map even loaded
  14. @TaaviLaudur said in [SUGGESTION] Marker abuse / Jail system: Move the marker inside the jail to the canteen area or something, will prevent cops from abusing the marker protection ^^ this ez & best solouten also small note, crimes dont have any marker protection, we can get instantly arrested at marker with black dildo or getting tazed
  15. @Linkan said in House Robery: @DyamDouglas said in House Robery: @Linkan That's exactly what they're trying to change If so, i dont want to see old system. I prefeer something new who would not include a store roof. Perhaps somewhat inside an store with a few entrances. Should ofc be equally for cops/crims difference with old hr was that circle was alot bigger, using ground + roof & the cops vs crimes alot more fun cuz you dont stay like a nub on 4x4m roof
  16. @Element goes to sound option whilest br >> gets arrested >> rip. fact is, br sound annoying as fk, no one likes it & in my eyes its something completly unnecessery thing to force to players just because it gives the "real life br experience", the same way we could force to use manual gears on cars, because it gives real life feeling (actually you can switch to manual gear in saes but its shitty). but this is anyways outside of this suggestion wich is unnecessery, even ty for an swat suggesting something for other side, but we have teamchat spammed etc when br coming, crimes knows about br like 15-30mins before even starting
  17. get well mens, all mens above said everything alrdy, but all ik from some older friends that meditationn could help idk
  18. @Element said in BR Alert Sound for Criminals: @flusha The Bank Robbery alert that cops can hear it's simply a Dispatcher voice that says that there's an active Bank Robbery and bla bla, as I know so far criminals do not have Dispatch so why would they get any alert at all? I would say that the top bar red alert is already too much and there's no reason giving voice alert in this case. @Bartman That's the point of the alarm after all, however, it improves the gaming experience and gives a sense of true robbery. the sound is just annoying, & saes br have like 0.00000001% to do with real brs, alone the fact that need 50+ helpers to rob one single bank
  19. @Purpleweed said in Reworking on VIP script: @Xavier Everything what I have saw everytime the VIP is being transported, Criminals + Cops are no chasing it because most of the time its a time waste. Ofcourse you have situations like you have clipped. But personally I think, if you would mix the BriefCase / VIP together. It would pack out better. thats why all we need is an timer for vip, like crimes need hold vip 10mins & cops 10mins too, once timer ends = you have location where to develier, just like my old suggest https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13621/making-vip-more-fun/21?page=2
  20. i would even suggest remoove alarm inside instead, who thefuck needs this annoying alarm?
  21. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13621/making-vip-more-fun/21?page=2 also there is one smiler suggest ^^
  22. https://i.imgur.com/Zn2cKhf.png AA BR SF: 8/8 safe cracked by: illu/pasta/dext/pazooo @Canelas (is very ubergay) AA : p
  23. hb crlh : D
  24. @ILLUSION said in BR Alert Sound for Criminals: If criminals are going to hear Canserbero saying "Helloooooo I am Canserbero from de Kompani" every time when a BR starts, I am in! ^^ best suggest ever : D
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