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Everything posted by Bartman
@buraco said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: The HR systems looks good and fun, a lot of DM its better than stay afk like a dickhead on roof. SR is bored when there are +12 crims. HR will be fun anyway, 1 good cop can arrest people easy, but when criminals camping on roof using Combat shotgun its no easy for 1 cop, even if he is pro. But on the land combat 1 cop can arrest a lot of crims, that is more fun. well, actually in my eyes i think its the other way arround if we talk only about one cop, on tinny 4x4 meters roof can one cop para down there & ramboarrest all without problems because crimes have no space to run. on ground crimes have alot space to run & avoid rambo + easyer shoot + atleast ~70% of hr had roofs aswell earlyer, but bigger roofs
[SUGGESTION] HLS Spawning At Properties To Attend a BR
Bartman replied to MrGamer's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
because hls have armor + nightstick (= ez rambo) + house spawn rule remooved, the gangs doing now brs at nights/mornings "pikatchu face meme". nstead doing br when copside active & it is a br with DM. ak: normal BR when both sides active/ alot DM VS. booring BR at mornings/nights with hls & houserespawn, but no active copside. @Lightning @Freezoom exactly, where thefuck is the fun here? but thats just the logical reaction from crimeside doing BRs now at nights, i dont like this booring BRs aswell. i hope i dont need to explain deeper how logic works... just want to say that kain owns lv bank & he alone spawning 2728239302x times as hls at his lv bank, he alone is more worth than atleast 30+ cops, if someone cant see anything wrong in here, than this person is in my eyes either superdumb or just dont care for balance at all. eitherway there will nothing change as usual, so nvm & go on with this bullshit if it makes someone happy that BR becoming now booring to both sides -
[FEATURE] Additional games in the Casino[SOLVED]
Bartman replied to Markus's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Filex said in Additional games in the Casino: @Bartman said in Additional games in the Casino: @Filex said in Additional games in the Casino: @Bartman said in Additional games in the Casino: @Lightning said in Additional games in the Casino: Poker, please :) suggested it once aaaaages ago, but i guess its to hard to script it : / trust me it's so hard bro this took me 30min to make ( and yes the design is shit i'm not planning to get it anywhere anyway) https://streamable.com/kfvm6u aye i guess it can be very hard to script poker with all the rules & stuff hahahahhahah :joy: nice try HAHAHAJAHHA script poker mens, like saes can play vs saes & i give all my money from bank : D -
[FEATURE] Additional games in the Casino[SOLVED]
Bartman replied to Markus's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Filex said in Additional games in the Casino: @Bartman said in Additional games in the Casino: @Lightning said in Additional games in the Casino: Poker, please :) suggested it once aaaaages ago, but i guess its to hard to script it : / trust me it's so hard bro this took me 30min to make ( and yes the design is shit i'm not planning to get it anywhere anyway) https://streamable.com/kfvm6u aye i guess it can be very hard to script poker with all the rules & stuff -
[FEATURE] Additional games in the Casino[SOLVED]
Bartman replied to Markus's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Lightning said in Additional games in the Casino: Poker, please :) suggested it once aaaaages ago, but i guess its to hard to script it : / -
@Hatchet said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: @Bartman said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: @Bangas said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: @Hatchet said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: @Bangas said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: @Hatchet said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: @Bangas said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: @Hatchet said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: No from me....SRs are way more better than those old HRs. Cops are already a bit OP these days; replacing SRs with HRs will mean a disaster for crim side. I love the system as it is right now. Maybe it a bit repetitive, easier etc but I don't need extra pain in ass as long I'm getting the fast decent money. dude sometimes people stay for long time in the Sr roof afk because they went afk during an SR ive done it already, because it's boring. when you got a lot of crims protecting it you don't even need to bother protecting it, would be cool for both sides, easier for cops to retake it and funnier for crims cus they will be doing it activly and not just standing in the roof scratching the balls. that's my opinion and ofc that everyone has the right to have his own _()_/ Easier for the cops - yes, funnier for the crims - nope. If you think that SR is too ez for crim side as they have a lot of crims protecting, tell me why I can see "store robbery stopped by police" every now and then? It's balanced for both cops and crims as it is, the SR. HR will make things worse for crim side and that is not cool. There is time where cops have more strength then criminals and vice versa, same would happen in the HR. vice versa? maybe... Also because you think that you will fail more HRs that's already a reason to say no? Try to be less selfish... Also I want to clarify what you have understood. It's not about only me, it's about the whole crim side. As a part of an official gang, it's obvious and natural that I will talk in favor of the crim side. Nothing wrong I can see in it. Eventually the members of official squads will in favor of the cop side. I see no selfishness in it and want to keep this convo friendly. Don't try to call me selfish as you have no right to do so, don't make it personal. But just like i said above opinions are opinions. Exactly....100 percent. That's what I am saying that everyone have their right to have a different opinion and express it. "As a part of an official gang, it's obvious and natural that I will talk in favor of the crim side. Nothing wrong I can see in it. Eventually the members of official squads will in favor of the cop side" Maybe you should defend what you think it's more correct and not the criminal side. but that's the way i see it and it's pointless to keep arguing since we have defined opinions and we are not willing to change... anyways thanks for showing me your point of view. mens chill abit.. as all knows iam crime since ever in saes, and even some may say oppesite, i was always neutral at cops vs crimes shit, tryed always bring logical points why this or this is wrong or right. but here i need to say as gangmember/crime wich knows how hr works & sr, hr can be win with teamwork of crimes & it have actual real DM, it will be abit harder, but men what do crimes preffer? staying afk at roof & some cop do parashute to arrest alone ~15+ crimes for example? there is no real fight, just an little reacting time, abit luck & afk. hr gives chance for both sides to win hr because teamwork & skills + alot DM look at bones video, tell me that booring afk sr can be better than real DM https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qDO24-6WZ5g from my eyes, if want farming money without beeing arrested, just go trucking/farming or afk turf (wich brings more money than sr if enough members) we have all oponions/some have experience, some dont even know what hr is, but we have a vote & lets atleast try mens, if we would stay safe & wouldnt try change anything in the world, we would still hunt animals in the wood & making fire like in stone age. Hmm It actually looks like a lot of fun in that video BUT I think cops will most likely use brute force (killing) instead of trying to arrest (unlike that video) and it won't be cool. Oh yea, now they even have server rules in their favor - an excuse to kill. Even if there is 6 crims and 4-5 cops I bet they will try to kill first as "they are taking fire". So what we supposed to do? Let them come peacefully and arrest us? They can always arrest us most if they are skilled enough and teamworks. aye lets hope cops dont kill us, honestly latly i havent noticed cops sniping for fun at sr, but earlyer i had alot times when i was alone at sr & cops still sniped me, like wtf. but in my eyes only the watertank could be op at hr
mens do nade dart with 50mills would be awesome :D
[SUGGESTION] Rules regarding JB
Bartman replied to Dango's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
rip than need the other solouten -
[SUGGESTION] Rules regarding JB
Bartman replied to Dango's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
is it possible somehow to delete some wall & make real door without marker, only one marker wich replace the red door (or complete jail in normal dimension ak no interior at all)? -
^^ feel the non existent minuslike i give to u : D in my eyes thats just drama queens with stick in ass wich cant get minusliked anymore, i mean who thefuck with an ok brain cares for a fking like? its just we feed drama quens how they want, abit out of topic, but thats what hapoening slowly in real life, facebook & other shit gets cencored/blocked & deleted from free speech, just because we have to tollerate drama quens wich makes from bullshit a whoole nosense drama. everyone got oponions ofc, no one knows 100% whats right, but idk if should make a vote or is that insta denied suggestion?
@Tut-Greco well, i really doubt that saes comunity become even abit healthyer just from deleting minuslikes, instead just do minuslike we have to reply with negative vibe instead to oponions we dont like. its hell of fun if some people gets mad over fking likes, i mean this are just like/minuslikes, thats not money, no phisically object, nothing also u could just minuslike my suggest, but instead u have to reply = proof minuslikes are good : D
[SUGGESTION] Lets bring old taser back
Bartman replied to FoxZilla's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@FoxZilla hell no, you are swat, where thefuck is the awesome teamwork & skills gone when ghost was swat leader??? that someone as swat suggest this bullshit is even more shaming to swat what it becomes nowdays... everything alrdy said what need, but i just wanted to mention that your point about "crimes wants everything, crimes wants hr" hr is actually better/easyer for copside, some crimes are against hr because it will be abit harder, but you bring this shit as like "crimes wants only op stuff"??? lets do the 1vs1 with reversed roles, you as crime & me as cop, 10mill each round, iam always rdy for it, lets see how copside is not op at all also why in my eyes copside becomes booring, because its way to easy to arrest crimes, you dont need teamwork or skills nowdays, just 1hit rambo arrest & tazer range is almost like deagle, this shit is not challanging = booring, making it more easy = more booring -
@IceCold said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: Imagine 6 cops just sniping crims like at srs, and thats fun huh? Kek Think again imagine cops sniping crimes at sr, ohwait : D at hr u have atleast more protection against snipers i swear i will do some events just to simulate hr & show all this pussy crimes that u dont need to be scared : D
@Ikzelf said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: @Kain said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: people spawning at housing icons physically inside the HR marker. People already spawn 2 feet next to SR's anyways. +1 for a mixture of sorts. ^^this y both mixxed would be perfect
@Bangas said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: @Hatchet said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: @Bangas said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: @Hatchet said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: @Bangas said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: @Hatchet said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: No from me....SRs are way more better than those old HRs. Cops are already a bit OP these days; replacing SRs with HRs will mean a disaster for crim side. I love the system as it is right now. Maybe it a bit repetitive, easier etc but I don't need extra pain in ass as long I'm getting the fast decent money. dude sometimes people stay for long time in the Sr roof afk because they went afk during an SR ive done it already, because it's boring. when you got a lot of crims protecting it you don't even need to bother protecting it, would be cool for both sides, easier for cops to retake it and funnier for crims cus they will be doing it activly and not just standing in the roof scratching the balls. that's my opinion and ofc that everyone has the right to have his own _()_/ Easier for the cops - yes, funnier for the crims - nope. If you think that SR is too ez for crim side as they have a lot of crims protecting, tell me why I can see "store robbery stopped by police" every now and then? It's balanced for both cops and crims as it is, the SR. HR will make things worse for crim side and that is not cool. There is time where cops have more strength then criminals and vice versa, same would happen in the HR. vice versa? maybe... Also because you think that you will fail more HRs that's already a reason to say no? Try to be less selfish... Also I want to clarify what you have understood. It's not about only me, it's about the whole crim side. As a part of an official gang, it's obvious and natural that I will talk in favor of the crim side. Nothing wrong I can see in it. Eventually the members of official squads will in favor of the cop side. I see no selfishness in it and want to keep this convo friendly. Don't try to call me selfish as you have no right to do so, don't make it personal. But just like i said above opinions are opinions. Exactly....100 percent. That's what I am saying that everyone have their right to have a different opinion and express it. "As a part of an official gang, it's obvious and natural that I will talk in favor of the crim side. Nothing wrong I can see in it. Eventually the members of official squads will in favor of the cop side" Maybe you should defend what you think it's more correct and not the criminal side. but that's the way i see it and it's pointless to keep arguing since we have defined opinions and we are not willing to change... anyways thanks for showing me your point of view. mens chill abit.. as all knows iam crime since ever in saes, and even some may say oppesite, i was always neutral at cops vs crimes shit, tryed always bring logical points why this or this is wrong or right. but here i need to say as gangmember/crime wich knows how hr works & sr, hr can be win with teamwork of crimes & it have actual real DM, it will be abit harder, but men what do crimes preffer? staying afk at roof & some cop do parashute to arrest alone ~15+ crimes for example? there is no real fight, just an little reacting time, abit luck & afk. hr gives chance for both sides to win hr because teamwork & skills + alot DM look at bones video, tell me that booring afk sr can be better than real DM https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qDO24-6WZ5g from my eyes, if want farming money without beeing arrested, just go trucking/farming or afk turf (wich brings more money than sr if enough members) we have all oponions/some have experience, some dont even know what hr is, but we have a vote & lets atleast try mens, if we would stay safe & wouldnt try change anything in the world, we would still hunt animals in the wood & making fire like in stone age.
@Hatchet said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: No from me....SRs are way more better than those old HRs. Cops are already a bit OP these days; replacing SRs with HRs will mean a disaster for crim side. I love the system as it is right now. Maybe it a bit repetitive, easier etc but I don't need extra pain in ass as long I'm getting the fast decent money. sr = dumb afking on a tinny 4x4m roof hr = action you can aswell go do some afk-turf if u want ez money for doing nothing, but the fun is not the money itself, the fun beginns at the DM
@Albie actually there are alot sources that not shaving is more healthy & higyenic, i just picked the first one wich seems to be some feminist woman anti shave shit, but its not wrong tough. its known fact that weak skin like armpits, balls/dick/nose/eyes are easyer to attack for bacterias than any other skin & hair is protecting the skin from bacteria. also the "better sex" part is not even some bullshit, at some study about dick/pussy hair the sweat/smell there makes more horny for both genders. boom bitch, hair is manly only snobs doesent like it, thought i do shave because smoothness what about nose hair tbh, anyone need like me remoove em cuz to long? : D
How to Donate 1 Car
Bartman replied to Axel's topic in Crews, Groups, Criminal Gangs & Civilian Companies - ARCHIVE
would be awesome like next gen become car : D -
How to Donate 1 Car
Bartman replied to Axel's topic in Crews, Groups, Criminal Gangs & Civilian Companies - ARCHIVE
i knew someone will bring this to here : D -
@AkyZ said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: HRs were harder and therefor "scarier" and funnier :D pliz make this happen <3 ^^exactly this yes hr is abit harder than sr for crimes, but it brings back the actual fun of an cops vs crimes fight, instead this shitty dumb afk on sr roofs. & someone who have been at hr-sr times, i can say that most people become mad when hr was replaced with sr, and i really cant remmember people complaining that someone pushed with cars out of circle, specially since hr had mostly some bigger roofs. neither the "spawning inside hr" wich was almost never happening & by far less annoying than nowdays where houses arround sr owned by 90% of cops. the only op thing i can imagine is the armored water tank, going to hr, but this can be handled after actual seeing how hr works nowdays
also to break the myth "shaving = more hygiene" its doing actually oppesite https://www.insider.com/health-benefits-not-shaving-2018-5 (but me not believing sex better just because hair) the skin is weak at armpits & easy to get infected = humman use natural way to protect with hair at the area you actually need, humman body dont make sensless shit, hair there is a for a reason. even if armpits smells worse as without, armpits is more healthy. -& there enough old womans liking armpits/manly etc. kids/schoolgirls obviosly not because they are dumb bitches influenced by media, but once gets older no one cares. -imagine bruce willis without armpits, he would look supergay me still shaving tough, because feels smooth & in germany the worst thing you can do is smelling bad, no other country makes drama as in germany, eating garlic is here like an big sin. -use seperate razors for beard/armpit & balls. shave your ass if you want become supergay, asshair is protecting you from infections too, never shave them doesent matter what your gf says, break up with gf if she wants your asshair shaved!! also do like @M7mod & grow longer leghairs than canelas his hairs ;D
hair behind arms are deffending the weak skin from bakteria, thats why we have it, shaving them makes us weaker against bacteria there. but to feel compfortable i shave them aswell, in germany many mens over ~25/30y dont shave them because no one cares . but i dont have friends wich have desk jobs & i heard some people at desk jobs need even remoove nose hairs to look "profsnl"
[LWS-STAFF] Bartman's LWS Events
Bartman replied to Bartman's topic in Lightning World Sports's Events
abit late but here posted events, soon more events posts event: Land car in box hoster: AA helper: Bartman price: 3x 1.5m winner: @Drebin 1x win @Altra 2x win screens: event: Land bike in tube hoster: AA helper: Bartman price: 2x 2.5m winner: @Drebin @Lorch screens: event: chicken boom hoster: ICE & @podi_H helper: Velo & Bartman price: 1M winner: @GlaDio03 screens: event: chicken nader hoster: @CHAPO & CDC helper: @master Bartman price: 1M winner: @GlaDio03 screens: event: Land car in box hoster: AA helper: @mr.gamer Bartman price: 1.5M winner: @m7mdebrahim @M7mDGr7 @M7mod @M7rezz screens: event: Carkill anarchy & edgar hoster: AA helper: Bartman @mr.gamer @ANARCHY @Edgar price: 2.5M for anarchy & 2M for edgar price2: 1M for anarchy winner: @sila (killed egdar & anarchy) @m7mdebrahim @M7mDGr7 @M7mod @M7rezz (killed anarchy for 1M) screens: event: Land bike in tube hoster: AA helper: Bartman price: 2x 2M winner: @Drebin @sila screens: -
who won btw? : D