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Everything posted by Nico

  1. @TripleX so squads get a vault in thier base, which can be robbed by other peeps. Since they are a squad, they cant do the same to other gangs as that would just be stupid. So the fact is, that they will only lose money after all. Guess thats a No, unless squads get something equal to earn money with on other peeps based ( maybe some sort of investigation of the area, no idea )
  2. A real Joshbosh! Its been to long! So this is what real life looks like?
  3. Probably never actually played Halo
  4. @Kim Cant message u cause U restricted your PM's. Not much experience regarding SAES's Shader policy, do have experience with map editor ( 8 years and counting ) incase u need any.
  5. Has no base Icon ( As stated, it has 7 icons ). Should probably be sold as 7 seperate properties ( and not named as base ) @Crash pls fix.
  6. New SAHA's when? @Shaun
  7. CripZ will go full Turk, when this goes live..
  8. This is an automated post TXN ID: 5B909396XW606551M Donation Amount: 60.00GBP Requested Awards: ( I wish to also finish the 2 latest additions from my last donation in this thread as well. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9266/donation-notnico-amount-60-00-gbp ) General Stuff Donation Spawn access ingame ( acc: diefish ) Donator group access on Forum ( speaks for itself ) Donator Group access on DC (Joris#6969) The ingame money of course, 12m. 4 Vehicles from this Donation I want to request the following 4 vehicles, that are granted from this donation. 3x NRG ( To be shaded later on, Located at a Property of @Jasper ) Location: https://prnt.sc/py2rxc Color: 1st: e8d300 2nd: 4c4c4c 1x Huntley Location: https://prnt.sc/py2re6 Upgrades: 10x Nitro, Will add engine upgrade myself now that it's free. Color: e8d300 2 Vehicles from my last Donation ( which are still remaining, see the link mentioned above ) 1 Shamal parked at BC Airport ( Including an Icon ) Color: e8d300 1 DFT ( To be shaded later on ) Location: http://prntscr.com/py2tgc Color: CC Brownish Upgrades: 10x Nitro, Will add engine upgrade myself now that it's free. 4 Custom shaders, Check above to see which vehicles will receive them ( Will be made later on ) ( by the new 5 gpb a Shader until 25 Dec. Thingy ) I will remove/relocate my interior placed on a previous property. The previous donation got my Interior placed on this Property. ( https://prnt.sc/py1ylt ) I would like it to be removed there, as I don't own the property anymore. Since I do get an additional interior with this donation, Both will be added to a property later on.
  9. Still waiting for this to be implemented :smirk:
  10. Hello & Welcome, I would like to sell my Business located Next to LS bank. probably the closest icon ( apart from the bank icon itself ). It has 96k income ( More than the bank ). The starting offer is ~[65m.]~(red) Bidding increases must be at least ~[5m.]~(red) Icon Image: ::: :::
  11. Bump or Close? Probably not gonna happen anyways ( alltho its a reward for the Hackathon? )
  12. Bump I guess?
  13. @DROT the fact that I dont know how Cargrab works, is true. However, everything that a cop can abuse ( which he wont ), can be the same for Criminals ( which they wont ). So I still dont get the point why this should be a police only thing.
  14. The fact that criminals "can" abuse it, doesnt mean they will. I dont see why this thing should be a Police thing only, as it can be abused from both sides. Having cops teleport through Walls, as U mentioned above to enter a base? Having them entering SR through walls? Have u seen any cops abuse this? And if so, they get punished for it. Then why would we keep this away from Criminals, as we have the same rights on using a script like this. In my opinion is should be accesable by everyone. Cops, Crims & Civilians.
  15. @Crash he had 4, adminjail raises that to the max amount
  16. Couldnt u use tha HeadBash animation for this back in the days?
  17. @Zei you could compare it to that if u want yes
  18. Why dont we just add this to the forums instead? If im correct, all housing / vehicle data is stored in a SQL Database, and should be accesable from forums for example. Introducing a seperate page ( sorta like the old donatiom change page ) where u can Auction Vehicles & Properties, would be cool. Maybe adding an option to buy cars ( Carshop ) directly from forums, or even transfer money to someone who's ingame would be cool.
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