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Everything posted by James

  1. @wolferx can you please delete this video is very cruel ,to kick animals,do you like this to happen to you ?
  2. This is an automated post TXN ID: 02876967SX516812D Donation: 40.00 GBP Requested rewards: 4.000.000$ In-Game Money 2 Turismo at ICE Base ( exactly it will be showed in game) 2 Custom wraps on the Turismo ( Requested TUT shaders for now ) 1 Large Interior on Hold
  3. Congratulations @Terry @JohnnyEnglish and @Joe ![alt text]
  4. I was 1 of the 3 players that stop that robbery because i have a house next to it. Your problem is not the properties, the only problem that you have is this SR is next to the Point where you take the money with the bag in LS. So @DROT he is right, there are many other SR you can choose.
  5. Filex is on crack.yes one hundred percent
  6. Happy Birthday Filex: :birthday:
  7. @ElRastaMan17 said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): @James if this doesnt concern some people why dont you try to resolve on private? The point is that you are creating a bad image of your group to saes players. And if you really wanted to resolve this you should think on the well being of the server first and stop being so rude to everyone whose trying to give an opinion I think i made myself very clear. we can post in this forum if we want. And if you don't like it then don't read it ,don't answer back, just go on what you are usually do
  8. @ElRastaMan17 said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): @Sam its the truth, you are crying like kids only because your group is not doing their job. Every answer you give to every comment on this topic is around the same thing. Instead of crying on the forum why dont your group start to build a good reputation ingame? i want to inform you that ice and swat are the most active police squats in this server ingame.
  9. @BusterMcBadass said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): @James You're actually proving my point. It's because of that attitude man. I'm not saying you can't do it or that it's against the rules. It's because of the "OH WE DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT". You don't need to be polite to anyone but will people think good of you if you aren't? Man, you do you. If you're happy the way ICE is right now then there is no point in this topic. 1 It's because of that attitude man. do you know me because i don't remember never had spoken with you mate. so what attitude you are talking about 2 If you're happy the way ICE is right now then there is no point in this topic. This topic does not concern you at all. befittingly who created this topic is ICE Sam. fitly ? SAM is trying to solving some problem from F1 .and be answered from administrator if he can. not by you.
  10. @ElRastaMan17 said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): This could all be prevented if ICE just looked to themselfs and stop being so greedy on arrests and spamming the chat with base selling. Start roleplaying because it only seems like you just want to farm Money no matter the way ICE Police can play How they want. Criminal play How they want. who are you to tell us how we must play. If you don't like to get jailed, then i advise you stop playing criminal complainer. There is no rules that we must roleplay if we don't wanted.
  11. @BusterMcBadass said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): Honestly, this would all be avoided if you had some common sense. The impression I have from ICE is: They will arrest you no matter how many stars you have. They keep dying but they keep coming for the same person over and over again. Its amazing. I ran out of bullets for shooting the same 2-3 guys in a span of 5 minutes. They just dont care, their purpose in life is to arrest you. They dont speak, they dont RP. Its like a cheap A.I. Who want HUGE base LV pm me Arms Assassins backstory talks about them losing their morals but actually, they have way more morals than ICE... a fucking official police squad. Im not saying all this to put you to shame, Im saying this because since I started playing again about a week ago, this is the impression Ive got from your squad. All the other squads look way more serious than ICE. ONE OF THE FUNNIEST THINGS I'VE EVER READ In real life if one criminal is wanted, And Police is after him,And the criminal Escapes by killing more cops.Police will not continue to Arresting them?? Let's be serious hear. This game is about police and criminals, police hunt criminal that are wanted . story robbery and bank robbery and prisoner to trying to escape prison. That all we can do. There is no rules that we must roleplay if we don't wanted. What do you want to say.. having one police squat and let criminale free, And how we must make money and fun in this game this way. stop this crap and nonsense. ICE Police can play How they want. Criminal play How they want. who are you to tell us how we must play. If you don't like to get jailed, then i advise you stop playing criminal complainer.
  12. @SideSwipe said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): Yeah yeah i got AJ once And you finally find reason to kick me by did do not care about it, poor words. Btw is Sam leader or James Like i know Sam was wear tag L You hesitate to speak the truth. stop make up story that didn't exist This is the problem that you don't even know who is the leader from ICE .And you apply in level 5 organization Let me Remind you the time that you was kicked. ICE was level 0 .You got admin jailed and continues 2 time in one month. So we had no other choice. Than to kick you. After 4 warning points. After long time away from SAES server you come back. Applied to join ICE At Level 4 stage . HASH HQ test you and got invited back to ICE, ;et me Remind you again this time. you was Not Kicked from ICE. You had received 2 point for Rule breaking and you thought with 2 points ICE will Kick you so you left by yourself, ~[This is the second time you joined ICE, Let see now I kicked you like you said or you left by yourself mate]~(red)
  13. @SideSwipe said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): Yeah i wonder why ppl hate ICE I has asked them They said u should know ICE history but sadly at time ICE began i was in it but by inactive so somebody tell me WHY? btw ICE often kicked members who got adminjail. All organization have rules. ICE has 3 warning points. if you receive more than 3 warning points in one month. them you get kicked from the team.Admin Jail counts 2 points the rest warning count 1 point,This are the rules. we have no other choice.
  14. This fog effect destroys all the fun in the game it annoying,Most people dislike,its Huge difference with out having fog .
  15. @Tut-Greco "Thank you very much"
  16. @Thing said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Tut-Greco said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): yes, it's a game Thing, keep that in mind. no need to set absurd high standards for people to join an organisation. we're giving him a path to follow by joining SAPA, and i'd feel guilty for seeing someone leave the server due to selfish people not letting him join anything. give people a chance to have fun instead of questioning someone who's giving another guy an opportunity If you would be realistic and saw his applications, behaviour on the forum etc, you would have a different opinion. But it is just a game, right? Guess that every dumbass can be invited because of that. Then the organisation gets demoted for rulebreakers or bad behaviour towards the community. How do you defend that, it is just a game? @Thing personal point of view is correct for what he said . But looking at things from a different perspective,There is more players that are willing to join criminal gangs. and not police. most powerful criminal organizations have the opportunity to select the members.police organizations don't have the same opportunity.ICE Police invited many new players and gave them the opportunity to be in one squad. But unfortunately ice police paid the price.Pending from rising up level, rule breakers, Bad behavior towards the community. ICE doesn't Regret that we helped new players. it's only one game so we enjoy. This way will have more member in our server that we play, Thank you for your time.
  17. @Tut-Greco said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): @Tut-Greco it's a game yes i agree as well,it's only one game and we must help other to achieve.
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