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Everything posted by James

  1. @Cappo said in Carjacker Script Idea: Even though James's English is barely understandable, he has a good point. This idea seems to be good, but knowing that pretty much anyone can steal your car isn't good. if its not understandable, Then you must learn English pal
  2. developers are making a panel so you can modify it youself ingame.
  3. I never hear criminal to Hack and Steal your Car. And you have to pay money to received your car back?? What kind of nonsense is that? especially when you are police.
  4. @James said in Selling House in LS (Richplace) (Near SR,Carspawn): Mr @Horizonts if you are interested to buy the home that you bid. sent me one message so i will sell it to you. otherwise i will stop the sale on 1/31/2019 Thursday
  5. Mr @Horizonts if you are interested to buy home you bid. sent me on message so it will sell it to you. otherwise i will stop it in 2 day sent me on message so it will sell it to you. otherwise i will stop it on 1/31/2019 Thursday
  6. @Filex said in Reward on killing cops: criminals have many ways to get money criminals have many ways to get money police don't have many ways. So in my opinion this is very wrong.And i never hear one criminal wanted kill one cop and get rewarded.And imagine what wood happen in jail not stop camping just to kill cops and make money.And receiving rewards killing cops in store robbery and bank robbery.
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