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Everything posted by James

  1. @Laza Very sad to see you end your squad,I really value the effort and time you put in STF, Very best of luck for the next step. Best wishes,
  2. Happy Birthday John :birthday:
  3. @kipt said in MTA Lagging: James donated a PC as well? You da best James (just messing a bit) Sorry @Jude-Obiasca i donated wrong pc for you,i will send you one new pc CPU: Intel Core i7-9700K - Intel Core i9-9900K | Graphics: Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 - RTX 2080 Ti | RAM: 32GB | Storage: 480GB M.2 SSD/2TB HDD. :smile:
  4. @Sam said in [Suggestion] Kill-Arrest rework: I agree with @James Arrest kill is really fair enough, Like other people say criminals always mark killing and holding the jail for hours for fun. Farming kills to improve their kill stats that's all. Prison Wardens/Cops have the ability now to keep the jail save and secure. In real life if a criminal escape or try to JB they just kill him. So leave the kill arrest how it is, do not change anything. It makes also more fun for COPS side. ~[Actually Sam i Don't Agree it's fun playing in jail. fun is most going out and arresting. But what is disappoint me is, When you Arrest the prisoner, He is out in some seconds because the jail is open with criminal campers.]~(black)
  5. Criminal Don't just jailbreak, they camping non stop . I have seen criminal camping and hold the jail open 5 hours, Abuse by re entering markers over and over again, Police get killed in the marker. So what use suggest. Police run with only nightstick like stupid fools.And just die. Let's Be Serious Here. This Server is About Cops and Criminal and RP. SAES:RPG.uk IS NOT ONLY CRIMINAL SERVER. SAESRPG 1.5 TRAILER, VIDEO SEE THE VIDEO, THEY HAVE ALL https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=35&v=3RbixPP2kPc
  6. @Filex said in [Suggestion] Kill-Arrest rework: criminals can still jb by using their brain (and this is possible with proofs). Finally I agree with the stars thing. last night's ice was camping 10 member in jail. look at this video. and you can see when criminal decide to jailbreak.criminals are more than cops. criminals use drugs shoot more fast run more fast so if they use statistics, police don't have one chance. @MGKelly post the video, good work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASVDRosD1rU&feature=youtu.be
  7. @Jamal said in [Suggestion] Kill-Arrest rework: I suggest getting kill arrested only when you have 22+ stars, so we avoid cops camping with weapons P.S: Please if you don't agree, state why did you vote for this option. Regards, Jamal @Tut-Greco
  8. @Jamal said in [Suggestion] Kill-Arrest rework: I suggest getting kill arrested only when you have 22+ stars, so we avoid cops camping with weapons P.S: Please if you don't agree, state why did you vote for this option. Regards, Jamal The most stupid Suggestion i ever hear.(kill arrested only when you have 22+ stars) warden provide order, security, and prevent escape of prisoners in a jail.
  9. the right one tell him to join ice :smile:
  10. Happy birthday Nemesis :birthday:
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOTFLBeNQ-8&feature=youtu.be
  12. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6964/reporting-tut-greco-and-the-whole-sapa
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