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Everything posted by James

  1. @Script100 said in actives of server in cops: @James I can agree also with this but we dont see much cops at SR because of the reason @Ramby mentioned. Every now and then, some squads do pop up at SRs and cops do actually stop them. If everybody would come and help, im in! The problem is there are not many police playing, squats in there base chatting or AFK, with so many criminal in store robbery @Ramby knows that he has no chance and just get killed, but if we all try we have some hope,otherwise it's doesn't make sense to play as cop if we don't show up in SR.
  2. @Script100 said in actives of server in cops: agree I do not agree ,AT SR most criminals are at SR and no criminals to claim in the street, in my opinion police and squats must team up so we have some fun at SR as well
  3. Activity: Trucking Route: Several deliveries all over San Fierro -- Los Santos -- Las Venturas -- Red County--- Bone County Date: 21/11/2019 Time Taken: 60 minutes GXT VIP Members: @James ScreenShots: ::: ![alt text](Imgur :::
  4. yes i agree with AntiRub suggestion,if that possible to have music in our base,
  5. Best of Luck
  6. Happy birthday @TaJ
  7. Happy birthday!
  8. Happy birthday!
  9. I will request my rewards for the donation link here since i did not request nothing. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12603/donation-james-amount-100-00-gbp In Total 100GPB Request What I Want to be Added Request 1: Huntley Location: will be showed in game Request 2: Huntley Location: will be showed in game Request 3: Towtruck Location: will be showed in game Request 4: Tanker Location: will be showed in game Request 5: Tanker Location: will be showed in game Request 6: Roadtrain Location: will be showed in game Request 7: Roadtrain Location: will be showed in game Request 8: Roadtrain Location: will be showed in game Request 9: Roadtrain Location: will be showed in game Request 10: Roadtrain Location: will be showed in game Color Code in all Requests: #DC3005 Extra: 10x Nitro in all Requests
  10. @Sam said in TST - The Strike Team: @Laza said in TST - The Strike Team: It's pretty sad to see around that people kept closing squads, however wish you too best of luck. RIP TST. There is just one reason why that all happen. I think everyone know the answer. Also rest in peace tst. @Sam i have spoken more than 100 time to different people for this problem about cop side,if they don't do something to make more interesting playing as police this server will have major problem,it will be only criminal gang playing together,just receiving money. ~[Rest in peace TST.]~(navy)
  11. This is a nice suggestion, but it's not fair only for level 5. They are some gangs and squads that stays level 5 without activity.
  12. @James said in BIGGEST PROPERTY of saes ( You can use for clo or de base): https://i.imgur.com/amW1T4m.gif
  13. Happy Birthday
  14. happy birthday
  15. Gz
  16. Happy birthday!
  17. Happy birthday
  18. Happy birthday
  19. Happy birthday, wish you the best to come
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