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Everything posted by James

  1. my opinion this sounds very interesting kill a person and gain energy? but it be more result only in SR & BR only ,,
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S12G0y9cu9U
  3. Happy birthday :birthday:
  4. Done (Sponsored By @james)
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoUrib264mU
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtYSNPXwuNw
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tao0eXCtj3M&t=34s
  8. https://youtu.be/kFrEPuvIcV0
  9. X ICE Member
  10. @Daryl said in Base camping: I want to know who arrested Clandestine Mob in their base to make him this upset. I suspect SheraP. ICE
  11. @zKill98 said in Base camping: well if cops can camp gangs base, i suggest to allow gang members to camp squad bases too for make it fair, and allow killing of course Each Gang can build a base with a roof so cops can not jump into their base, also they can add a Interior locked only to them. From the time gangs are building open bases, cops are able to arrest them logic.
  12. raid criminal bases is police work
  13. Happy Birthday Mate Hope You Have a Good One
  14. Have a wonderful day today.Happy birthday!
  15. Wishing you a very happy birthday!
  16. Done (Sponsored by @James)
  17. Happy birthday MATE
  18. it's done (Sponsored by @James)
  19. @MatizZ said in [DISCUSSION] Future of SAES:RPG: So my idea is : Maybe we call somebody from outside , i mean a good scripter that make scripts and have free time to script , of course we will pay him together. @James bro im sure you will help us in donating Well, here is my answer, if @Brophy and his @SAES-HQ-Leader ask me to help, I'll be grateful to help and support to this Suggestion
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