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Everything posted by James

  1. @Crash said in Desert Eagles - Official Statement: give me 100 pounds and welcome to DE I WILL GIVE 500 POUNDS TO BAN YOU crash @Brophy
  2. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/65/show-us-yourself-v3/574?_=1580332761262
  3. excellent preparation and organization skills
  4. stopping the bank robbery, it not about money or send someone to jail. accomplishing just police manage to stop the bank robbery, this is what the game is about, cop & robbers
  5. @Pump said in Bank Robbery Rule Change: He can still arrest with 2 stars or even 4 and as far as I have seen, they can even go for kills with 6 stars (no money, no arrest but failing the br) i think we should hire a cop who will arrest drugged pigs I have seen James do this twice in C Br without getting bribbed @Adistar let me correct you even if you have obtained six and more stars in BR , kill arrest you still send him in jail and receive money
  6. Why Not, Adding new features, Keep players Entertained happy and interesting playing SAES server.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhgBrnNmNzI&feature=emb_title
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhgBrnNmNzI&feature=emb_title
  9. @Spetnazz said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: @James said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: Another thing i had 1% HP i went to the machine and i have buy 3 times candy bar for 6000$! Lol a bit to much !! if you go to buy it into the shop you fill it up with 60$ I explained it to you in Discord, and I'll explain it here again; The vending machine is, in no shape of form, meant to be a health-station. You CAN buy a candy bar, which gives you some health - but at a high cost. Paramedics, pizzaplaces etc. however ARE meant to be places to get health. Did you really think, that the candy bars would be a free way to get health at BRs? Fucking hell You did not explain nothing because this is stupid and does not make sense. Even buying life for 6000$ is the most stupid thing that i ever saw in this server. When you come to the BR you have full life, none will go out from the BR with half life to get a snack from the vending machine waste of time. its more easier to get killed and re spawn to your properties or hospital. don't forget the Hospital is next to the Bone Country Bank that cost you only 500$ the same as the other banks is more cheaper to re spawn to hospital than to buy it for 6000$.
  10. @Pump said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: Well it was a C BR, @James so you literally can't do anything Well i did not get any time to see by who is the bank robbed, but even if it wasn't i don't see the rule that kain said. The rule does not exist about the vending machine. The only rule i read is only if a cop change criminal and sell drugs to other cops, only the robbers from the bank are allowed to kill him.
  11. @Markus said in Cops Suckers Criminal always find ways how to Rip vending machines: i didnt suggest kill-arrest either, do you see me making a topic about it Did you see me making a topic about this? i was against this so why you feed me back that i cry. I'm not crying i'm just reporting the truth and how stupid this is.
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