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Everything posted by PhantomS

  1. You are welcome to insult everything he got except his cat.
  2. Every city / country has a bank, I don't know where "the other banks" would be placed, I suggest figuring out this problem via the teamchat aka Y.
  3. I never went afk since law started making fun videos about afk cops.
  4. 2/7/2021 Type Of Activity: stopping RC BR M, 0/8. Involved Members: @fenter and I Screenshots
  5. @alperens said in AlperenS's application for All Load Trucking: Type Of Activity: Role Play ALT Members: None Participants: @Sanfara Information/Story: When I trucking around LS and LV, a cop called as Sanfara stopped me. He said that park your truck to side of the road and leave the vehicle. I followed his commands and left my truck. After that he asked some questions and wanted my certificate. I gave answers to his questions and gave my certificate. He checked it and gave back and then I got back on the road. Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Don't keep this topic emty, you need to start posting activities.
  7. ~[Under-review]~(orange), keep the activity up.
  8. ~[Under-review]~(orange) increase your activity a bit.
  9. ^[] Involved SAI members: Zane_Jackson Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: @Tefa Date, time and duration of activity: today, 30 mins. Activity type: Patrol and speed trap. Activity Details: Patrol started at 14:39, I left the Head Quarters Accompagned with an officer, We went to Tierra Robanda via the Highway, took a way to the north then passed tho the SF bridge, Went to San Fierro and made some rolls over there then left it and went straight to one of the countries where a speed trap was setted and no Driver has been stopped. Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Activity #1163 Personal Activity #53 Participants: N/A Time Of Patrol: 35 mins Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Activity #1682 Personal Activity #52 Participants: N/A Time Of Patrol: 50 mins Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. ^[] Involved SAI members: myself Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: tonight, 10 minutes or more. Activity type: Speed Trap Activity Details: Simple night at the same spot of every speed trap I made, random pursuits and a small part included a patrol, also rolling at SF and RC highway. Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. I honestly hate the fact that somethings changed in SAES, rules, squads are dying, even tho gangs, it is just painful to see players joining gangs without having any idea about the gameplay rules or such related things, thinking that abusing a maker is just an advantage to help them killing the cops which is not true, abusing the marker will just make you look like a noob, I had many experience with the abusing thing such as being in a pursuit for around 10 mins and it just ends with being killed in a shop marker, It is true that if you taze someone in a marker nothing would happen because of the marker protection, even if the hit was succesful the criminal will wrap back inside or outside the shop and this is annoying. Some of the criminals still don't know that the marker arresting in jail is allowed, I recall, cops either, seeing them spamming because of the marker killing at jail etc. I'd give a +1 to this if it will make the marker killing or arresting a punishable rule in all the shops except the jail.
  14. 1/30/2021 Type Of Activity: stopping X RC BR, 2/8. Involved Members: Only me Screenshots ::: :::
  15. 1/30/2021 Type Of Activity: stopping SF PBR, 0/8. Involved Members: Only me Screenshots ::: :::
  16. Being rejected is not bad at all. Society makes it look that way, most women give a reason as to why they reject you and even if it's simply that she doesn't like you, it's all okay in the end. She was being upfront about it and didn't make fun of you, that's great. Also I agree with your friends, admitting such things to somebody is a sign that you are becoming more mature and I think that is why you feel satisfied. You stepped over your own shadow, made a move you haven't done before. @Mickey :heart_suit:
  17. 1/28/2021 Type Of Activity: stopping LS BR, 4/8 Involved Members: Only me Screenshots ::: :::
  18. Type: Chickens Arrester LWS/G6: @Expert Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: Avanger Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. SAFP Involved: only me Other Players Involved: @M7mDGr7 Story: Speed Trap Its been a sunny evening, I went to Los Santos - Red Country highway, and made a Speed Trap over there, I was driving a rancher, looking at the sea and the good view it has till a speed vehicle engine destroyed this peaceful moment, I looked in the highway and I saw a speed car drifting in the middle of the road, the driver probably didn't notice that there is a police unit standing in the middle of the road, slowly he came to my way and started slowing down, I had to turn my sirens on and ordered him to pull over to the right side of the road, and he actually responded to the call. I turned the siren off and I walked to his car, touched the back lights then knocked on his window and started to speak with him, first thing I greeted him then introduced my self to him, also told him that I am from the Federal Police then I started with the questions, I firstly asked him about his speeding reason and he said that he didn't see the speed trap so anyway I asked to see his Identity and license cards. everything seemed to be fine so I wrote a ticket and told him that he needs to pay it for speeding. Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. Type Of Activity: Deliveries Date: 1/24/2020 Participants: N/A Screenshots: ::: :::
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