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Everything posted by PhantomS

  1. Involved SAI members: myself Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 10/17/2020, from 18:09 to 18:46. Activity type: Patrol and Speed trap. Activity Details: Just a simple lincoln patrol, doing some rolls in LV and BC streets, plus putting a speed trap in bone country near the old TRF HQs. Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. ^[] Involved SAI members: Boblee Swagger (@Rocoso ), Zane Jackson (@me ) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: @Daglow Date, time and duration of activity: 10/17/2020, from 18:19 to 18:35. Activity type: Roleplay Activity Details: As I was driving in the streets of Los Venturas, my partner requested back up, so I had to respond. When I reached the place, he was in a helicopter, he was following a suspect that resisted to stop, so I had to stop her, she was a female, I aimed my gun on her and asked her to put her hands on the air, so like a man I handcuffed her and asked my partner to land with his helicopter. We took her to the San Andreas Interceptors HQs, where I started asking her some questings like her name and age etc and the reason behind driving fast... After answering all my questions, I told her that she has to pay a bill for driving fast, anyhow things went in a good way. Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Activity: Stopping a Jail break Date: 10/15/2020 Screenshots ::: :::
  4. Activity: Stopping M BR, 4/8 Date: 10/15/2020 Screenshots ::: :::
  5. Looks like someone is missing James :moistpepe:
  6. Activity: Stopping M BR, 4/8. Date: 10/13/2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Date: 10/13/2020 Giving a lesson about RolePlaying to a wannabe Participants: @Lou-2 ::: :::
  8. *Activity #1525 Personal Activity #44 Participants: @Lou-2 Time Of Patrol: 45mins Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. @Durby said in Tell a fact about the person above you.: Arrests people with 4 star while they're trying to race peacefully. So refer to the post above his. Pure retard. Running to his gang member like a coward just to escape
  10. That guy who can't kill a cop without getting assistance
  11. i decided to drink wiskey at the morning instead of the milk after seeing this topic
  12. even thought im kinda still mad because what you have done, im wishing you a happy birthday
  13. @PoLaT said in Show us yourself V3: ~[Hello Everyone]~(green) -- ~[Hunting Time]~(magenta) -- ~[Saes Rpg]~ -- ~[cCc]~(blue) -- ~[Best Server of the world]~(orange) -- ~[Military Intelligence Team]~(teal,navy) Future character of GTA 6
  14. Yeet his IQ didn't get the meaning of this topic
  15. S.W.A.T Activity: Stopping navm's BR, TR 2/8. Date: 09/12/2020 Screenshots
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