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Everything posted by PhantomS

  1. Activity #1567 Personal Activity #47 Participants: N/A Time Of Patrol: 1 hour Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. @Nishki said in ~Ballas~: @Jagwar they are all algerians tho hoppers*
  3. eeeeeee hi my nickname is greed eeeeeeeeee
  4. from cop side to crime side then from crime side to cop side
  5. S.W.A.T Activity: SR Defend Date: 11/02/2020 Screenshots ::: :::
  6. Involved SAI members: myself Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 10/31/2020, from 19:01 to 19:35 Activity type: Patrol Activity Details: Simple patrol around some small countries such as BC and TR, doing some rolls in the highways too. Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. S.W.A.T Activity: Stopping LV PBR Date: 10/31/2020 Screenshots ::: :::
  8. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 10/29/2020 Participants: N/A Screenshots ::: :::
  9. Type Of Activity: RolePlay Participants: @Hash Story: I was working all day loing if I could say, I was passing by the Outfit base when I saw a cop ordering me to stop, He was blocking the way, I quickly responded to his order, pulled my truck in the right side of the road and waited for his next order. It took him a while to come, I asked him for the reason of stopping me, he said that I was high speeding, I really thought that he was joking because I was driving on 60 km/h anyhow, After a moment he asked me if I can give him my Identity card and license and I surely did give him... things went in a good way, he asked me to go after this. Screenshots ::: :::
  10. S.W.A.T Activity: Stopping BC BR. Date: 10/29/2020 Screenshots ::: :::
  11. S.W.A.T Activity: Stopping RC BR Date: 10/29/2020 Screenshots ::: :::
  12. Activity #1562 Personal Activity #46 Participants: N/A Time Of Patrol: 30mins Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. I totally forgot about that guy
  14. Involved SAI members: me Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: @LandShark Date, time and duration of activity: 10/25/2020, from 11:20 to 11:38. Activity type: based on patrol. Activity Details: just met him in BC-LV highway, so we started patrolling together, we went to Bone Country, did a routine check there then moved to some other country, went to San Fierro. Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Involved SAI members: Zane_Jackson aka @Sanfara Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 10/25/2020, from 11:03 to 11:15. Activity type: Patrol/speed trap Activity Details: Simple patrol as usually, stopping at BC-LV highway for a speed trap, it was a lincoln patrol. Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Activity #1547 Personal Activity #45 Participants: me Time Of Patrol: 35mins Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 50 pounds When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 13 Jun 2020, not sure. Why do you need this change? Royals is dead since a very long period, I really have to move the donations. Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19531/sanfara-s-reward-change?=1597510084248 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/18951/sanfara-s-reward-change?=1597510084253 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/17860/sanfara-s-reward-change?=1597510084260 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21167/sanfara-s-rewards-change?=1603463337348 Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/17860/sanfara-s-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/18951/sanfara-s-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19531/sanfara-s-reward-change?_=1603463337337 Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: enforcer Location: Royals base Interior: N/A Vehicle 2: Police Buffalo Location: Royals Base Interior: N/A Vehicle 3: Police Sultan Location: royals Base Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: FBI rancher Location: SWAT HQs Username: midoprock Interior: N/A Vehicle 2: Savanna Location: NwA's Studio, near LS airport Username: midoprock Interior: N/A Vehicle 3: Police buffalo Location: LS WH Username: midoprock Interior: N/A
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