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Everything posted by Lucifer

  1. Sad man, take care of your life mate and good luck!! <3
  2. Happy Birthday Pal <3
  3. @Skerdi wow lit dud
  4. @siddman This ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOOKZeiaC5g
  5. ~~[Changes about the recruitement]~(#ff9b82)~ Dear Applicants, since now you will have to make an interview about our group, with any player in the server. And you will have to post it in your application. -Step 1: Spawn as a reporter. -Step 2: Find a player, free for an interview. -Step 3: Go inside any office. -Step 4: Begin the interview. You will ask the 5 questions below, and add 5 personal questions. 1 -Are you aware of the new group TdSA? -Players answer. (If YES, then ask them if they know the role of it. If NO, then explain him what is it) 2-Do you approve the idea? -Players answer. 3- Do you want to join the group one day? -Players answer 4-Do you think that this group deserve to be an official one in SAES:RPG? -Players answer 5-Do you think that RP groups, must be more present in SAES:RPG? -Player's answer Question:1 -Players answer Question:2 -Players answer Question:3 -Players answer Question:4 -Players answer Question:5 -Players answer (Post at least 4 ScreenShots, by using a SPOILER!.)
  6. @SmoothErik Thanks Mate, feel free to apply like everyone here, and you may have a chance to join us!
  7. Dear, @DJO After a long discussion with our leadeship members, we finally decided to change your status to ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime). We wanted to give you a change, as you improved yourself infront of some TdSA members. (ya3tik 3asba) Meet Any HQ+ ingame for your TESTS Regards, Lucifer Morningstar HQ.
  8. Dear, @iani After a long discussion with our leadeship members, we finally decided to change your status to ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime). We wanted to give you a change, as you improved yourself infront of some TdSA members. Meet Any HQ+ ingame for your TESTS Regards, Lucifer Morningstar HQ.
  9. Dear, @XxNetroxX After a pretty long discussion with our leadership, we came out with the decision to change your status to ~[DENIED]~(red), Your application is poor, so it was hard for us to decide. If you are still interested, try to hang more with our members, and reapply in 1 week. Regards, Lucifer Morningstar HeadQuarter.
  10. Dear, @MortalSupreme After a pretty long discussion about your case with our leadership, we finally decided to change your status to ~[PENDING]~(orange), try to hang with some TdSA members. Regards, Lucifer Morningstar HeadQuarter.
  11. Dear @Zei, After a long discussion with our leadership, we finally decided to give you a chance,and to ~[ACCEPT]~(lime,lime,lime,lime,lime) you. Welcome Aboard. Regards, Lucifer Morningstar HeadQuarter
  12. Dear, @Zei Your application seems to be done in a 3 minutes laps, It's very disrespectful to write something like this. The application must be written correctly, because it's the only way, that we can decide if you are able to join us or not. You need to develop your answers, "Why do you want to join us: intresting group and original idea i really like it and" and what.. You have 6 hours, to fix your apply, adhere to failure, you will be denied. Regards Lucifer Morningstar HeadQuarter
  13. So final decision? @Ikzelf
  14. -Activity Around SA: Backstory: 9:00PM: I was at the Terminus A14, when i decided to make a tour, and to look for some tourists, or some bagpackers. I fount someone waiting next to the strip avenue, i stopped, he entered in the bus, and he asked me if he could make a tour of the city, because he was new here. We continued to discuss, his name was @Jax, and he was from Vice City. Attendants: @Jax @Aboody @Rainy Screenshots: ::: Spoiler Text :::
  15. Dear @Rainy, after a long discussion with our leadership, we came out with the final decision.. to ~[ACCEPT]~(lime) you in our group. We hope that you will enjoy your stay. ~[Relax Youre with us! We make it simple.]~(#ffcda1) Regards Lucifer Morningstar HeadQuarter TDSA.
  16. @TaJ Cheers mate
  17. And.. for the grumpy LWS/CEO/G6 members, i propose that, features on the "public spawn" will not be the same as the "Official Spawn"
  18. Alright, but the main question now is: "Will it increase the lag in the server ?"
  19. @Mrwan I disagree the fact of selecting members like this (test and hours) but, we just need some basic rules you see?
  20. Lmaoo but ye now i approve the idea, but we will have to put some limits to it as the : Ticket price; reduce the lag that it will cause; accessible features; the way of advertisement etc..
  21. OR.... We can.. make it payable, which mean that it will not be opened to all, someone who wants to host an event, will have to pay a "ticket" to be able to have the panels.
  22. @Ikzelf True. I didn't saw it from that corner side, but i guess that we shouldn't allow it to everyone, because i presume that it will make the server lag asf
  23. And i aint assuming that it's a "BAD" idea, on the contrary it's a great idea, but as i said, if the permission will be opened to all, then as @Filippo said it will be a complete purge.
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