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Everything posted by Lucifer

  1. @scooter said in SAFP - Official Media Archive: Activity Check @Lucifer @Genetrix @Freezom @Lou @JeepSrt @Relax
  2. Dear, @Romiro01 Our leadership have been thinking about our decision, and we all agreed to ~[DENY]~(red) you, as @Freezom said your application isn't good enough. So we gave you a chance to hang with us, you did but not enough. You can prove yourself and re-apply again in 3 weeks. -Regards -The Strike Team HQ -Lucifer MoH
  3. Dear @Maxyou12, Your application stage has been approved by our leadership, you are ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime), you may now ask any COL+ to pass the tests. Regards TST HQ Lucifer Morningstar MoH
  4. Can you add more lenghts possibilites, (in this case +20, more specifically 22)
  5. I know you, but i can't remember who you are..
  6. Event type: True or False Prize: 1M LWS: Brooks Winner: Noizi SS: -https://imgur.com/ik2H6Th -https://imgur.com/L4RIwDi -https://imgur.com/SGcROEr
  7. Name: Lucifer Username: abdel0014 Rank before kick/leave: Full Cadet-DD How long have you been in sapa: More than 4 months Who kicked you: N/A Date of kick/leave: I honestly don't remember Reason for kick/leave: Few people were active at that moment, weren't ready for PC, and wanted to join a squad. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : N/A Why do you want back in? : Well since SAPA became a group, and i went back into the police side, i wanted to join back the academy. What have you learned from this? : Well, that i wasn't ready and experienced to be able to pass any tests, or just be in SAPA, and i didn't felt like I could stay there for long because all of the people I knew, went into other squads. Who do you want to apologize to? : Honestly I don't feel like I should apologize, because all the SAPA members agreed about that, at that time and they understood my choice, and i did a topic on the forum saying "Good bye SAPA". So I just hope they can have me back. Why should we give you a second chance?: Everyone should have an second chance in any kind of situations, and when people come back for a second chance the most of the time they changed a lot, and gained more experiences and learned more things.
  8. His name means to move through a place in a violent and uncontrollable manner, and his name comes from a movie with a albinos gorilla.
  9. Best Technical Supporter Ever
  10. DJ: Lucifer Lenght: 1h30 Date: 19-07-19
  11. @Tut-Greco No i meant, for an already modded car i guess
  12. Well, I just wondered if there was a way to access to the script of a modded car, so we would be able to copy it and paste it instead of making the whole car again.
  13. tunisia will
  14. -General Information- In-game name: [TT]Lucifer Account name: abdel0014 Age: 18 Gender: Male Country of residency: Tunisia How well do you speak English?: If i'll have to rate my english skills, it would be an 9.5/10 What all languages can you speak other than English?: French, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Russian. Tell us something about yourself : I'm Abdel, i'm 18 years old, beat-maker I like to play sport, write some music, go out with some friends, not a big gammer, since the only game i play is this one so.. -Specific Information- From how long are you playing SAES: More than 2 years i guess, i've been inactive for like 1 year, so I can't really give a specific date. Since when are you playing GTA:SA: Since i'm like 11 years old. Are you in any G/S/C If yes, Name it: Currently in TT, Tuga Thugs. Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them: Was in few groups, but as I said, was inactive, so can't really remember the names. List few of your strengths and weaknesses: I have some pretty good skills regarding RP, driving, shooting, teamwork. I'm pretty bad with planes and boats. Why do you want to join BD?: I would like to join this group, because I find the idea of it pretty original. How can you help BD?: Well, by making this group improve, having more members, and a better reputation in San Andreas City. Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and BD's rules?: Totally. Who are BD's founder(s)?: The main founder of BD, is @Phoenix, but his brother helped him as well. What is BD's Motto?: "If you've never driven one back off shut up & Give me room"
  15. DJ & Mixer: Lucifer Session date and time: 08/07/2019 from ~1:30am~ to ~2:40am~ Listeners: 12 Software used: Mixxx
  16. DJ: Lucifer Session date and time: 5/07/2019 from ~2:00am to ~5:00am~ Listeners: 6 Software used: Mixxx
  17. @Xavier Well, in every irl gang/squads you find some security outside the base, with guns. If you don't move or your not known, they'll aim
  18. @kipt Well mate, we lack of roleplay, and reality this would fill-up that lack.
  19. Alright, so I wanted to propose to ya'all a new thing we could add in SAES:RPG. Alright so as you may seen in the Squads/Gangs bases we have some peds standing there (TT;CDC etc..) not moving, so i wanted to change something, by adding guns to those peds, so if you are not part of this gang/squad and you stay in front of the base for 5 sec, they'll just aim at you 20 sec they'll start to fire at you. (I ain't a scrippter so can't really help, just proposing a new idea)
  20. felice navidad!
  21. Good Luck Bitchez!
  22. gz ya'all
  23. NEW BEAT: https://www.instagram.com/p/BrD6jfTh1lf/
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