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Everything posted by Lucifer

  1. Stiven.
  2. Soon kicked.
  3. @Vennelle +1
  4. @Vennelle, well if you are equipped with a shotgun, just buy a round of a combat shotgun costs 50$ if I'm right, and you'll have all the ammo of ur shotgun converted to the combat shotgun.
  5. Happy birthday @Arma who's now 25 years old still single and virgin and jobless and totally useless!!
  6. Dear @The-Best1, You have been ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime) in our squad, meet any MAJ+ in game for your tests. Regards The Strike Team HQ Lucifer Morningstar [HQ]
  7. Dear, @Iheb-sa After some conversations with our leadership we came up with a decision. We do not think you could fit our squad, your application is fulled with grammar and spelling mistakes, which means that you didn't took to much time to do. Last but not least you didn't even tried to hang/patrol with one of our members, so you are ~[DENIED.]~(red) (PS: You can still apply in 2 weeks if you are still interested) Regards The Strike Team HQ Lucifer Morningstar [HQ]
  8. Dear, @Morena We decided to give you an other chance, and we will excuse you for leaving the squad. Meanwhile you are in ~[PENDING]~(orange), we want to be sure that you will be loyal and mature toward us. ( Try to hang with us more) Regards The Strike Team HQ Lucifer Morningstar [HQ]
  9. Dear, @Marx You have been ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime) in our squad, meet any MAJ+ in game for your tests. Regards The Strike Team HQ Lucifer Morningstar [HQ]
  10. Rolling
  11. @Marx There is no need to highlight the questions in green, you may follow the default application format. You have 15 hours to fix your application.
  12. Riding that bike was the most difficult shit i've ever done..
  13. Dear @VayraN, Your Application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime), you may look for a MAJ+ to pass your tests. Regards The Strike Team HQ Lucifer Commander HQ
  14. Dear, @LAPD_Spanish_VEN We finally decided to ~[ACCEPT]~(lime) you, look for any MAJ+ for your in-game tests. Regards The Strike Team HQ Lucifer Major
  15. Dear @LAPD_Spanish_VEN, After some conversations with our leadership, we finally decided to put your application in a ~[Pending]~(orange) status, try to hang more with our members, so we will get to know you more. Regards The Strike Team HQ Lucifer Morningstar Major
  16. Event Type: Hydra Shooter Prize of the reward: 1.000.000$ LWS: Brooks Winner: Skinner
  17. Dear @Rocky, You applied for us one time, and we decided to deny you. We asked you to prove yourself, which mean that you should've hanged with us so we could know you better. But you didn't. You applied for CIA, 5 days ago, so obviously you are not interested of joining TST, you just want to join a random squad. And trust me TST isn't a random squad. Last but not least it seems that you didn't even took time to make a decent application. Ex: "Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?" you answered: "I don.t know realy this names". This is seriously disrespectful toward us. So obviously you are getting ~[denied]~(red) once again, and please if you are willing to apply another time, take time to think about what you are writing. Regards The Strike Team HQ Lucifer Morningstar Major
  18. To start I want to propose you guys this show called "The Family". So this show is actually based on the books The Family. So the Family is somekind of secretive "Christian Conservative movement", who's more powerfull than all the governement, and they influence polititians. It's on Netflix btw. You should watch it!
  19. Alright so as the topic title says, give us a movie or a show to watch! The best ones you've watched so far.
  20. Dear, @Lion We've been really disapointed by what you did, at first we thought that your application was pretty decent, but after reading your application several times, there was one sentence that I remembered. The one for "Describe TeamWork:" You did a copy paste from an other application the one from "Romiro01" -> https://saesrpg.uk/topic/70/tst-the-strike-team/301?page=16. It's not that way that you will be able to join any squad or gang, so you are obviously getting ~[DENIED]~(red) from our squad, you can still apply in 2-3 weeks and we hope having a better idea of you. -Regards The Strike Team HQ Lucifer.M Lieutenant Major
  21. Radio SA Members Activity: Members: [RadioSA]MrTheBank , [RadioSA]Turbo, [RadioSA]Bangas,[RadioSA]Pothead Date: 14/08/2019 ::: :::
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