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Everything posted by Kain

  1. Pretty good application, sadly your activity is kinda minimal. I know you're a pretty decent guy so I would highly encourage you to boost your activity and help out a bit more both ingame and on discord to express your interest in the role further. If all goes well I see no reason why you wouldn't be in for a good shot next time around.
  2. Decent application however you only played a bit last month and didn't login for a whole 2 months prior to that. I'd get that activity up and help out a bit more for next time!
  3. Pretty good application though similarly to many others your activity dropped a significant big over the past month or so. I would high encourage you to stay active and visually help individuals more both on discord and in the mainchat outside of recruitment periods. Better luck next time
  4. I would definitely say applying to join the staff team probably isn't the best idea when you lack the motivation to play currently. We expect all support staff to be active daily and motivated. Better luck next time!
  5. A pretty good application. "Great" English skills are somewhat arguable but still fine. (Not sure why you use random capital letters mid-sentence). Not quite sure why you'd think honesty is considered a weakness. Sadly over January/December your activity fell quite significantly compared to other months. Better luck next time Mr Rich boi :dollar_banknote:
  6. Decent application though sadly your activity has significantly dropped over the past month. Better luck next time!
  7. Mediocre application. Pretty poor activity, better luck next time!
  8. Pretty good application however sadly your activity just isn't sufficient enough. Better luck next time!
  9. Interesting application. Good effort however unfortunately this recruitment is not for positions within the clan. In addition to that, we appreciate your sudden surge in activity since applications were opened however your activity prior to applying is pretty much non-existent. Better luck next time and hopefully you fix those parachuting abilities!
  10. It's a shame that you didn't spend much of that corona PC time on SAES, pretty minimal application. Keep trying I guess!
  11. @Law go play with Mario :kekw: Minimal application and very little activity recently, try and sort those shift patterns out :upside-down_face:
  12. Extremely poor application and in order to consider you for such positions we expect activity prior to applying which in your case is almost non-existent.
  13. ^[] Seasons Greetings! Just a quick Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays from all of us here at SAES. Its been a bit of a crazy year for everyone with Covid and we hope everyone is safe and well. Despite all the issues around the world, 2020 saw our highest player count that we've seen for a few years and we thank every one of you choosing to spend that IRL downtime with us. If for whatever reason you're spending Xmas alone this year due to Covid or anything, don't hesitate to jump onto the server and spend time with people in similar situations and those that don't celebrate it to keep yourself busy. As per usual, another massive thanks to all of you which have donated to keep our services alive. I haven't ran any numbers but I feel like we've probably had more donations this year than any other recently and hopefully we'll be able to give you a little something back throughout 2021 so don't go anywhere! So once again, Merry Xmas!
  14. @thing said in The most hated group, your opinion?: @brophy said in The most hated group, your opinion?: Most hated group? Defo @SAES-HQ More like one specific person in this group Have I lost my crown yet????
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. @Estinoge said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: I was able to find an old screenshot of mine that shows what HRs used to look like for those of you that never had the chance to see them, bringing them back the same way they used to be would be awesome. Now imagine this with a full FBI rancher of SWAT cardropping on your face and ramming everyone? Sounds fun, right?
  17. They were removed initially for a reason, it's just gonna go back to the days of people ramming everyone with vehicles out of the marker and people spawning at housing icons physically inside the HR marker. Don't think theres a need when theres nothing wrong with the current system. The only reason I think this is so highly voted is because most of our current playerbase wasn't around during HR times
  18. @Terry Shut the fuck up for once. Thank you.
  19. Armpit hair is hot.
  20. Go harass more e-girls or should I say e-boys
  21. Non-English responses will be removed.
  22. A very good application however your interest in the role isn't very well known around the server - start helping people out a bit more. Sadly you haven't been successful this time around. Better luck next time!
  23. There are many qualities I can offer but those are about skills and other related stuff to skills :waitwhat: But on the real you should probably start helping people instead of memeing them if you want to become part of the staff team in the future!
  24. Unfortunately your activity prior to your application has been extremely poor and I would probably recommend running your application through an English spellchecker next time.
  25. Pretty good application unfortunately your ingame activity prior to your application hasn't quite hit the bar that we'd hope to get out of a SAHA staff member. Improve it and maybe it'll improve your chances next time around!
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