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Everything posted by Zei

  1. ::: So basically what I am suggesting is a wrning system applied by admins on players, so here is it. Instead of warning a player verbally by "x" admin and then he get reported again and "y" deal with it and warn him. I mean he can be warned many times verbally. So why not add a system for admins/staff for example After giving a player a chance by warning him they should type /warn playername reason And it will popup in maonchat and in the admin panel admins will see each player infos including the times he got warned and there is a maximum of 3 warns when reached the player will be automatically adminjailed. ::: @Bone told me there is already a warning system so what i am suggesting now is making players able to see their stats (How many warning they got)
  2. But what if people abuse it and for example set the carpirce at 999,999,999 so no one could buy it and he also will get alot of benifits for example at SR his car will not respawn
  3. Bump
  4. Bump
  5. Part I: How much have you donated for the server?: 10 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: more than 35 days ago (17 june) Why do you need to change the location: Bored of the heli Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/post/47251 Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/post/54168 https://saesrpg.uk/post/62225 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7012/zei-s-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7593/zei-s-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9438/zei-s-reward-change Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: damaged glendale (not normal glendale but like the one in donator spawn) and x10 nitro and color is black Location: will be shown ingame Username: ahmed007007 Other names to be added: will tell the admin ingame
  6. Hbd fortnite puta xD
  7. Tounsi aa guy
  8. Seems like a girl as she doesnt want to be called HE
  9. A good designer
  10. Wb
  11. Hbd azebi @xDarkMan
  12. He could havve done the 800th post but i did it
  13. Hope you get well soon but how the fuck did that happen ?
  14. Update: So basically most likely criminal side will be excluded from this , as @Thing said if the criminal side is involved the truck will never reach isits destination
  15. Olga
  16. username: mohamed70 lastlogin : 5th July 2019 screenshot :
  17. @Pegasus said in A new prison: I just feel you're doing it for the likes now. what ?
  18. I'm intrested in helping you , contact me on discord my tag is : Zei#4321 I can create detailed tutorials with alot of illustrations
  19. Something is really annoying and i'm currently. So basically the account i'm currently using in saes i got access to it. But i forgot the email linked and have no longer acess to it. Still I can play but in case i forget my pass rip my account. So what I am suggesting is making players able to see the emails linked to their account or change it. To make more sevure secure. The only person able to see the email is the one using that acc Make a verification step when you want to change the email or see it which is typing your mta serial.
  20. game name: Zei Username: ahmed007007 Age: 16 Nationality: tunisian Previous bans/punishments: N/A Why you think you would be suitable for the role: I think i am good when it comes to housing and organising things also i am responsible enough to handle a role like this.Added to that i am avilable on forums 24h/7d and i think i can be available for the players at any time and i was kind of saha agent but in a gmod server and i was admin on it too so we can say that i am experineced with the organising side and dealing with this stuff
  21. Zei

    need help

    Fama 7keya mba3bsa fzl carte graphique 5atr kif ybugi y5arjlk ecran ak7l maktoub fih modele ta3 carte graphique @barras
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