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Everything posted by Zei

  1. Please make the first person view more realistic so we can use it on our RPs. I am npt talking about vehicles textures i am talking about the view because i cant even look right or left or behind while i am in first person view and thats a bit annoying What y'all think?
  2. **#570 Roleplay: the assasination Participents: @Thing @Denox @Zodiac @Mrwan @Freezoom @K2rhym @Elyes @TaJ @Alex ** So Overdose Criminal members Contacted us To deal with a sensitive case which is an assasination of a politician that have secret informations about drug and ammunation trafficking in whole SAN ANDREAS and the methods that gangs use to traffick. So The Comapny members and Overdose Criminal ones met up in a hidden place to discuss the situation After A long dicussion They came out with a conclusion wich is sniping him while he is entering the hotel. So Zei the one who is in charge with this case was spying on his cortege and following him But in cover so the FBI agents assisting the target dont discern him so he had the idea to bypass them on the road and head to the destination to install his weapon... beford them When he arrived he quickly hided his vehicle and got on a roof in a good dedtination so he sees the target clearely and can evade quickly He hided behind a window and put his sniper in a good position He waited until the Politician got out from the limousine car with the fvi agents then while he aimed with a lot of focus on his target and Then he judt PULLED THE TRIGGER
  3. Happy birthday
  4. Hm i thought about this for like 3 days and i think devs are able to do it So my suggestion is adding a chatbox ingame linked to saes discord general chat Or maybe each gang have chatbox that have realtion between ingame and discord discussions so if 1 person is ingame and he dont have time to go on discord and appeal his mates for help (exemple BR or Turf) He just writes /discord need help in BR And this will appear to the discord users
  5. ~[ROLEPLAY #569 ]~(maroon,red) ~[ROLEPLAY WITH: ]~(maroon,red) Wild Angels ~[Participants: ]~(maroon,red) @xParKy The WA members are in need of weapones that's why they called "The Company" to help them afford so they contacted one of our members that showed them the catalogue ,so he sent them the link to the website hidden in the dark web to buy it So the Wild Angels member managed to meet with the seller representing "The Comapny" and buy from him 3 AKM Gen2 and 4 CIA Model PAP. They managed to meet in a faraway place so nobody can't see them The WA was very glas that the price of our weapones were amazing so he parked his vehicle and waited for Zei to come. When the seller arrived he quickly parked his vehicle and talked with the buyer about the price then opened the trunk of his BMW M3 that was fulfilled with what we can say goods They Got a good conversation Then the seller weared is special gloves so his fingerprints don't stay on the weapones and transferred them form his trunk to the trunk of the range rover of the WA member that was so glad that the transaction was made successfully and then everyone went from a road and took thei places like nothing happened
  6. game name: [ThC]Zei Username: ahmed007007 Age: 15 Nationality: tunisian Previous banspunishments: N/A Why you think you would be suitable for the role: I think i am good organisator like the giveaway of steam key that i did and i think i am responsibke enough to handle a role like this one added to that i am avilable on forum 24h/7d and i think i can be available for my clients at any time and i was kind of saha agent but in a gmod server and i was admin on it too so we can say that i am experineced with the organising side and dealing with this stuff
  8. last seen 13th july 2012
  9. @Element no its not
  10. UPDATED :)
  11. @MrThomas you won pm me now ir ingame
  12. Winner will be announced in some mins
  13. @Marko said in Steam Key giveaway: how random is it? like Having Mario deluxe edition at the end? 1 Nah btw i bought it from g2a for 15$
  14. So Its a random steam key giveaway If u want to participate its really simple : -upvote post -choose number between 1-50 -do not choose a number already chosen -do not write twice (choose only 1 number) GOOD LUCK
  15. @Tut-Greco said in Custom Vehicles (Zei Garage): can't sell without a portfolio. Looking forwards to see your custom modshop cars ! Ye i will add a portfolio and thanks
  16. @Human_ said in Custom Vehicles (Zei Garage): You should post some examples of vehicles you have modded so we know it's worth our time. Yes i will do it but tomorrow i will add spoilers with the work...
  17. @Bosk said in Custom Vehicles (Zei Garage): good luck with it Thank you bro
  18. @Filex said in Custom Vehicles (Zei Garage): Gl Thnx
  19. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~[WELCOME TO ZEI GARAGE]~(maroon,red,purple) Hey guys it's Zei And Today i Am Here with lit and new vehicles designs (motorbikes,cars,trucks...) so basically i am custom vehicles maker and i make amazing vehicles which you may like and its really cheap If you are a group leader or just normal player and you want your own custom vehicle then you have just to pm me i will make it for you and sell you the code (price of code depends of the whole price i usually get 25%) first costumers will get discount (for 10 first ones) and of course i will test the vehicle in fron of you ingame if you are intrested just Contact me on Forum or Ingame and PEACE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~[PORTFOLIO]~(red,orange,purple,blueviolet) ::: ::: And Many Other Work That i didn't Post guys (maybe in next days) if you guys want your own vehicle contact me ;)
  20. Can i donate in BTC ???
  21. Ingame name: 203|Zei Username: ahmed007007 Country of Residence: Tunisia Spoken Languages: ARABIC / FRENCH/ ENGLISH Date of birth: 09/12/2003 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 2017 Previous organisations: SAPA Miscellaneous questions Define The Company's role in one sentence: The Company ~~~ is a special gang not like the other ones this is 1 family 1 goal which is being the kings of Los Santos and take control on it by any way especially by doing illegal activities You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this?: So I think that was an accident so i can explain to that cop that we were roleplaying and suddnely i fall out a cliff and it was not meant to happen so that is the solution to it and most importantly acting calmly without flaming or rage You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? So my opinion is: if it is my fault and i really said something ridiculous i think i will negociate with him the situation and tell him my opinion about what he said and why my reaction was like that so he maybe is wrong and most importantly acting calm and hiding your fear There is a guy where you had several disputes with. causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang If i hate him and he knows that we have several disputes but still he got accepted by the leader of the gang and the HQ members i will respect him and treat him as a gang member of my gang like professional relation that's all and most of all being peaceful and open minded as much as i can with him.And of course if we go on turf or anything i will always get his back and help him when he is in need.I will never betray my gang member it will be like i said recently a professional relation
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