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Everything posted by Zei

  1. Someone who is really strict and sarcastic
  2. Pm me
  3. Smart ass koran xD (in lol)
  4. Sex
  5. A tunisiannthat can change his voice into a girl without a voice changer
  6. Ronseal Rennie
  7. Zei comes from Zebi (dick in tunisian) but i though of deleting the b and making it more unique
  8. Gay aa tounsi
  9. Hbd brophy's favourite dick
  10. Report it on the bug tracker sir
  11. @Hoodie shudup nigger vegan
  12. @Kain and why not bringing back markers in those maps ?
  13. Hbd ya tbib
  14. Zei


    No there is already one, the tmh one
  15. Zei

    Who's worse?

    Nano got some explaoned logic atleast :(
  16. What do u use fir ui/ux designing ?
  17. Nice fu u stole my idea xD anyway grab ur zr-350 and drift
  18. Sex
  19. @Thing exactly, a cartel is not a mafia. Mafia is more organized shit
  20. ::: @Thing said in What's better CEM or DDT: CeM was a great concept with retarded members who didn't even know their role and only wanted to flex with the special group. DDT was better because it had a better member base but same there, people only wanted to join because it was a special group. In the end, DDT can't even be compared to CeM. @Niceez said in What's better CEM or DDT: Ive not been to both groups, but I noted that DDT was better organized. First of all, HQ team was much better. Secondary, DDT had a role-fitting base and skins, it was clear what their role includes. Talking about CEM, I never gave a shit what they are RPly supposed to do. I only saw members of it, that cant even handle dual weapons, fucking around. Thats it ::: I bith agree with you, CEM was just a sprcial group without a clear rp purpose , I mean it was mafia but they did not show that they were mafia, 0 wars, 0 public rps only spamming events and ingame activity. But in the other side DDT was much more organized and it when it comes to RPing. For example how a mafia is supposed to have a portal than transports it from a mafia basement (night club style) to a big rock on desert that contains some aircrafts
  21. Ddt tbh
  22. Aids
  23. Wanna have an irl turfwar
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