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Everything posted by Zei

  1. @Law read my comment.
  2. @Reus said in [FOR SALE]LS tower: 10m Starting bid is 50m
  3. Something you do not know, there is DE Naval and SAP past wars. wars from SAP were against this DE seperate unit which we can maybe call SEA ARMY so yeh, pretty logic. Maybe you do not get it right. Also coming to the Cuban point. If you did not read cuban embassy posts. But CLO or Cuban Liberation organization is basically the army of CUBA aka Cuban Army so its logic that its wars will be against the US Army aka DE. And cuban citiziens aka immigrante are just civilians with cuban nationality that may help in the wars so what you are saying is not really clear and part of it is wrong.
  4. Noob shooter
  5. Bloodz HQs be like
  6. @Moley said in Crouching: Always people coming up with these bullshit ass suggestions that aren't even needed to be buffed or added. There are lots of ways to crouch faster while being chased which most of the players use a lot What about while shooting ? I'm not talking about being chased.
  7. @Lincoln lets wait for a dev to explain
  8. @puto said in Crouching: Crouch irl, lets see how fast you can move I think you did not understand the suggestion, its not moving while crouching ! It from standing position to crouching position, it takes time .
  9. If just crouching speed could be improved because thz current one is kinda slow and in fights slmetimes you need fast crouching for examplz a cop tazing you, or a criminal sjooting you. You crouch fastly and shoot him back to dodge atleast
  10. Nickname: Zei Username: ahmed007007 Age: 17 Country: Tunisia Languages spoken: English, french , arabic and a not advenced german. From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 8/10 I'm not a native speaker, so mistakes are sometimes made. How long have you been playing on SAES: since 2017 In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assasins is one of the most time honoured in its domain ,which is providing San Andreas with the top quality guns that they have. Added to that they assure the transaction safety and the service quality. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): I started saes on 2017 and bac in those days I was passionate about cops so I decided to join SAPA when it was a squad and then went e for nearly 1 year and got back to saes on 2018. When I got back I left SAPA to join The Company that was one of the gangs that taught me how to properly roleplay even tho I've rp skilled and also it wa dthe gang where I improved me skills. And then got bored of criminal side so I left to join C.I.A where I've been HQ there but sadly inactivity was one of the reasons that led to closing the squad. I've been gangless for a period of time and then someone from Clandestine Mob suggested the idea of going there to help them build the gang from level 0 , and I joined C 7 months ago since it was created and then left it for some reasones that were fully explained to the HQs (Illusion and Yoko) Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: N/A Name 3 Bankrob rules: Only 3 BRs are allowed per day. you are not allowed to call your gangmates and raid your rival gang BR as cops or whatever just to ruin it. Switching gangs in order to assist another gang with cracking or whatever is not allowed. Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: I should not call my gang mates to steal their BR , if I'm in their BR i should just assist. Name 3 Turf rules: You are not allowed to climb unclimable roofs You are not allowed to spawn at your proprety to gain advantage and get to turfzone faster, you should only use gang spawn or hospital You are not allowed to spawn as cop and go arrest your rival in order to win the turf zone. What is Roleplay?: Role Play or what people call RP is when performing a scene you have to act like the real life and make it as much as you can realistic with respecting the person or character you're performing What is Deathmatching?: DM , the abbreviation of Death Matching which is killing someone or attacking him for no proper reason. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: If he is a new player , which often happens, I can explainnto him the rules and that DMing is not allowed if the player is already experienced I can warn him in a respectful way but if he shows no respect or repeat it then I'll notify an admin You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Just continue driving my car or whatever. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: I have some friends in AA but decided on my own to apply. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Hey, my name is Ahmed. I'm 17 years old teenager spending most of his time doing graphic designs, reading some books, playing online video games or studying. I'm a respectful person towards the ones that respect me, I'm also loyal to my organization and would never let them down when they need me. I'm also passionated about germany and german culture when it comes to the vandals or even the its history in the world wars. I also do some car designing from time to time hoping that those skils will help me one day in the path I'm following, have a nice day.
  11. Address: Los Santos Camels motes Account name: mahdi444 Last seen: 14th january 2020 Screenshots:
  12. Address: Uber House 5 Account name: mahdi444 Last seen: 16th january 2020
  13. Plays aerosmith songs better than the actual band
  14. Still not useful in turf, people having different blip colors
  15. @Bartman said in [SUGGESTION] | Alliance system: all we need are 2 different blibs, also for example AA vs Z turfwar: -tt/aa/le have AA colour blib -ue/z/215/ have Z colour blib also helpers need to do like /join turfwar AA or /join turfwar Z = no random crime kills you out of nowhere cuz u didnt knew he is helping the enemy gang Totally agree with you, as you will be able to know who's in your team , and who's against you.
  16. Ok let's remove progress from turfs as it will heavily affect the gameplay
  17. @Teddy said in [SUGGESTION] | Alliance system: "This system will make assisting in turfwars easier for allied gangs as they presence in the turf will count as assisting." Absolutely no, allies should not affect progress of a turf. I am very much in favour of the opposite - make turfing a 1 v 1 thing and move to a GR-like system where assisting is not possible, but that's beyond this topic. Well sadly, in turfwars if you think its a 1v1 thing then its not. Just go turf tonight and you will see. Sometimes I even get lost and don't know who's with me or against me.
  18. Poll Ok basically it's been a while I'm thinking about this. And it might be helpful for gangs . Why not make an alliance system ? Details: This system will contain a type of chatbox that can connect allied gang members, for example AA gang memebers with TT gang members. (Example: /alliance and type text, just like party) This system will make assisting in turfwars easier for allied gangs as they presence in the turf will count as assisting. add a blip to allies so you can figure out who's with you in case of a GR allied gang members will be informed about it so they can help. in case of turfwars allied gang members will be informed of which of their allies is being attacked, location and enemy. Hope you like the suggestion, if you have any changes or options to add feel free to comment.
  19. #don'ttouchthefreeway
  20. Plays league
  21. Share a clip of you doing some skills shit, such as driving, arresting , or shooting. Show off time !
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