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Everything posted by Zei

  1. It makes no sense man ! If a bank is getting robbed then they fail its still a BR
  2. Zei

    GM Notice

    Just to let you know sir the CIA is a squad.
  3. @Freezom Your application has been denied we have recieved negative feedback about you, also you did not put efforts in your application. And also poor english skills. I advise you to try achieving your ProCop diploma (membership) and try again
  4. The key to Promote it is marketing because the idea is amazing and many people would show intrest, i can help you with it
  5. Nitro
  6. .
  7. Empty
  8. dusty
  9. roasted
  10. Sister
  11. Dirty
  12. Xray
  13. Sell out price is 33m (if negociated can be 31m)
  14. Nut
  15. Hunter
  16. Dump
  17. Setup
  18. Last
  19. Trust
  20. Motherfucker
  21. Sad that grammarly is not fully correcting your english mistakes :"you wil ask why i going to talk about all this again"
  22. Im pretty okay with the fog an d i really love it, would not be fair if i have the fog on enjoying it and then chasing a criminal that have his fog: off And just kill me ez pz
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