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Everything posted by Zei

  1. CIT is a shitty server aka lags and bugs... if you want SAES RPG to become CIT , its never gonna happen so go enjoy that server
  2. @Billionaire said in Should SAPD HQ make Laws: @Tut-Greco said in Should SAPD HQ make Laws: isn't this something that the active roleplay government should work on? making laws is a role of the government You only appear when we talk about gov xD
  3. Expecting some lit shit from algeria
  4. @Tut-Greco / @Joe / @SAES-Developer any news ?
  5. @Faysal said in Local Voice Chat: Already did suggest this. But they don't seem to care or give a fuck about it. even tho it's a really nice idea to make RPs way easier for slow niggas who can't type without looking at the keyboard twice Link : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5390/suggestion-voice-chat-ingame Man you wrote an essay and you say why people do not care ? XD also you did not even put a poll
  6. @Ghost722nd said in Local Voice Chat: In general yes but it was working in any chat (Local, Vehicle, Group, Global) until the server owner implemented a script which slapped and stopped players from talking in the global chat. Was a mess when the server hadn't installed this kind of script because you had to mute every damn russian one by one! (no offense against russians but they were really annoying!) If it will be implented in saes let's disable the way to talk in general chat
  7. @Ghost722nd said in Local Voice Chat: Voice Chat worked very well in DayZ and you could easily mute all the russians! Voted Yes! It was a local one ? I mean like five m ?
  8. @Tut-Greco said in Local Voice Chat: Those voting no due to mic abuse fear not, rules can be placed and enforced You can update your votes guys
  10. @alex0107 said in Local Voice Chat: Ye just imagine if someone use it to earrape :D -1 MUTE HIM
  11. @JoeX said in Local Voice Chat: @Zei Its a fantastic idea I am with you, but I dont have the time to mute players that i dont want to hear theirs Voice. Its not a fucking general voice chat, only nearby players
  12. @Anas_ said in Local Voice Chat: Well this is a nice idea and i'd like to see it implemented but i am pretty sure none will respect it or use it for rp purposes, it'll be more likely made for trolling and probably insults, so if there is anyway to prevent this, I agree. Man i already said, an option of muting people will come with it, just like /ignore
  13. @Bones
  14. 4:45 am, What about an option that will make you able to communicate via voice chat (in the police teamchat aka radio) or to communicate with nearby people (15 metres away players can hear u) via voice chat. I know some people will say it will be a mess or idk, but why not if you can mute people just like the /ignore command. This option will help alot performing rps and adding some fun to the server. And of course keeping the normal chat too (sorry if my english is a bit broken, wala ta3rf kifach ? Broken w yfz)
  15. ^[ #17 ] ^[ Event Name: Kill the LWS ] ^[ LWS/G6: Filex ] ^[ Prize: 1.000.000$ ] ^[ Screenshots: ] ::: :::
  16. Zei

    Bye bye!

    Bara nayek 3aaasba. (Translation) Goodbye bro
  17. Address: Zoomville#5 Account name: Genesisthethief Last seen: 20 may 2019
  18. Part I: How much have you donated for the server?: 10 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: 7 days ago Why do you need to change the location: need it as a veh for a gang Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/post/47251 Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/post/54168 https://saesrpg.uk/post/62225 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7012/zei-s-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7593/zei-s-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9438/zei-s-reward-change Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: black admiral with pro wheels and v10 and x10 nitro Location: will be shown ingame Username: ahmed007007 Other names to be added: will tell the admin ingame
  19. I had a dream, being the leader of one of the most powerful and the only armed wing of the Nazi Party's SS organisation, and I've been nominated by the fhrer @Bone so this is my speech to all the ennemies and the copycats of the SAES community and server. "If we follow our enemies' propaganda, then I must say that is to be compared with "Rejoicing towards Heaven, depressed until Death". The slightest success anywhere, and they literally turn somersaults in joy. They have already tried to destroy us, and then the page turns and again they are cast down and depressed. I did not want to attack in the center, not only because Stalin knew I would. I provide one such example. If you read the Russian telegrams every day since June 22nd, they say the following each day: "Fighting of unimportant character". Or maybe of important character. "We have shot down three times as many German planes. The amount of sunken tonnage is already greater than the entire naval tonnage, of all the German tonnage from before." They have so many of us missing that this amounts to more divisions than we can ever muster. But, above all, they are always fighting in the same place. "Here and there", they say modestly, "after fourteen days we have evacuated the city." But, in general, since april 1st and even before that date they have been fighting in the same place, copying the same scripts. Always successful, we are constantly being beaten back. And in this continued retreat. we have slowly come to the truth, most of SARS players were banned from saes crowds yelling fick deine mutter I should say that for our enemies, and not for your soldiers, that the speed at which our soldiers have now traversed territory is gigantic. And what has transcribed this past year is vast and historically unique. Now, I do not always do things just as others want them done. I consider what the others probably believe and then do the opposite on principle. So, if I did not want to attack in the center, not only because Mr. Stalin probably believed I would, but because I didn't care about it at all. But I wanted to come to the Volga, to a specific place and a specific city. It happened to have Stalin's name, but that's not why I went there. It could have had another name. But, now this is a very important point. Because from here comes 30 millions tons of traffic, including about 4 to 5 stolen scripts. From there the wheat pours in from these enormous territories of the MTA servers and from the USA region then to be transported north. A gigantic terminal is there and I wanted to take it. But, as you know, we are modest. That is to say that we have it now. Only a few small pockets of resistance are left. Some would say "Why not fight onwards?" Because I don't want a second Verdun! I would rather hold this with small combat patrols! Time does not matter, no ships are coming up the Volga! That is the important point. PS: all the speech was a mix of me and hitler <3
  20. criminals already joining DE
  21. @Crash i said it will be limited
  22. Which poker type ,Texas holdem ?
  23. This current poker script is not that exviting to be honest, as a poker player i don't like it so why not add a script of texas holdem poker and players can play together, against each other
  24. Well i see alot of good mappers in saes that are doing an amazing job so i have though about this suggestion that they may support which is : Talking to saes hqs and asking for their permession to organize a kind of a competition in saes about mapping, it will be the following, So players basically go to the map editor and build what they want to, Example: rebuilding the skatepark building RP Points and those maps will be implented for saes of course after the HQs confirmation and it will be permanent ( the size of the map will be limited) Let us unleash the creativity.
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