PERSONAL INFORMATION Ingame name: Zei Account name: ahmed007007 Age: 16 Native language: Arabic Additional languages: English / French / A bit of german Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 8 SKILL EVALUATION English language (0/10): 9 Roleplaying skill (0/10): 8 Driving skill (0/10): 9 Strengths: I'm a really creative person when it comes to RPs, also i am a good designer. I'm a teamworker and respectful player. Weaknesses: Well to be honest sometimes when someone triggers me , i get really mad BACKGROUND Previous organizations you associated with: ThC Criminal history: Well i was SAPA when it was a squad and then i went inactive for almost 1 year and i got back on late 2018, I joined The Company where i aquired alot of experinece and upgraded my english skills and RP skills too Current organizations: CIA / SAFD / Cuban Cars / The Forgotten. PERSONALITY Why do you want to join Global Trust? First of all, what really impressed me is the activity GT members are showing, it's just amazing and then the reputation of the group in the server is getting more powerful by time, they wont bankrupt you for sure. And last but not least, I have many creative ideas and plans to deal with San Andreas economy which is a bit mysterious nowadays