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Everything posted by Zei

  1. @Ghost722nd said in The Andromada: Drop the need to be this a donation vehicle, make it buyable and restrict it to get spawned at the airports. Problem solved :P Yaay
  2. @Skerdi said in The Andromada: @Zei said in The Andromada: @Skerdi said in The Andromada: @Zei said in The Andromada: @Filex said in The Andromada: Nah it would be an absuable vehicle it's big size can cause problem tho its smoother than other big planes such as the AT-400, in my pilot dcript which is still to be reviewed im including this as a vehicle for flights but with collisions absent ofc Indeed im voting no for its big size which will make it abusable + same for size will be jard to find a place to park it Does you AT-400 have an interior ? Yes it does I mean where to put cars... Well if you can get cars up there yes, but basically no In the andromada you can
  3. @Skerdi said in The Andromada: @Zei said in The Andromada: @Filex said in The Andromada: Nah it would be an absuable vehicle it's big size can cause problem tho its smoother than other big planes such as the AT-400, in my pilot dcript which is still to be reviewed im including this as a vehicle for flights but with collisions absent ofc Indeed im voting no for its big size which will make it abusable + same for size will be jard to find a place to park it Does you AT-400 have an interior ? Yes it does I mean where to put cars...
  4. @Filex said in The Andromada: Nah it would be an absuable vehicle it's big size can cause problem tho its smoother than other big planes such as the AT-400, in my pilot dcript which is still to be reviewed im including this as a vehicle for flights but with collisions absent ofc Indeed im voting no for its big size which will make it abusable + same for size will be jard to find a place to park it Does you AT-400 have an interior ?
  5. I would like to suggest this mod for the andormada also , i would like to suggest something else which making the andromada donatable because it would be an amazing veh for the rps Mod link https://www.gtainside.com/en/sanandreas/airplanes/132639-improved-andromada/
  6. You cannot tell me that this car comes from the future or whatever, after the pirate boat i'm suggesting this sexy 90s car, the mazda MX-5 https://www.gtainside.com/en/sanandreas/cars/84412-mazda-mx5/
  7. @Tut-Greco well , it will be amazing for rps
  8. I would like to suggest this mod that will replace the marquis Personal opinion I think this boat is not really used also it can revive the sea life rps Link: https://gamemodding.com/en/gta-san-andreas/boats/41374-luger-corsairs-lsc-caravela.html
  9. maybe if it's in the sea it can't be a SR logically so why not the house robs but make it treasure rob, and just like SR we can revive some spawn too like the robber spawn
  10. PERSONAL INFORMATION Ingame name: Zei Account name: ahmed007007 Age: 16 Native language: Arabic Additional languages: English / French / A bit of german Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 8 SKILL EVALUATION English language (0/10): 9 Roleplaying skill (0/10): 8 Driving skill (0/10): 9 Strengths: I'm a really creative person when it comes to RPs, also i am a good designer. I'm a teamworker and respectful player. Weaknesses: Well to be honest sometimes when someone triggers me , i get really mad BACKGROUND Previous organizations you associated with: ThC Criminal history: Well i was SAPA when it was a squad and then i went inactive for almost 1 year and i got back on late 2018, I joined The Company where i aquired alot of experinece and upgraded my english skills and RP skills too Current organizations: CIA / SAFD / Cuban Cars / The Forgotten. PERSONALITY Why do you want to join Global Trust? First of all, what really impressed me is the activity GT members are showing, it's just amazing and then the reputation of the group in the server is getting more powerful by time, they wont bankrupt you for sure. And last but not least, I have many creative ideas and plans to deal with San Andreas economy which is a bit mysterious nowadays
  11. Angola
  12. Liar
  13. Zei


    I advise you to use the official mta forum because talking about other servers is not allowed i think.
  15. @Mootje said in Star Citizen: @siddman said in Star Citizen: @Zei said in Star Citizen: Buy the pack for me, i got no money :'( ask your dad! That's why he's asking you Fu xD @siddman said in Star Citizen: @Zei said in Star Citizen: Buy the pack for me, i got no money :'( ask your dad! We do not have paypal in this tunisian terrortry ffs
  16. Buy the pack for me, i got no money :'(
  17. @Petrow said in [FOR SALE] LS lvl 3-5 Base: cant be a base since its a spawn xDDD wow :claps: :claps: well if your shit is official GMs can mvoe the spawn or u figure it out :D
  18. @Blu said in [FOR SALE] LS lvl 3-5 Base: 1m I said starting bid is 20m, and the next bid should be 1m away
  19. Starting Bid: 20m Minimum Bid: 1m Features: Big area Easy mappable contains public vehicle the limo driver spawn could be removed if the g/s/c or group is official
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