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Everything posted by Zei

  1. I just did in all states voted for TSAR, QUEEN FTW
  2. +1 tut and we get some cash when we deliver him to the location and player will be dead
  3. @xDarkMan +1
  4. @JohnnyEnglish said in Kidnapping: This'll just be massively abused and the amount of time and resources which would be spent on it to prevent abuse is not worth it They can set a small rule on F1 menu so people won'r abuse
  5. @DROT said in Kidnapping: But... Why? Maybe incase a gang is rping and kidnaps a cop or even you can kidnape another player and ask him for money so you could let him out xD
  6. READ BEFORE VOTING So i got this idea, which can increase RPing in the server that consists in, when someone is in your car, you can uqe the command "/kidnap <playername>" which willl kidnap the specefic player that is in your car . And he won't be able to get out of thr car and you take him where you want.
  7. Zei

    Selling SAES

    @Brophy i want your pic + a starbucks coffe
  8. Happy birthday chrome, oops firefox kol 3am tizak yakbar baby
  9. Zei

    Selling SAES

    @TaJ said in Selling SAES: Why would someone want to buy the extinct Indians here... go for tounsis, they're in abundance /me looks towards @Zei Hendus are lit
  10. Happy birthday
  11. Zei

    Selling SAES

    @Human_ said in Selling SAES: I'll take the indians for $10 Too cheap , rare pieces !
  12. Zei

    Selling SAES

    @Kybali0n said in Selling SAES: 1k $ Already got 10K offer, you need more moneyz
  13. Zei

    Selling SAES

    @Filex said in Selling SAES: @Brophy look at james post thats a winning case sell it and you start a new server xD No i want brophy's pic and 1 starbucks coffe too
  14. Zei

    Selling SAES

    @ArcoM sousse is good
  15. Zei

    Selling SAES

    @ArcoM nikek tawa ? Send me an italian girl and i will send you kousksi
  16. Zei

    Selling SAES

    @Filex said in Selling SAES: Damn i feel ashamed because i didnt think about that first but fuck it I am happy because i was firdt xD
  17. Zei

    New admin

    Tbh kipt deserves it he suffered so much
  18. Zei

    Selling SAES

    @M7mod teach me how to be funny master
  19. Zei

    Selling SAES

    @NanoBob they say you are scamming people is that real also those scripts are copycats from other servers but saes dev stole it
  20. Zei

    Selling SAES

    @Markus said in Selling SAES: Too hard for me
  21. Zei

    Selling SAES

    So basically i am making this topic with tears in my eyes, (@Brophy also crying because he can't live anymore james stopped donating.) nvm lets go straight to topic . SAES 1.5 script is now on auctions and for sale if you are intrested in buying it you can bid downin the comments. Also i am selling @Ardron with the script and i can sell @Mega9 also so he can help you with scripting and ardron with abusing. If you want to pay extra fees you can buy those three and unique and the only indians in the server : @TaJ @Tapi @JohnnyEnglish This is a good offer don't miss it guys. STARTING BID IS Brophy's pic + 1 starbucks coffe
  22. @xDarkMan said in PolicySquad Recruitment [Not official gang we need first level 1]: @Zei leave fucking CIA and join the best squad ever @Curvy u too This squad gang is hard for me :'(
  23. Part I: How much have you donated for the server?: 10 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: 18 days ago Why do you need to change the location: i want to add a car in my houde Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/post/47251 Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/post/54168 https://saesrpg.uk/post/62225 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7012/zei-s-reward-change Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Esperanto Location: Will be shown ingame Username: ahmed007007 Other names to be added: mohamed70 - AymenjO68
  24. @Hoodie iphone X rich ass kanker xD
  25. @Denox said in Show us yourself V3: lol. Is that Lil Xan ?
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