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Everything posted by RadiO

  1. @Freezy I'm glad you decided to reapply. Hang around with us for the time being and we'll see. We still waiting you to show more activity and etc,don't waste your chance, we will make final decision as soon as possible.~[pending]~(orange). Sincerely, RadiO Varrios Los Aztecas - HQ Team
  2. Congratulations Rebels Soner <3
  3. @SsCorpion you fucked up your chance In the first day. Unfortunately, you didn't make it this time, you missed the right application format. Also, negative feedback and concerns over your attitude resulted in your denial. You may reapply again in 1 month if you wish to. Your sincerely, Varrios Los Aztecas - HQ Team
  4. @Staifi said in [SUGGESTION]Casino robbery: i have an idea for this one, as @Blade said: why does everything need to have cracking system, lets just make it as simple as the SR , you kill the civilians all of them and it will start a casino robbery. and wait till the timer is done and then head to the delivery point with your bags +1 good idea
  5. Event Number #11 Event Name Kamikaze RadiO's plane ( Shamal ) Event Money 1.000.000 ( 1 round ) Event Winning SAES>jonas133 Event Regulates https://imgur.com/a/WqOrRth
  6. Event Number #10 Event Name Kamikaze RadiO's car Event Money 1.000.000 ( 2 round, 500k per each ) Event Winning rango & SAES>jonas133 Event Regulateshttps://imgur.com/a/y1pLjtL
  7. Lock it please arleady requested by SiirTuga
  8. User: bouhsina Last Seen: 02/02/2019 Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/fYQpdTi
  9. Event Number: #8 Event Name: 1v1 Sniper-T Event Money: 1.000.000 Event Winning: [B~B]Nicky Event Regulates: Click Here!
  10. Event Number: #7 Event Name: Glory Door Event Money: 1.000.000 Event Winning: Lasagana Event Regulates: Click Here!
  11. Activity Number #4 JailBreak Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. @Casper Due to the negative feedback we received from our members we cannot proceed with your application, therefore it goes denied. You may re-apply in 2 week from now. Kind regards, Varrios Los Aztecas - HQ Team
  13. Activity Number #3 5 Members Online Screenshots:
  14. AA :p
  15. Happy birthday A7 :) Enjoy!
  16. @Mohamed-Mostafa said in Vote for your favorite SAES Member!: @RadiO said in Vote for your favorite SAES Member!: are they 2 Bone or i need to put glassess No need to wear glasses you are just right, there are 2 Bones. oh ty
  17. there are 2 Bone right or i need to put glassess
  18. Cosby
  19. Starting Bid : 1.000.000$ Prop: Location: GUI:
  20. HBD
  21. User: wtfmen Last Seen: 4 Januray 2019 Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/kt4Hajf
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