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Everything posted by RadiO

  1. User: dibabo Last Seen: 15 Januray 2019 Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/H8blfOk
  2. @Tapi
  3. Event Number #28 Event Type: Half-Blind Fallout Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/g6 Helpers: @Legend Winners: @batya8890 Screens: https://imgur.com/a/fwu77Yy
  4. Applicant Main Information : Nickname: RadiO Username: oussama88 Age: 17 years old Nationality: Tunisian Languages you can speak: Arabic, English and Frensh Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : I start playing SAES on 2015 but after i got banned for multiaccount i was inactive for a long period and i back like 4 months ago to the game. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : BBMC/ Z/ CripZ. If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : BBMC: RIP / Z: a great gang but it was inactive a lot so i decide to leave/ CripZ: Lately i get an Adminjail and that cause many problems for me so i decide to leave the gang. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : Yes, twice, 1 st one was about multiaccount when i was newbie, 2nd one Reason was ban evading. What groups are you currently part of? : TMH/ CS/ Cluckin' Bell/ PoS/ AoJ. Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? :I would not say im a very special because in my opinion everyone can be special in their own way, but i have the skills needed and the experience in gangs which make things more easy also i have the loyalty and maturity. Also i know i have not been so mature in the past , but i can ensure that i have achieved this target, as that was my aim as i have been told. I have been, trying to redeem my self from that lack of maturity i had in the passed and i do hope that i have showed that i can be mature and behave in the right manner and respect people . I've always been appreciative of what the organizations I have worked for have done for me, as well as what I can do for them. I'm a loyal and a special person who wants to do my absolute best for the gang I work for.I have a strong desire to help others through improving their skills , which has led to my past success as a skilled player . Improving your skills ( as a generale) is a key value of your company, and I know that I could bring to this. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black~Bullets role based on providing assassinations and mercenary ( Blood Money ) also they give any kind of weapons services such as epairs and coating, also they are always ready to provide you with the weapons and ammunition you need. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : As anybody else, all what I was seeking for gaining experience, I joined different organizations. But in the last few months, I really changed a bit and became more stable than what I was before. I learn that It's no matter how many organization u was on or what are the currently groups that u are a part of. The main thing to gain reputation is to show how much loyal you are and how you show that u really can be useful by doing ur best for the organization that you are a part of.And that's what I'm working on right now. So Im here to offer these values just for you guys . The more specifics you can provide, the better. However, don't just talk about the benefits and perks of being a part there. What you should really try to emphasize is how the gang's mission, values, and work align with your own goals Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : i have some friends like Judyes, K2ryhm and Mura but i was have more from the first genration as Epic, Gunnny, Anoussa and more. Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : Nope
  5. User: Abdel Last seen: 22 December 2018 Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/11YiF6u
  6. Good Luck
  7. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #25 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: The Fastest Delivery Boy ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: Brondy ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): Blis ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: :::
  8. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #24 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Chainsaw Masacre ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: Sneijder ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 2.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): PewD ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: :::
  9. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #23 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Destruction Derby ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: Kowalski ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): Klay ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: :::
  10. Sorry 10.000.000$
  11. username : killer89 Last seen : 06/01/2019 Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/klibmla
  12. Nice topic Good Luck
  13. @Kamal said in Cluckin' Bell: In-game name:kamal Account name:kamal Wrong section. Please apply here https://saesrpg.uk/category/263/cluckin-bell
  14. Roleplay Number : #15 ~[T]~(#3b003b)he ~[S]~(#3b003b)py Roleplay Participants : ~[Hell Hound MC]~(#3b003b) ( @Radio_ & Sup88| @xDarkMan ) Roleplay Story : ^[ Hell Hounds MC were spied by some kind of police men. RadiO and xDarkMan was doing some researching , and found who was the men who said all the things , what Hell Hounds are doing , and where they are going etc. RadiO and xDarkMan know that he is working with some secret agents , and that would not be easy to get him in Hell Hounds hands. So one RadiO and xDarkMan was chilling in the basehous , smoking some weed and talking about Club things , until RadiO received a message from hes friend. In message was writen that the police men who was spying our Club are near LSPD. So They immediately were going to the LSPD to see the men. They picked up a burrito and were going to LSPD. When they were next to LSPD they saw the men . Immediately picked up their weapons and were going to talk with a Officer. RadiO said him to get his ass in the van or he will be killed front off LSPD. He didn't think too much and got into the van. Then Hell Hounds were going to the silent place somewhere in the Flint Country. When RadiO stopped the Van in the right place , he opened the back of the van , aimed to Officer and said to him to get out from the van and go straight to the wall. When he was front of the wall we asked him some questions and checked hes pockets. So hes name was Jimmy_Adolf , and he said that all LSPD officers will search for us and we will go to jail. While RadiO checked hes pockets , he cut off finger to the officer , because he didnt answer to questions. So after he cut off hes finger , they tell him , that they will count till 10 and if he will not run away from us he will be dead. So officer started run and we killed him because he could say where we are and what we did to him. After he get killed , noone spied Hell Hounds MC again.] Screenshots of Roleplay : ::: :::
  15. TMH Technicians Working on [04/02/2019] TMH Technicians Involved: TMH|RadiO Location: Las Venturas Cross. Estimated Duration of Working: 25 mins. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10 vehicle Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/k6qJS2G
  16. Roleplay Number : #14 ~[T]~(#3b003b)ricking ~[O]~(#3b003b)ur ~[E]~(#3b003b)nemies ~[I]~(#3b003b)nto ~[T]~(#3b003b)heir ~[O]~(#3b003b)wn ~[C]~(#3b003b)offin Roleplay Participants : ~[Hell Hound MC]~(#3b003b) & ~[Rebels MC]~(maroon) Roleplay Story : As a motorcycle club we are aware of other MCs in the San Andreas state. Our MC is the most powerful one and we would like to keep it that way. That's why we've executed high ranked members of the Rebels MC. It all started by one of our members going undercover as a hangaround, while someone in the meantime wanted to have a business meeting with the other. The big war started, few other prospects of Hell Hounds MC arrived, we had lost some of our soldiers but fortunately our 'sniper-man' had his sniper filled with bullets killing the last persons alive. After killing some Rebels with our brothers we went back to our base. Deservedly we took from refrigerator bottles of beer. We enjoyed our win and talked about it much.I got a call,they are coming back to take a revenge. It was a time to punishment them again! ::: :::
  17. Activity Number : #10(Roadtrip) Hell Hounds MC gathered up at Bone County Bar. They were planning to do a big roadtrip for some days. Many Bikers went there as well as many Supporters. They didn't have a destination, they just started riding their bikes because that's what they love to do.. Screenshots of Activity : ::: :::
  18. Event Number : #24 Event Type : Hide n' Seek Event Prize : 1.000.000 $ LWS/G6 Helper : @I-Gun Winner : @Nord Screenshots : Click Here!
  19. @hoangtien said in Selling BONESTREET House. (Big Garden & Garage & Bedroom & kitchen & library & meeting room & Work room.): 2m Starting bid: 60.000.000$$$
  20. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #22 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: 1v1 SNiper Tournment ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: Zaza ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): Makel. ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: :::
  21. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #21 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Freeway Race to MC Top ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: Stay ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.500.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): Franklin ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: :::
  22. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #20 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: TDM 2v2 Only Deagle ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: Ramos ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 2.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): Bernasx & Alex ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: :::
  23. Roleplay Number : #13 ~[T]~(#571557)he ~[L]~(#571557)ucky ~[C]~(#571557)lover Roleplay Participants : ~[Hell Hound MC]~(#3b003b) ( @Radio_ ) & ~[The Motor Heads]~(#4b9c0c) ( @chemist ) Roleplay Story : It was a warm morning, beer had just ran out from Hell Hounds MC. It was a perfect time to hit the liquor store after I bought a new mildly light black Walton from a local farmer.. So I started my engine and hit the road. Since there was a huge sale in the Flint County store I decided to go there just to save up some money. While driving to Flint County from the Farm with my newly bought Black Walton. I heard a noise from the hood. I decided to ignore it and drive on, because the store would have been closed in 1 hour. After a minute or two the engine stopped and so I was forced to park by the side of the road. I opened up my hood and started to look for the problem which caused my engine to stop working properly.. The Lucky Clover decided to help me out with this problem. Luckily there was a TMH mechanic near me who spotted the incident. He immediately offered me assistance.. He drove to me with his white towtruck and asked what the problem was. So I explained the situation to him.. After few minutes of chatting and looking for the problem, he offered to make an inspection for the Walton. So I went to the towtrucks passenger seat and waited for him to connect the Walton with the hook of the towtruck. And so we drove into TMH base to have the inspection. In the TMH garage he engaged on with the checkup just because I wasn't aware of my newly bought Waltons status. The inspection took some time.. The Walton had cost under 500$. I was pretty happy with the deal, but after this incident I was anxious just because I got this vehicle 1 hour ago and it already had a problem. So meanwhile I decided to smoke to calm my nerves. After 10 minutes the mechanic was done.. Everything seemed to be okay except for the engine. The mechanic didn't explain all the details, but there seemed to be a problem with a pipe which lead into the engine. He immediately found the same piece and changed the old part with the new one. The lucky clover gave me a hand for the second time today. The mechanic was in a such a good mood that he said that I don't need to pay for the inspection and only for the new pipe which cost around 30$. So we went to his desk to deal with the money part. The inspection and the payment was complete so I slowly drove out from TMH garage..
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