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Everything posted by RadiO

  1. Address: Vintage Clothing Account name: mosa2000 Last seen: 12rh April 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/R8bPRcM
  2. Address: Angel Pine Roofing Corp Account name: mosa2000 Last seen: 12rh April 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lchz6Oy
  3. @Aquillezs said in Cluckin' Bell: In-game name:OnlyM3 Account name:Castoru1997 Age:21 Country of residency:Romania -Bucharest From how long are you playing SAES: 4 years How well do you speak English?: 8/10 Tell us something about yourself: Hello im OnlyM3 im a nice guys who like video game also football, i like to play GTA:SA and GTA 5 and sometime i play Fornite , I have 21 years old and i live in Romania , Bucharest, i like to make rp's and host event's and spend time with my friends ingame ! List few of your strengths and weaknesses: My strengths are fighting and driving car and support team , me weakness its driving boat Are you in any group : I'm in Enternia Why do you want to join Cluckin' Bell?: Well its a new intresting group and its about selling food what i like it ,because im eating all day ,and i want to improve skills about rping, and ,selling food over SA What can you offer Cluckin' bell?: I can come with me skills about rping because i'm in Enternia , i can rp also doing awesome event's, im a good waiter and best seller man on the SA What do you expect in return from Cluckin' Bell? : Well spend awesome time with member's and to do roleplay's to rise up more ! Wrong section sir, check this https://saesrpg.uk/category/263/cluckin-bell
  4. Address: boxed up whetstone store Account name: nana123 Last seen: 1st April 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IzLXbLW
  5. Address: 9 Lil Jatt Street**
  6. Address: Kebabs Restaurant Account name: nana123 Last seen: 1st April 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VWAfKtu
  7. ^[Participants: @RadiO , @Aspect , @Beckham , @MetalHead , @Rainy and @DALI-i ] ^[] ^[Story:] Our Garage was opened again at LV-Cross. When we opened we split our jobs and went to work. After some minutes the customers started to come. We was ready for that and immediately started to work. We was been visited in a large number as well. Some peoples was coming into our Cluckin' Bell Restaurant, some inside to order their food, some watching their cars fixed and make sure that's work aswell . The customers were happy and they was leaving after some minutes. We continued working at our garage and welcomed new customers, we had worked hard together then we closed few min after Cluckin' Bell closed their restaurant and we will continue the next day. We were done our job after a whole long day. Only thing left was cleaning machines , cleaning every tool detailed, car spots and also cleaning ground with mop. We've started and cleaned in about 1h.30m and finished. We have just closed all the machines and lights turned off engine and closed the restaurant. ^[ScreenShot:] ^[]
  8. ^[] Event Number: 252 Event Type: CarShow LWS/G6: G6- Zwolle Date: 06/05/19 Prize(s): 1,750,000$ ( dvided 1St- 1M / 2nd- 500K / 3rd- 250K ) Winner(s): 1st- ChasinTLSN / 2nd- [AA]radio / 3rd- UE|Reus Screenshot(s): Click Here!
  9. TMH Technicians Working on: 06-05-2019 TMH Technicians Involved: TMH|RadioGaga Location: LV-X Estimated Duration of Working: 35-40min Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 15-20Vehicles Screenshots: ^[]
  10. @baligh_WA said in Cluckin' Bell: In-game name: Kar69X Account name: elrbo3djeja Age: 16 Gender: male Country of residency: Tunisia From how long are you playing SAES: 3 years. Since when are you playing GTA:SA: since i was kid(5 years old). How well do you speak English?: very well but i have some mistakes. What all languages can you speak other than English?: Arabic,French and Dutch(a little bit). Tell us something about yourself: I'm loyal person .Understand every body.Not bad-tempored.Open Mind. Have a big Knowledge.The best thing for me its RPing like i can rate my self 9/10.Also i'm trustworthy. List few of your strengths and weaknesses: Let's start with my strenghts : RolePlaying,Driving,Delevering and Flying. Now my weaknesses: to be trust i don't have weaknesses. Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them: Age Of Judgment, i still in the group. Have you been ban or warned by any admin in the last 1 year if yes, Explain Why?: no. Why do you want to join Cluckin' Bell?: I want to join Cluckin' Bell because its a special group and had a lot of RP and active members.Also i like this kind of groups. What can you offer Cluckin' bell?: I can offer what's Cluckin' Bell need ,Everything,such a good reputation and a good personality. What do you expect in return from Cluckin' Bell?: I expect everything positive from Cluckin' Bell. Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and Cluckin' Bell rules?: Yes, i agree. Who are Cluckin' bell's founders?: Cluckin' Bell's founders are : @Tapi, @Rainy. What is Cluckin' bell's Motto?: Eat till you say, "No please". You've made a misstake Sir, check this https://saesrpg.uk/category/263/cluckin-bell .
  11. Thanks sir Joe, you too.
  12. @Katlank said in Cluckin' Bell: In-game name: my real name kamal but in game katlank Account name: Kamal Age:18 Gender: male Country of residency: egypt From how long are you playing SAES: 3 years i think thats Since when are you playing GTA:SA: Since 3 years How well do you speak English?: 8/10 What all languages can you speak other than English?: arabic Tell us something about yourself: my name is Kamal and i like playing listen musice and i have 18 years old and i love playering MTA SA and i like playering football in real life and i life in egypt and i can speak arabic and english and i traveled to england before but i back now and i like my life and i love my family and i am alawys have big hope. List few of your strengths and weaknesses: my strengths : i am very good at RP and driving cars and shooting with guns and i am respected and I am able to deal with the customer with calm and respect and i alaways have a big hope to join to Cluck , i was in clukc before but L and HQ and VL said to me reapply and i said okay bec i am really love Cluck. Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them: N/A Have you been ban or warned by any admin in the last 1 year if yes, Explain Why?N/A Why do you want to join Cluckin' Bell?: bec it all my hope and i love it and CLuck a good group and it will be better group in server and Cluck have a nice members and respected members and a very nice leader and thay have hope to be better for all days and i am really love pizza LOL and i like to work with members Cluck What can you offer Cluckin' bell?: i will give to cluck my good skills in RP and events and active and i will be better in all days and i am respected member and i think any group need member like it ,thats enought. What do you expect in return from Cluckin' Bell? thay respect me i know all members cluck that only Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and Cluckin' Bell rules?: yes sure Who are Cluckin' bell's founders?: Tapi and radio and rainy What is Cluckin' bell's Motto?: You've made a misstake Sir, check this https://saesrpg.uk/category/263/cluckin-bell .
  13. ah he just tried weed for the first time ;D
  14. Nickname: RadioGaga Age: 17 Country: Tunisia, Sousse Languages spoken: English, Arabic and some Frensh From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 7/10 How long have you been playing on SAES: Since 2015 but after being banned i was inactive and i've back from like 8 months ago In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: We probably all know who deals weapons? Well in San Andreas, Arms Assassins is probably the head dealer in criminal underground, which definitely brings them nice pile of profit every month. Over the years, Arms Assassins become the greatest arms dealers gang in the whole SA streets. Their knowledge about weapons and how they deal with it help them to become the most known gang around. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): BBMC: Once i've back to SAES, i've notice that Motorcycle Club and i thought that will be one of the greatest MCs like MMC, SoA and others Old School Motorcycle Clubs. But when i joined, i've see that their reputation is so bad and that was my point to leave. Organization Zero: The greatest gang that i joined. Their i learn many stuffs and i learn how to deal with thing no matter how difficult is it. I leave on my own way the only reason was cause that one used to be dead and Zebras was inactive a lot. I am so happy to see them back on their foot today and they are doing well. CripZ: After leaving Z my destiny was to make a hard step in my SAES carrer and join a lvl5 gang, but saddly i've made a mistake and got adminjail that cause many problems from me with Members and HQs so i decide to leave and keep my dignity. OC: Well, just got kicked. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: I got banned back in 2015, worth of multi-accounting when i was newbie and couple of adminjails both for avoid arrest. Name 3 BR rules: One gang is allowed to do maximum of 2 gang bank robs per day. During gang bank rob, members of gang which is robbing the bank can kill any player inside bank they are robbing if they don't want that player on their bank robs. Killing players after all safes have been cracked in order for players to leave the bank by respawning is not allowed same as committing suicide by jumping from bank roof. Name 3 GR rules: No grenades to be at a gangrob at all. This includes using vehicles as explosives. No spawn killing - Don't camp a gang's spawn. Beef up defenses elsewhere if necessary. You can only gangrob spawned as your gang. Don't bring helpers. Allies or other gangs to assist are permitted Name 3 Turf rules: If you are killed in a turf where a turfwar is going on, and you are spawned as a cop or criminal, it is not counted as deathmatching. This is just part of the war. You can only use gang spawn or the hospital spawn when a turfwar is going on. Also you are not allowed to camp on unclimbable rooftops, climbable houses/roofs are allowed. You are not allowed to spawn medic or cop to assist your gang in a turfwar. Gaining health in any other way than respawning or eating food is not allowed. What is Roleplay?: Roleplaying is putting real-life scenarios into a video game or just acting as you're a character that has a specified job he has to do. This is my best part on the Sever. Time is tight. For people like me, that have nothing better to do then go to work and school, drink, masturbate and enjoy life, time is really tight. In the other hand, Im trying my best to Role Plays in every situation i can, but at the same time, have as much fun as possible while doing that. But some things just don't work together. Either you have luck, and you have as much fun writing stuff and playing it at the same time, or you have fun playing/ writing.... For me, in most cases, those two things work together. I have much fun playing and participating at roleplays, and even more fun writing them down, because I can change and write things, that could not me said while roleplaying ( like writing a bit more about some participants, their story, what they said and how they looked like saying it, etc. ). Soo, here I am, writing this down, trying to put it in a such content in my application, that people will really read it... read it with passion, while laughing or cursing at the same time, because I made fun out of things, that should be left as they are, but ! We are made to develope new stuff, better, even better and the best of better , and at this point, you may realize that what you are reading started as something meaningfull, but now turned into bullcrap, so I will stop here. What is Deathmatching?: The most imposed rule is the "No Deathmatch" Rule, Deathmatch is the act of aimlessly shooting/killing/damaging a person or his vehicle using weapons. It further includes Revenge killing out of personal prejudice or other causes. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: Briefly explain: I would kindly tell him that its not allowed, if the person would keep it for numerous times I would simply report the person with the panel of reporting(/report). You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Just ignore... cause killing a cop who never attempt to arrest you is against Srever Rules. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Well, i'v made my choice and decide to hangaround with AAs to make sure that AA is what i am looking for, that was a wise choice since i've meet with many of them, we made a lot of fun and we've enjoyed our time together. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): I was born in Sousse, Tunisia on 23/10/2001 that means I'm currently 17 years old. I used to be called Oussama in real life , I'm an easy going person that having fun with everyone I enjoyed being around different types of people ,and I like to always challenge my self to improve at everything I do , I grew up in Tunisia and still studying and dreaming of being a BascketBall player , in my personal activities such as playing video games and swimming , I would like to be more of an extrovert due to i'm a little quiet and a little closer to the side introvert side , I would like to change this because I'd like to appear more friendly I believe that I'm very organized person I like to know exactly what I'm going to do for the day and the week, So I outline my tasks and organize my work load by doing so,anyway I have been out of playing for a long period ,but I have only been looking for a decently gang where I can feel comfortable, And i'm trying challenge myself with new side which is Arms Assassins side. I would not say im a very special because in my opinion everyone can be special in his own way, but i have the skills needed and the experience in gangs which make things more easy also i have the loyalty and maturity. I know that i havn't been so mature in the past , but i can ensure that i have achieved this target, as that was my aim as i have been told. I have been, trying to redeem my self from that lack of maturity i had in the passed and i do hope that i have showed that i can be mature and behave in the right manner and respect people . I've always been appreciative of what the organizations I have worked for have done for me, as well as what I can do for them. I'm a special person who wants to do my absolute best for the gang I work for.I have a strong desire to help others through improving their skills , which has led to my past success as a skilled player . Improving your skills ( as a generale) is a key value of your company, and I know that I could bring to this. Also, I believe my strongest trait is my working with people very well in a way where I use the strengths of each individual in a team to produce the best results because of my easy going personality,I have been told by my firects that it's easy approach me. Finally, I would like to inform you that If you got some doubting about me feel free to contact me at discord and let's solve them.
  15. @Skerdi said in Editing turfs places: @AlanWalker said in Editing turfs places: 22 votes + till now You know you only put yes as an option do you? Skerdi... He just tried weed for the first time, Just ignore him ;D
  16. starting bid is 50m it's clear enough i guess ;D
  17. great idea, Near that famous SR at LV, cops always place a truck to jump on the roof of the buliding then from there to the roof of the SR, so we better use a nade to make it explode. ;p
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