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Everything posted by RadiO

  1. Roleplay type: Patrol Patrol time: 1 Hour Date (DD/MM/YY): 15/06/2019 Location: around SA Participants: N/A Screenshots: Click Here!
  2. ^[15 Sea_View Road] ^[Starting Bid: 1.000.000$] ^[Screenshots:] ^[]
  3. ^[11 EL CORONA] ^[Starting bid: 1.000.000$] ^[Screenshots:] ^[] (( P.S: Ignore @JohnnyEnglish mens just focus on the prop )
  4. Address: 11 El Corona Username:bas260 Last seen: 15 May 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vsssQJc
  5. Address: El Sore Arse Account name: bas260 Last seen: 15 May 2019 SS: https://imgur.com/a/GGn5cRP
  6. Roleplay type: Patrol Patrol time: 40 min Date (DD/MM/YY): 14/06/2019 Location: LS-LV Participants: N/A Screenshots: Click Here!
  7. perfect
  8. Adress : some street house thing Username : nihen14 last seen : 12 / 05 / 2019 Screenshot : https://imgur.com/a/wPmbGwe
  9. Roleplay type: Patrol Patrol time: 50 min Date (DD/MM/YY): 10/06/2019 Location: LS-FC Participants: N/A Screenshots: Click Here!
  10. ez to be abused
  11. @ferthis said in Fire Academy Application - Ferthis - 23/05/2019: Roleplay type: Bus accident Description of roleplay: We got a emergency call telling us that a civillian bus crashed on the bridge to Red County and caught on fire. We immediately got 3 firetrucks and headed to the scene of the crash. When we arrived we noticed that all the passengers already left the bus. We got our fire extinguishers and started to control the fire. After the fire was controlled we only needed to get the bus to a safe location. So we got our steel cabels and connected them to the firetruck and to the bus. We towed the bus on on the road again and called a salvage team to clean up the mess. Date (DD/MM/YY):06/06/2019 Location: LV-RC bridge Participants: @Riley @JohnnyEnglish @RadiO @Markus @Bones @Mohamed-Mostafa Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. RadiO


    @Mrwan said in A giveaway: 885 Comment a number between 1-50 lmao ;D
  13. RadiO


  14. good luck
  15. @ferthis said in Fire Academy Application - Ferthis - 23/05/2019: Roleplay type: Car crash Description of roleplay: After arriving at the Los Santos fire station station me and my colleagues got a briefing from Firefighter Bozi. Our assistance was needed in the Richman area where a vehicle caught on fire. The driver was heavily wounded so we needed to bring a ambulance to the scene of the crash. When we arrived at the scene we amediatly started to extinguish the fire while our colleagues in the ambulance took care of the victim. After some hours we controlled the fire and started to search the nearby houses for damage. Luckily the no house in the area was damaged by the fire so we were able to return to the fire station and leave the wreck for the goverment to clean-up. Date (DD/MM/YY):05/06/2019 Location: Los Santos Participants: @Riley @RadiO @Final324 @Tapi @Bozi Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. @Bozi said in SAFD :: Public Media Archive: Roleplay type: House Fire Description of roleplay: It was a calm evening when we got a call about a fire in woods.A wooden house was burning, no further information were given.We responded there with 2 engines and 1 ambulance.We connected a few hoses to the hydrants and started throwing water on the house.We extinguished the fire after 13 minutes.Forest fire was prevented. Date (DD/MM/YY): 04/06/2019 Location: Los Santos Participants: @DJO @ferthis , @Tapi @Bozi . Screenshots: Click Here!
  17. RadiO

    Eid Mubarak

    Happy Eid to you and Hssouna too ;D
  18. TMH Technicians Working on : 04/06/2019 Technicians Involved: TMH|RadioGaga Location: LVx Duration of Working: 25 Min Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10-15 ScreenShot: Click Here!
  19. Roleplay type: Patrol Patrol time: 45 min Date (DD/MM/YY): 04/06/2019 Location: LS Participants: N/A Screenshots: Click Here!
  20. ty Moly you too and the whole SAES Community
  21. Roleplay type: Patrol Patrol time: 35 min Date (DD/MM/YY): 03/06/2019 Location: LS-RC-LV Participants: N/A Screenshots: Click Here!
  22. @KARIM GUI pic please to know income and Max Value.
  23. Roleplay type: Patrol Patrol time: 40 min Date (DD/MM/YY): 02/06/2019 Location: LS-RC-LV-BC Participants: N/A Screenshots: Click Here!
  24. Address: 8 s&m road Account name: badass123 Last seen: 1may 2019 ss: https://imgur.com/a/D5V594L
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