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Everything posted by Green

  1. Participants @Green Duration 15 min Activity Refuelling Gas Stations Date 15.07.2024 Screenshots
  2. Participants @Green Duration 15 min Activity Refuelling Gas Stations Date 14.07.2024 Screenshots
  3. Activity #46 14/07/2024 Duration: 35 minutes Screenshots:
  4. Participants @Green Duration 35 Minutes Activity Refueling Gas Stations Date 13.07.2024 Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/nYogqfS
  5. Construction Title: Roof Party @LV RP/Activity Number: #5 Number of objects: 383 Link to pastebin: N/A Screenshots:
  6. Participants @Green Duration 20 Minutes Activity Trucking Deliveries Date 13.07.2024 Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/Ar6wJN1
  7. Event Date: 13.07.2024 Event LWS: @MaRoO Event Type: Race to MC Top Event Reward(s): 14.000.000$ Event Winner(s): @SlapBobs Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/race-to-mc-top-14-000-000-pMkfx1s
  8. Event Date: 13.07.2024 Event LWS: @MaRoO Event Type: Simon Says Event Reward(s): 10.000.000$ Event Winner(s): @SlapBobs Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/simon-says-10-000-00-Tl9rifH
  9. Event Date: 13.07.2024 Event LWS: @MaRoO Event Type: Marathon Event Reward(s): 2.000.000$ Event Winner(s): 215|Matrix Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/marathon-2-000-000-7MgxRG6
  10. Event Date: 13.07.2024 Event LWS: @MaRoO Event Type: Fallout Event Reward(s): 2.000.000$ Event Winner(s): @Terry Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/3TE14Fp
  11. Event Date: 13.07.2024 Event LWS: @MaRoO Event Type: Lucky Nade Event Reward(s): 2.000.000$ Event Winner(s): [SWAT]Jojo Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/lucky-nade-event-2-000-000-VnPjfTC
  12. Roleplay Date: 12.07.2024 Roleplay Participants: @Dodoo @Green @Carlos @honorr Roleplay Story: The Wolves' Heist A member of the Midnight Wolves gang spots a truck carrying motorcycles while driving along a lonely stretch of highway. Realizing the potential value of the cargo, he quickly contacts another gang member and shares the truck's location. Until his partner arrives, he follows the truck closely, ensuring it doesn't escape their grasp. When his partner arrives, they position their motorcycles in front of the truck, forcing it to a halt. The truck driver, realizing the danger, steps out and pulls a gun. However, faced with two determined gang members, he knows he stands little chance. Reluctantly, he surrenders. The Midnight Wolves gang members quickly take control of the truck and drive it to their hidden warehouse. Once there, they begin dismantling the motorcycles, preparing to sell the valuable parts on the black market. Screenshots;
  13. Participants @Green Duration 30 Minutes Activity Trucking Deliveries Date 12.07.2024 Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/zINbZZS
  14. Date: 12/07/2024 Participants: @Green Duration: 15 minutes Activity: Trucking Screenshots:
  15. Event Date: 11.07.2024 Event LWS: OLSEN Event Type: NRG-500 Race Event Reward(s): 5.000.000$ Event Winner(s): @BlaZe Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/Dw3d1Uo
  16. Construction Title: Wolves Weapon Cache RP/Activity Number: #4 Number of objects: 49 Link to pastebin: N/A Screenshots:
  17. Event Date: 09.07.2024 Event LWS: @Aveyro Event Type: First one bring me a NRG(Purple + White) Event Reward(s): 1.000.000$ Event Winner(s): 007.zF Screenshot(s):
  18. Event Date: 09.07.2024 Event LWS: @Aveyro Event Type: Face2Face LMS Event Reward(s): 1.000.000$ Event Winner(s): @DarkSideR Screenshot(s):
  19. Event Date: 09.07.2024 Event LWS: @Aveyro Event Type: Land on my DFT Event Reward(s): 2.000.000$ (4 rounds / 500k each round) Event Winner(s): @Zyler , 2x @KiroSa , 007.zF Screenshot(s):
  20. Construction Title: ZIP Base Material Storage RP/Activity Number: #3 Number of objects: 113 Link to pastebin: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/M2plZ3q
  21. Event Date: 07.07.2024 Event LWS: @Aveyro Event Type: NRG-500 Race Event Reward(s): 1.000.000$ Event Winner(s): [SWAT]Doom Screenshot(s):
  22. Event Date: 06.07.2024 Event LWS: @KARIM Event Type: Last Man Standing Event Reward(s): 1.000.000$ Event Winner(s): oL|Garb3 Screenshot(s):
  23. Helping My Mechanic Friend RP/Activity Number: #2 Partipicants: @Don Organizations Involved: N/A Link to the Album: https://imgur.com/a/Ik7EEzg Story: One day, my mechanic friend Don excitedly came to me and told me that he wanted to set up a small mechanic shop in LVX. His dream got me excited too, and I immediately agreed to help him. After listening to Don's ideas, I started searching for a suitable place in LVX. After a while, I found the perfect location for the shop and got to work. To turn Don's dreams into reality, I meticulously planned every detail and started working. I set up a simple, portable car repair shop. I put in the effort to create an open-top repair area with only the essential equipment. After working on it for a while, I finished the shop. When the shop was completed, I called Don and showed him his new place. Don really liked it, and the happiness on his face showed that it was all worth it. When I visited after some time, seeing that Don's shop had become a busy place made me happy. We were now ready to serve customers in LVX and were eagerly looking forward to our future successes.
  24. +100 point from here Total number of donation points updated: 180
  25. This is an automated post for: Green Donation: GBP 50.00 GBP Link to your donation tracker topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your donation tracking topic link and requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle 1: Vehicle Type: DFT-30 Vehicle Colour: i can update it Specify any upgrades: i can update it Usernames to lock: furkanzhlp Where you want it placed: LS Vehicle 2: Vehicle Type: NRG-500 Vehicle Colour: i can update it Specify any upgrades: i can update it Usernames to lock: furkanzhlp Where you want it placed: LS Vehicle 3: Vehicle Type: Maverick Vehicle Colour: i can update it Specify any upgrades: i can update it Usernames to lock: furkanzhlp Where you want it placed: LS Vehicle 4: Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: i can update it Specify any upgrades: i can update it Usernames to lock: furkanzhlp Where you want it placed: LV Vehicle 5: Vehicle Type: Stratum Vehicle Colour: i can update it Specify any upgrades: i can update it Usernames to lock: furkanzhlp Where you want it placed: LS Vehicle 6: Vehicle Type: Super-GT Vehicle Colour: i can update it Specify any upgrades: i can update it Usernames to lock: furkanzhlp Where you want it placed: LS Vehicle 7: Vehicle Type: Vincent Vehicle Colour: i can update it Specify any upgrades: i can update it Usernames to lock: furkanzhlp Where you want it placed: LS Vehicle 8: Vehicle Type: Hotring Racer Vehicle Colour: i can update it Specify any upgrades: i can update it Usernames to lock: furkanzhlp Where you want it placed: LS Vehicle 9: Vehicle Type: Buffalo Vehicle Colour: i can update it Specify any upgrades: i can update it Usernames to lock: furkanzhlp Where you want it placed: LS Vehicle 10: Vehicle Type: NRG-500 Vehicle Colour: i can update it Specify any upgrades: i can update it Usernames to lock: furkanzhlp Where you want it placed: LS For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
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