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Everything posted by Green

  1. ~[Welcome to Green's LWS events archive topic.]~(lime,green,black) ~[Money spent on all events:]~(lime,green,black) 80.000.000$ ~[Event count:]~(lime,green,black) 27 ~[Unique types of event i did;]~(lime,green,black) Tree Maze Four Color ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/HvecIRt.png) **Event Number #** **Event Type #** **Helper #** **Prize(s) #** **Winner(s) #** **Screenshoot(s) #** ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/HvecIRt.png)
  2. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 153 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Sold bike to my old friend. -=(black,red)Participants:=- @MetalHead -=(black,red)Story:=- An old friend from the VA gang said to me that I want to buy a motorcycle. I said, "You came to the best place you could find. Our motorcycles are the best products in this industry. Let me show to you." to him and I showed him our motorcycles.He didn't like what I showed him but we had a new bike so I told him that ''You are lucky just last week we got a new model bike. I am sure you gonna love it''. And I went to the new bike for showed to him. He liked the new bike but I wanted to set him up for the gang. Even so, I had to sell it to him because I had a lot of trouble with money. Also, an amount of money has always been good. After completing the agreement and signing the necessary documents, we completed the sale. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/liVbzkg
  3. and the country will be RC
  4. Wrong username! Username will be : paulolguin
  5. Username: elsaa Last seen: 5th August 2018 Screenshots:
  6. Username: elsaa Last seen: 13th April 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YoeBw46
  7. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number ):=- 149 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Caught Robber While Theft -=(black,red)Story:=-After few deal i was returning to base. I saw an Voodoo car which is suspicious none of our member's uses and never saw before , our bar was empty for that moment. So i suspect and took a look inside , i saw some balaclavad black suit person which is might be a robber i tried to stop him by telling "Stay where you are and don't do anything stupid pal!" he acted like he is calm but when he realised i have gun and aiming to him he started shaking slowly moved beside bar and tried to run throught door to outside. I tried to stop myself but i already saw he opened up our MC case and took even not all but some cash from it. I had no choice , shooted him before he goes out. He fell down and tried to grab something i took the cash back from his back and check the money, some of the pellets pierced throught cashes , most of them was ok. That guy was hired and never saw him before , i had no choice i finished his job and took care the body. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/NJjFuF7
  8. PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING FORMAT FOR YOUR DONATIONS: Donator: accountname : furkanzhlp in game name : Sup22|GreenBoi Transaction ID: 39J62382105748327 Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Requested rewards: 1 Maverick - #FF0000 - LV Airport 1 Million in game cash
  9. Nickname:GreenBoi Account Name:Furkanzhlp Gender:Male Age:18 Nationality:Turkey Primary Language:Turkish Secondry Language(s):English How long have you been playing SAES: 1 Years How many hours do you have (Use TAB): 13 Hours Previous G/S/C : G:Vengeance Angels What is roleplay means? : Playing game like in real life What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) : Killing any person without any reason. What is the difference about PBR and BR ?: PBR (Public Bank Robbery) allow to criminals and gangs to help open | BR ( Bank Robbery ) only allow to offical gangs to help open Tell us 2 BR rules : 1 - not allowed DM. 2 - not allowed camping the enterance of bank. Tell us 2 Turf war rules: 1 - only allowed for gang spawn or hospital spawn 2 - not allowed to camping on rooftops. What is avoid arrest ?: Killing yourself while cop's are trying to catch you. Why do you want to join us?: I like riding motorcycle in game and real life also my friends and i wanted it. Why should we accept you?: I was old player also i get suggested. Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who): Soulfly https://imgur.com/a/Qldsnd7
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